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This section contains a collection of documents concerning people "who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, or for reasons owing to external aggression, occupation, foreign domination or events seriously disturbing public order in either part or the whole of their country of origin or nationality, are compelled to leave their place of habitual residence in order to seek refuge outside their country of origin or nationality and are unable or, owing to such fear, are unwilling to avail themselves of the protection of their country of origin or nationality"

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Compendium of Migration and HIV and AIDS - Interventions
UNAIDS, Jan 2009
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Maritime interception operations and the processing of international protection claims: legal standards and policy considerations with respect to extraterritorial processing
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Nov 2010
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Reproductive health care for asylum-seeking women - a challenge for health professionals
Elisabeth Kurth, Fabienne N Jaeger, Elisabeth Zemp, Sibil Tschudin, Alexander Bischoff
BioMed Central, Nov 2010
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Vulnerable or invisible? Asylum seekers with disabilities in Europe
Clara Straimer
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Nov 2010
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World Migration Report 2010 - The Future of Migration: Building of Capacities for Change
International Organization for Migration, Nov 2010
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Etat de la migration dans le monde 2010 - L’avenir des migrations : Renforcer les capacités face aux changements
International Organization for Migration, Nov 2010
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Informe sobre las migraciones en el mundo 2010 - El Futuro de la Migración: Creación de Capacidades para el Cambio
International Organization for Migration, Nov 2010
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Forced Migration Review Supplement - HIV/AIDS, security and conflict: making the connections
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Oct 2010
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UNHCR and community development: a weak link in the chain of refugee protection?
Noel Calhoun
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Oct 2010
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A Call to Better Protect Women and Girls: Visibility, Dignity and Livelihoods
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Oct 2010
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Victims of violence: A review of the Protection of Civilians concept and its relevance to UNHCR's mandate
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Sep 2010
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Voting with their feet: A review of refugee participation and the role of UNHCR in country of origin elections and other political processes
Katy Long
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Sep 2010
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Persistent Needs and Gaps: the Protection of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) Refugees: An Overview of UNHCR’s Response to LGBTI Refugees and Recommendations to Enhance Protection
Human Rights First, Sep 2010
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UNHCR Projected Global Resettlement Needs 2011: Including Overview of UNHCR Resettlement Achievements in 2009, Operational Challenges and Strategic Directions for 2010-2011
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jul 2010
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Deportation, Non-Deportability and Ideas of Membership
Dr. Emanuela Paoletti
Refugee Studies Centre, Jul 2010
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Cease Fire: Handbook of Peace Process
Vicenç Fisas
School for a Culture of Peace, Jul 2010
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SEMINAIRE REGIONAL DE LA FIDH - Migrations internationales : Travailleurs migrants, demandeurs d’asile et réfugiés en Europe de l’Est, Asie centrale et Caucase du sud
Fédération Internationale des Ligues des Droits de I'Homme, Jul 2010
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CERF Annual Report 2009
UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Jul 2010
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Irregular Migration, Migrant Smuggling and Human Rights: Towards Coherence
International Council on Human Rights Policy, Jul 2010
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2009 Global Trends: Refugees, Asylum-seekers, Returnees, Internally Displaced and Stateless Persons
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2010
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Migration Initiatives Appeal
International Organization for Migration, Jun 2010
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Limitations on universality: the "right to health" and the necessity of legal nationality
BioMed Central, Jun 2010
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Building a Better World: CHF International Program Report 2009
CHF International, Jun 2010
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The Politics of Poverty: Elites, Citizens and States: Findings from ten years of DFID-funded research on Governance and Fragile States 2001–2010
Department for International Development, Jun 2010
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Asylum applicants and first instance decisions on asylum applications in Q4 2009
European Commission, May 2010
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Internal Displacement: Global Overview of Trends and Developments in 2009
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, May 2010
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ICRC Annual Report 2009
ICRC, May 2010
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Refugees International: 2009 Annual Report
Refugees International, May 2010
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Prevention of forced displacement: the inconsistencies of a concept
Josep Zapater
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Apr 2010
