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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
The Department of Political Affairs (DPA) and the United Nations Development Group (UNDG) have many opportunities to collaborate, particularly in post-conflict and transition countries. There are many processes and instruments that facilitate joint assessment and planning, including Post-Conflict Needs Assessment (PCNA), Common Country Assessment (CCA), and the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF).

Significant cooperation and collaboration is already taking place in-country, where joint assessment and joint activities are often implemented between the UNCT and DPA presence. However, stronger cooperation can be facilitated by an enhanced understanding among DPA and UNDG staff on the different working processes, governance structures, and types of presence in-country of these two entities. Specifically, it would be useful for DPA to know how existing assessment and planning processes can be utilized for integrated analyses and planning, including PCNA and integrated Strategic Assessment exercises. Equally, a better knowledge can be generated within UNDG of the different DPA types of presence in-country, with the aim to foster stronger collaboration.

To promote a better understanding of each others' work -- and in particular to explore better ways to cooperate and collaborate within the existing assessment and planning processes -- DPA and UNDOCO are organizing a working session in August 2008. Through this session, it is expected that participants will gain a better understanding of modalities of DPA engagement in countries, as well as various assessment and planning tools (PCNA, CCA/UNDAF, Strategic Assessment, etc.).

The session will produce concrete and actionable recommendations for DPA and UNDG to improve cooperation and collaboration in the assessment and planning processes.

For more information on the Department of Political Affairs, please visit the DPA website

Background Documents

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DPA Brief
by: DPA
Summary of Conclusions of Experience in Integration and Collaboration at the Country Level
Report: Joint Review Mission on UN Post-Conflict Peacebuilding Support Offices
The joint Department of Political Affairs/UNDP Review Mission visited the Central African Republic, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, and Tajikistan May - June 2001. Its objective was to assess the performance of the UN post-conflict peacebuilding offices, recommend changes to improve their operation, and enhance the efficacy of the UN system to build peace and stability in post-conflict environments.
DOCO Brief
by: DOCO
A brief description of DOCO's work, particularly as it relates to post-crisis transition settings.
Table on Integrated Mission Task Forces (IMTFs)
Table on existing Integrated Mission Task Forces (IMTFs) at the HQ level.
Excerpt of the report of the Secretary-General on Functioning of the resident coordinator system, including costs and benefits E/2008/60
Comparative table of deployment of PDAs, ERAs, SPs and OCHA offices
August 2008
SG Policy Committee Decision on Integration (25 June 2008)
June 2008
Summary of CCA/UNDAF Guidelines
The CCA/UNDAF Guidelines were revised in February 2007 to take into account new developments in aid effectiveness (World Summit Outcome Document, Paris Declaration), cross-cutting principles, and comments from agencies and country teams. They represent an agreement between all agencies in the UN Development Group and therefore should be applied in full to the common country programming process at the country level. This document is a summary of key points.