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UNDP helps countries across the Arab region to build and share their own solutions to development challenges within UNDP’s four main focus areas: Poverty Reduction and Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, Democratic Governance, Crisis Prevention and Recovery, and Environment and Sustainable Development. UNDP’s work also emphasizes the priority concerns of HIV/AIDS, gender equality, and the protection of human rights, while addressing as well the human development deficits identified by the first series of the Arab Human Development Report — in knowledge, freedom, and women’s empowerment. Building on the tradition of UNDP’s Global Human Development Reports, the Arab Human Development Report has become a milestone in the discussion and debate on the reform agenda for human development in the Arab region.


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The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is taking the necessary measures to adapt to the current situation and maintain its operations in Egypt. In fulfillment of its Human Development mandate, UNDP remains fully committed to supporting the people and government of Egypt in finding their own solutions to development challenges and building a better life. The UNDP Egypt Country Office will continue to operate in the core areas of: Democratic Governance; Poverty Reduction; Crisis Prevention and Recovery; and Environment and Energy. UNDP looks forward to engaging the government to discuss current programme continuity, shape the programme of the next cycle and design innovative projects that meet the evolving challenges facing the people of Egypt.

14 February 2011
UNDP Administrator, Helen Clark, appointed Mr. Frode Mauring as her Special Representative in the occupied Palestinian territory, to replace Mr. Jens Toyberg-Frandzen, who retired at the end of September 2010 and Mr. Timothy Rothermel who was serving as Special Representative at interim during the transition phase. Mr. Mauring assumed his responsibilities on Friday 11 February 2011. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Mauring was UNDP Resident Representative and UN Resident Coordinator in Russia, Kosovo and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

11 February 2011
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called again for a transparent, orderly and peaceful transition in Egypt after hearing of President Hosni Mubarak’s decision to step down after weeks of anti-government protests, and commended the Egyptian people for making their voices heard.

11 February 2011
Kadugli, the Southern Kordofan state government, the UNDP and the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) officially launched a vocational training programme for ex-combatants and community members in the state. The programme will support a total of 215 participants who will be trained over a period of six-months.


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Highlights from Arab States

As it fights to improve security in the country as a whole, the Government of Iraq is also advancing a series of gender-related rule-of-law programmes to enhance protections for women in particular, with the support of UNDP.
The people of Southern Sudan have voted overwhelmingly to secede and form their own country.
Juba – Voters in Southern Sudan flooded polling stations this week to decide whether the south of the country becomes independent from the north. The referendum is part of a peace deal signed in 2005 which ended 20 years of civil war.
After the July 2006 war severely damaged Lebanon’s socio-economic and infrastructure, the establishment of income-generating projects in highly war-affected areas, especially projects targeting women was crucial to support the infrastructural and agricultural services and cooperatives. 
UNDP initiated a three-month project to construct two flood control dykes on the Buray stream near Khadijo Haji Village. The construction of the two dykes have effectively controlled flooding and thereby contributed to increased food production for the pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in the hinterland of the Gedo Region.
The devastating July 2006 war affected the lives and livelihoods of the local community in Beirut southern suburbs, particularly the fishermen at the Ouzai port, where an entire fleet of 300 fishing boats - the source of a living for many - were destroyed.
Juba (Sudan) – Today at the Juba airport, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) delivered ballots for more than 4 million voters to the Southern Sudan Referendum Bureau. The ballots will be used in the referendum on 9 January 2011, in which Southern citizens will choose whether to remain united with the North or to secede and form their own independent country.
Regional Bureau of Arab States
The Arab region has achieved progress in many MDGs, including significant strides in health and education, says a recently launched UN Report. However, there have been setbacks and constraints attributable to several factors.   
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is taking a more active role to enact local policies towards a lower-carbon economy. There is a growing push within the Kingdom to develop and apply clean energy technologies and reduce dependence of the domestic economy on oil consumption. This helps conserve critical oil reserves for future export revenues, while also reducing Saudi Arabia carbon footprint, currently one of the world’s highest. This holds the prospect for the Kingdom to shift in the future from the world’s oil capital, to a global leader and pioneer in clean energy technologies.
In the North East of Syria, the country’s poorest region, water shortages have been exacerbated by a three-year drought which has been particularly painful for the country’s rural poor, and has prompted substantial internal population displacement. This environmental pressure has dire consequences not only for the economic well-being of poor households, but also for the preservation of traditional ways of life.
In the Arab Region, where HIV/AIDS is a growing crisis that has major spiritual, social and political dimensions, UNDP has been mobilizing religious leaders in the HIV response through the support of its Regional HIV/AIDS in the Arab States (HARPAS) to address stigma and discrimination against people living with and affected by HIV in the Arab Region
Every year hundreds of Iraqis are killed or maimed by cluster munitions and landmines, due to Iraq’s contamination of millions of explosive remnants of war (ERW).
occupied Palestinian territory
Celebrating the UN Day more than 100 UN staff members from eleven UN sister organizations joined the Palestinian farmers harvest their olive trees in Turmusaya village
Films that represent a few of the voices coming out of Iraq, of normal people living normal lives—in Baghdad—in a highly insecure environment. 
Southern Sudan legislative assembly delegation concludes study tour to Egypt
Popular Fund for Savings and Credits extends services to the neighborhood level
Confident Steps on the Path of Change
Community organizing and better boats transform lives in a fishing community
Women framers make the best use improved irrigation
Project helps in enhancing cure rates for patients with cancer
Minimising damages to the environment that olive mill waste water can cause
Code of conduct for prisons staff approved


In the Spotlight

8 February 2011
With eyes fixed on the rapidly-changing Arab world, the Regional Bureau for Arab States of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has since 2002 convened scholars, policymakers and opinion leaders in the region to analyze and assess the extent of development challenges facing their countries.
Their findings, captured in five volumes of the Arab Human Development Report, foster a broad, informed discussion on the key questions facing stakeholders in the pursuit of human development to its full potential.
In many ways, the report is a breakthrough: Not only does it highlight the root causes and the deep drivers of development challenges in the region, but it also outlines a vision for the fulfilment of human development through increased access to education and knowledge, full enjoyment of freedom as the cornerstone of good governance, and empowerment of women.
“Bold thinking holds the key to realizing grand visions for the future,” reads the 2002 report. “Great goals require great acts.” Read more

Read the Arab Human Development Reports here.


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