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Reconceiving refugees and internally displaced persons as transitional justice actors
Susan Harris Rimmer
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Apr 2010
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Enhanced and Integrated Approach regarding Information on Return and Reintegration in Countries of Origin
International Organization for Migration, Apr 2010
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Une Approche visant à améliorer et intégrer les Informations sur le Retour et la Réintégration dans les Pays d’Origine
International Organization for Migration, Apr 2010
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Public Health Equity in Refugee and Other Displaced Persons Settings
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Apr 2010
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Forced Migration Research and Policy: Overview of Current Trends and Future Directions
Refugee Studies Centre, Apr 2010
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Home alone? A review of the relationship between repatriation, mobility and durable solutions for refugees
Katy Long
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mar 2010
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Refugees, internally displaced persons and the ‘responsibility to protect’
Dr Susan Harris Rimmer
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mar 2010
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Asylum Levels and Trends in Industrialized Countries 2009 - Statistical Overview of Asylum Applications Lodged in Europe and selected Non-European Countries
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mar 2010
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Humanitarian Exchange Magazine No. 46 - Feature: Humanitarian Protection
ODI - Humanitarian Practice Network, Mar 2010
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International labour migration - A rights-based approach
International Labour Organization, Mar 2010
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Improving Asylum Procedures: Comparative Analysis and Recommendations for Law and Practice: Key Findings and Recommendations
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mar 2010
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Statelessness: UNHCR Action to Address Statelessness - A Strategy Note
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mar 2010
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Integrating Internal Displacement in Peace Processes and Agreements
Brookings-Bern Project on Internal Displacement, Feb 2010
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Last Line of Defense: How Peacekeepers Can Better Protect Civilians
Refugees International, Feb 2010
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Forced Migration Review No. 34 - Urban Displacement
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Feb 2010
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Solving Property Issues of Refugees and Displaced Persons
Jørgen Poulsen
Council of Europe, Jan 2010
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Homeward Bound? Towards a New and Political Understanding of Refugee Repatriation
Katy Long
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Dec 2009
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World Refugee Survey 2009
US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Dec 2009
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Humanitarian Exchange Magazine No. 45 - Feature: Humanitarian action in Colombia
ODI - Humanitarian Practice Network, Dec 2009
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Intercambio Humanitario Número 45
ODI - Humanitarian Practice Network, Dec 2009
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Migration Autumn 2009: Adapting to Climate Change
International Organization for Migration, Nov 2009
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Anatomy of a Resolution: The General Assembly in UNHCR History
Mike McBride
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Nov 2009
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PERIL OR PROTECTION: The Link Between Livelihoods and Gender-based Violence in Displacement Settings
Women's Refugee Commission, Nov 2009
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Evaluation of the UNHCR Joint Organisation Strategy 2007-2009 with Canada, Denmark and UK
Danish International Development Assistance, Nov 2009
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Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano 2009 : Superando barreras - Movilidad y desarrollo humanos
UN Development Programme, Oct 2009
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Asylum Levels and Trends in Industrialized Countries First Half 2009: Statistical Overview of Asylum Applications Lodged in Europe and Selected Non-European Countries
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Oct 2009
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Overcoming Fragility in Africa: Forging a New European Approach (Advanced copy)
European Union, Oct 2009
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Convention de l'Union africaine sur la protection et l'assistance aux personnes déplacées en Afrique (Convention de Kampala)
African Union, Oct 2009
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Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (A/64/12)
UN General Assembly, Oct 2009
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Policy Briefing on Statelessness, Protection and Equality
Professor Brad K. Blitz
Refugee Studies Centre, Sep 2009
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Forced Migration Review No. 33 - Protracted Displacement
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Sep 2009
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UNHCR Policy on Refugee Protection and Solutions in Urban Areas
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Sep 2009
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Human Development Report 2009 - Overcoming barriers: Human mobility and development
UN Development Programme, Sep 2009
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Refugee Protection and International Migration: A Review of UNHCR’s Operational Role in Southern Italy
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Sep 2009
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Micro-Economic Initiatives: Handbook
ICRC, Sep 2009
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Realising Protection: The Uncertain Benefits of Civilian, Refugee and IDP Status
Sarah Collinson, James Darcy, Nicholas Waddell and Anna Schmidt
ODI - Humanitarian Policy Group, Sep 2009
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Politique du HCR sur la protection des réfugiés et les solutions en milieu urbain
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Sep 2009
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NRC Annual Report 2008
Norwegian Refugee Council, Aug 2009
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UNHCR's Engagement with Integrated UN Missions: Report of a Lessons Learned Workshop
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Aug 2009
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Greater Expectations: UN Peacekeeping and Civilian Protection
Refugees International, Jul 2009
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Protecting Civilians and Protecting Ideas: Institutional Challenges to the Protection of Civilians: NUPI Working Paper 760
Benjamin de Carvalho, Jon Harald Sande Lie
Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Jul 2009
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Results in Development Cooperation 2008
Government of Sweden, Jul 2009
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Refugees International: 2008 Annual Report
Refugees International, Jun 2009
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Building a Better World: CHF International Program Report 2008
CHF International, Jun 2009
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2008 Global Trends: Refugees, Asylum-Seekers, Returnees, Internally Displaced and Stateless Persons
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2009
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Refugee and Humanitarian Issues: Australia’s Response
Government of Australia, Jun 2009
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Development assistance and refugees - Towards a North-South grand bargain?
Dr Alexander Betts
Refugee Studies Centre, Jun 2009
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Rescue at Sea: A guide to Principles and Practice as Applied to Migrants and Refugees
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2009
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2008-2009 Global Analysis: UNHCR Accountability Framework for Age, Gender and Diversity Mainstreaming and Targeted Actions
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2009
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ECRE Memorandum to the JHA Council - Guaranteeing Refugee Protection and Safeguarding Respect for Fundamental Rights
European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)
European Council on Refugees and Exiles, May 2009
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Refugee Girls: The Invisible Faces of War
Women's Refugee Commission, May 2009
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Forced Migration Review No. 32 - Statelessness
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Apr 2009
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Mental Health Issues in Unaccompanied Refugee Minors
Julia Huemer, Niranjan S Karnik, Sabine Voelkl-Kernstock, Elisabeth Granditsch, Kanita Dervic, Max H Friedrich, Hans Steiner
BioMed Central, Apr 2009
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Internal Displacement: Global Overview of Trends and Developments in 2008
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, Apr 2009
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European Elections 2009: Time for a Welcoming Europe
European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)
European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Mar 2009
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Asylum Levels and Trends in Industrialized Countries 2008 - Statistical Overview of Asylum Applications Lodged in Europe and selected Non-European Countries
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mar 2009
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Nationality Rights for All: A Progress Report and Global Survey on Statelessness
Katherine Southwick , J.D. & M. Lynch, Ph.D.
Refugees International, Mar 2009
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Witchcraft Allegations, Refugee Protection and Human Rights: A Review of the Evidence
Jill Schnoebelen
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 2009
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A Surrogate State? The Role of UNHCR in Protracted Refugee Situations
Amy Slaughter and Jeff Crisp
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 2009
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ECRE Information Note on the Returns Directive
European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)
European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Jan 2009
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UNFPA Annual Report 2008
UN Population Fund, Jan 2009
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UNFPA - Informe Anual 2008
UN Population Fund, Jan 2009
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UNFPA - Rapport Annuel 2008
UN Population Fund, Jan 2009
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UNHCR Global Appeal 2009 Update
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Dec 2008
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Improving the Safety of Civilians: A Protection Training Pack
Sophia Swithern and Rachel Hastie; Oxfam GB
Oxfam GB, Dec 2008
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Engaging Men and Boys in Refugee Settings to Address Sexual and Gender Based Violence
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Dec 2008
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Concrete Steps Towards a European Resettlement Programme
European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)
European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Dec 2008
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EU Funding Priorities in Eastern Europe for Refugee Protection, Migration Management and Border Reinforcement
European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)
European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Nov 2008
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Family Reunification: A Right for Forced Migrants?
Anne Staver
Refugee Studies Centre, Nov 2008
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Forced Migration Review No. 31 - Climate Change and Displacement
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Oct 2008
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The long road home: Opportunities and obstacles to the reintegration of IDPs and refugees returning to Southern Sudan and the Three Areas - Phase II
Sara Pantuliano; Margie Buchanan-Smith; Paul Murphy and Irina Mosel
ODI - Humanitarian Policy Group, Oct 2008
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Moving Beyond Rhetoric: Consultation and Participation with Populations Displaced by Conflict or Natural Disasters
The Brookings Institution - University of Bern Project on Internal Displacement
Brookings-Bern Project on Internal Displacement, Oct 2008
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Asylum Levels and Trends in Industrialized Countries - First Half 2008 - Statistical Overview of Asylum Applications Lodged in 38 European and 6 Non-European Countries
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Oct 2008
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NRC Annual Report 2007
Norwegian Refugee Council, Sep 2008
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FMO Research Guide on Climate Change and Displacement
Camillo Boano
Refugee Studies Centre, Sep 2008
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UNHCR/WFP Joint Assessment Missions Guidelines Second Edition/September 2008
World Food Programme, Sep 2008
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State, Nation, Citizen: Rethinking Repatriation
Refugee Studies Centre, Aug 2008
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Global Future Edition 2, 2008 - Neglected emergencies: Forgotten but not Gone
World Vision, Aug 2008
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2007 Global Trends: Refugees, Asylum-seekers, Returnees, Internally Displaced and Stateless Persons
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2008
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International Dialogue on Migration No 10 - Expert Seminar: Migration and the Environment
International Organization for Migration, Jun 2008
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Migration Research Series No. 33: Climate Change and Migration: Improving Methodologies to Estimate Flows
International Organization for Migration, Jun 2008
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The Refugee Crisis in Southern and Central Africa
James Schneider
Journal of Humanitarian Assistance, Jun 2008
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Mental Health of Returnees: Refugees in Germany Prior to Their State-sponsored Repatriation
Ulrike von Lersner, Ulrike Wiens, Thomas Elbert, Frank Neuner
BioMed Central, Jun 2008
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World Refugee Survey 2008
US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Jun 2008
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Refugees International: 2007 Annual Report
Refugees International, Jun 2008
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Disabilities among Refugees and Conflict-Affected Populations: Resource Kit for Fieldworkers
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Jun 2008
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Disabilities among Refugees and Conflict-Affected Populations
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Jun 2008
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World Disasters Report 2008: Focus on HIV and AIDS
IFRC, Jun 2008
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To Complain or Not to Complain: Still the Question - Consultations with Humanitarian Aid Beneficiaries on Their Perceptions of Efforts to Prevent and Respond to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Kirsti Lattu
Humanitarian Accountability Partnership, Jun 2008
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Local Integration: An Under-Reported Solution to Protracted Refugee Situations
Alexandra Fielden
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2008
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Disabilities Among Refugees and Conflict-Affected Populations
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Jun 2008
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Conflict-Induced Migration and Remittances: Exploring Conceptual Frameworks
Dr Anna Lindley
Refugee Studies Centre, May 2008
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Camp Management Toolkit
Norwegian Refugee Council, May 2008
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Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Mitigation in Refugee and Displaced Populations - WHO guidelines for humanitarian agencies. Second edition
World Health Organization, May 2008
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Consultation on Reproductive Health Technologies in Crisis Settings: Summary of Proceedings
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, May 2008
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Influencing State Behavior for Refugee Protection: UNHCR and the Design of the Refugee protection Regime
Maria Stavropoulou
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Apr 2008
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Forced Migration Review No. 30 - Burma's displaced people
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Apr 2008
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Beyond the Nexus: UNHCR's Evolving Perspective on Refugee Protection and International Migration
Jeff Crisp
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Apr 2008
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Rapid Assessment of Alcohol and Other Substance Use in Conflict-Affected and Displaced Populations: A Field Guide
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Apr 2008
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Guidance on Infant Feeding and HIV in the Context of Refugees and Displaced Populations
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Apr 2008
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Future Floods of Refugees: A Comment on Climate Change, Conflict and Forced Migration
Norwegian Refugee Council, Apr 2008
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Guidance on Profiling Internally Displaced Persons
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, Apr 2008
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Through the Eyes of a Child: Refugee Children Speak about Violence - A Report on Participatory Assessments Carried out with Refugee and Returnee Children in Southern Africa
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mar 2008
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Manual for conducting HIV Behavioral Surveillance Surveys among Displaced Populations and their Surrounding Communities
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mar 2008
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Climate Change and Forced Migration
Etienne Piguet
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 2008
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The Impact of Environmental Degradation on Refugee-Host Relations: a Case Study from Tanzania
Leah Berry
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 2008
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UNHCR Handbook for the Protection of Women and Girls
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 2008
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Migration Research Series No. 31: Migration and Climate Change
Oli Brown
International Organization for Migration, Dec 2007
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Child Protection in Emergencies: Priorities, Principles and Practices
Save the Children, Dec 2007
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Climate Change and Forced Migration: Observations, Projections and Implications
Oli Brown
UN Development Programme, Dec 2007
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Your Right to Education: A Handbook for Refugees and Displaced Communities
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Dec 2007
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Réfugié ou Migrant? Pourquoi cette Question Compte
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Dec 2007
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Promoting Integration Through Mobility: Free Movement and the ECOWAS Protocol
Aderanti Adepoju, Alistair Boulton, Mariah Levin
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Dec 2007
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Making Sense of Climate Change, Natural Disasters, and Displacement: A Work in Progress
Elizabeth Ferris
Brookings-Bern Project on Internal Displacement, Dec 2007
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International Protection for Trafficked Persons and Those Who Fear Being Trafficked
Kaori Saito
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Dec 2007
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United Nations Consolidated Report 2006
United Nations, Dec 2007
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Refugee Protection and Durable Solutions in the Context of International Migration - Report on the High Commissioner's Dialogue on Protection Challenges, December 2007
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Dec 2007
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UNHCR Global Report 2007
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Dec 2007
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Tuberculosis Care and Control in Refugee and Displaced Populations - An Interagency Field Manual. Second Edition
M.A. Connolly, M. Gayer and S. Ottmani (editors)
World Health Organization, Dec 2007
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Building a Better World: CHF International Program Report 2007
CHF International, Dec 2007
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Discussion Paper: Refugee Protection and Durable Solutions in the Context of International Migration
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Nov 2007
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UNHCR Global Appeal 2008-2009
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Nov 2007
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Report to the General Assembly by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 2006 - mid-2007
UN General Assembly, Oct 2007
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Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Sep 2007
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The Long Road Home: Opportunities and Obstacles to the Reintegration of IDPs and Refugees Returning to Southern Sudan and the Three Areas - Phase I
Sara Pantuliano; Margie Buchanan-Smith and Paul Murphy
ODI - Humanitarian Policy Group, Aug 2007
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Protracted Displacement and Remittances: The case of Somalis in Eastleigh, Nairobi
Anna Lindley
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Aug 2007
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Rebuilding Lives: Refugee Economic Opportunities in a New Land
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Aug 2007
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Refugees International: 2006 Annual Report
Refugees International, Jul 2007
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Forced Migration Review No. 28 - Enhancing Southern Capacity: Rhetoric and Reality
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Jul 2007
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Migration July 2007: Reaping the Fruits of Migration and Development
International Organization for Migration, Jul 2007
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Migraciones Julio de 2007: Cosechando los Frutos de la Migración y el Desarrollo
International Organization for Migration, Jul 2007
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Migrations Juillet 2007: Récolter les fruits de la et du migration développement
International Organization for Migration, Jul 2007
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Return in Dignity: A Neglected Protection Challenge
Megan Bradley
Refugee Studies Centre, Jun 2007
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Forced Migration Review Special Issue - Iraq's Displacement Crisis: The Search for Solutions
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Jun 2007
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War and Occupation in Iraq
Global Policy Forum, Jun 2007
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2006 Global Trends: Refugees, Asylum-seekers, Returnees, Internally Displaced and Stateless Persons
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2007
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UNHCR Global Report 2006
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2007
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World Refugee Survey 2007
US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Jun 2007
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Control, Adapt or Flee: How to Face Environmental Migration?
Fabrice Renaud, Janos J. Bogardi, Olivia Dun, Koko Warner
UN University, May 2007
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Human Tide: The Real Migration Crisis
Christian Aid, May 2007
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Vulnerability in Humanitarian Crisis - VOICE Newsletter, Issue 5
Voluntary Organisations in Cooperation in Emergencies, May 2007
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When Displacement Ends: A Framework for Durable Solutions
Brookings-Bern Project on Internal Displacement, May 2007
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NRC Annual Report 2006
Norwegian Refugee Council, Apr 2007
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UNHCR Policy and Practice: Confronting Calls for Change
Logan Cochrane
Journal of Humanitarian Assistance, Apr 2007
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DanChurchAid: Annual Report 2006-2007
DanChurchAid, Apr 2007
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Retenez vos Applaudissements ! Les Gouvernements de l'UE Risquent de ne pas Tenir leurs Engagements en Matière d'Aide
Concord, Apr 2007
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Migration Forcée Revue No. 27 - Les Violences Sexuelles : Arme de Guerre, Entrave à la Paix
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Mar 2007
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Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Persons - Implementing the 'Pinheiro Principles'
UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Mar 2007
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Educational Responses to HIV and AIDS for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons: Discussion Paper for Decision-Makers
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 2007
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Room to Maneuver: Lessons From Gender Mainstreaming in the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Jan 2007
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Antiretroviral Medication Policy for Refugees
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 2007
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Refugee Protection and Mixed Migration: A 10-Point Plan of Action
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 2007
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HIV and Refugees: Policy Brief
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 2007
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In the Absence of the Humanitarian Gaze: Refugee Camps After Dark
Pia Vogler
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Dec 2006
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Conceptualising the Role of Interconnections between Issue-Areas of Global Governance: The Case of Refugee Protection
Alexander Betts
University of Oxford, Dec 2006
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57th Session of the Executive Committee: Report on the Annual Consultations with Non-Governmental Organizations
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Dec 2006
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Forced Migration Review Special Issue - Putting IDPs on the Map: Achievements and Challenges
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Dec 2006
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Forced Migration and the Failure of Civilian Protection in Africa: A Way Forward?
Erin A. Weir and Mark Malan
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre, Dec 2006
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'A Violation of His or Her Human Security' - New Grounds for the Recognition of Refugee Status: A Proposal for Reform
Mehreen Afzal
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Dec 2006
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Refugee Reports: Summer/Autumn 2006
US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Dec 2006
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Conceptualising Interconnections in Global Governance: the Case of Refugee Protection
Alexander Butts
Refugee Studies Centre, Dec 2006
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Fact Files and Media Tools on HIV/AIDS
PlusNews, Dec 2006
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Reinforcing Data Reporting from Refugee Settings: Project Report
Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters, Dec 2006
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Internews: Report Fall 2006
Internews Network, Nov 2006
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Global Appeal 2007 - Strategies and Programmes
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Nov 2006
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Protecting Gaps: Framework for Analysis - Enhancing Protection of Refugees
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Oct 2006
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"Because we are Refugees": Utilizing a Legal Label
Katharina Inhetveen
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Oct 2006
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Migration Forcée Revue No. 26 - Déplacement Palestinien : un Cas d' Exception ?
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Oct 2006
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Migration September 2006
International Organization for Migration, Sep 2006
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UNFPA State of World Population 2006: A Passage to Hope - Women and International Migration
UN Population Fund, Sep 2006
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Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination and Violence Against the Girl Child
UN Division for the Advancement of Women, Sep 2006
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Forced Migration Review No. 26 - Palestinian Displacement: A Case Apart?
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Aug 2006
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Refugees in the ‘Sick Role’: Stereotyping Refugees and Eroding Refugee Rights
Vanessa Pupavac
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Aug 2006
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HIV/AIDS, Conflict and Displacement - Conference Report on the XVI International AIDS Conference Affiliated Event HIV/AIDS, Conflict and Displacement
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Aug 2006
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Forced Migration Review Supplement - Education and Conflict: Research, Policy and Practice
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Jul 2006
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The Refugee Convention as a Rights Blueprint for Persons in Need of International Protection
Jane McAdam
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jul 2006
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Right to Education During Displacement - A Resource for Organizations working with Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Jul 2006
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Gender and Child Protection Policies: Where do UNHCR’s partners stand?
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Jul 2006
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Land Conflicts and their Impact on Refugee Women's Livelihoods in Southwestern Uganda
Kalyango Ronald Sebba
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jul 2006
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Optimizing Service to the Field - A Review of the Role of the Desk in UNHCR
Caroline Hunt-Matthes and Elena Shishkova
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jul 2006
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Forced Displacement in Africa: Dimensions, Difficulties and Policy Directions
Jeff Crisp
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jul 2006
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UNHCR Master of Glossary of Terms
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2006
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2005 Global Refugee Trends: Statistical overview of populations of refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced persons, stateless persons, and other persons of concern to UNHCR
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2006
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World Refugee Survey 2006
US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Jun 2006
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Guide to International Human Rights Mechanisms for Internally Displaced Persons and their Advocates
David fisher
Brookings Institution, Jun 2006
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Operational Protection in Camps and Settlements - A Reference Guide of Good Practices in the Protection of Refugees and Other Persons of Concern
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2006
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Rights of Refugees in the Context of Integration: Legal Standards and Recommendations
Rosa da Costa
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2006
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UNHCR and International Protection - A Protection Induction Programme
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2006
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UNHCR Global Report 2005
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2006
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HIV Behavioural Surveillance Surveys in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations: A Call for Improvement
P.B. Spiegel & P.V. Le
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2006
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Forced Migration Review No. 25 - People Trafficking: Upholding Rights & Understanding Vulnerabilities
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, May 2006
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Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Mitigation in Refugee and Displaced Populations - WHO guidelines for humanitarian agencies
World Health Organization, May 2006
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The State of the World's Refugees 2006: Human Displacement in the New Millennium
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, May 2006
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Divided Nations: The Dilemmas of International Protection for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons
Council on Foreign Relations, May 2006
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The Development of Programme Strategies for Integration of HIV, Food and Nutrition Activities in Refugee Settings
UNAIDS, May 2006
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The UNHCR Tool for Participatory Assessment in Operations
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, May 2006
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The Development of Programme Strategies for Integration of HIV Food and Nutrition Activities in Refugee Settings - UNAIDS Best Practice collection
UNAIDS, May 2006
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Alternatives to Detention of Asylum Seekers and Refugees
Ophelia Field
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Apr 2006
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Europe's Role in the Global Refugee Protection System: The Way Forward - An agenda for change
European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Apr 2006
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Note on HIV/AIDS and the Protection of Refugees, IDPs and Other Persons of Concern
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Apr 2006
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Beyond Firewood: Fuel Alternatives and Protection Strategies for Displaced Women and Girls
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Mar 2006
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CE-DAT Brief Issue 1: Refugees and Emergency Thresholds in 2005
Centre For Research On The Epidemiology Of Disasters, Mar 2006
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Increasing Refugee Participation in the Field of Voluntary Return
Bill Seary, Patricia Coelho, Marion Kremla, David Hudson, Maria de Donato,Trees van Eykeren, Anastasia Vrichea
European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Mar 2006
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The Administration of Justice in Refugee Camps: A Study of Practice
Rosa da Costa
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mar 2006
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Getting Back Home - Impact on Property Rights of the Indian Ocean Earthquake-Tsunami 2004
Shaun Williams
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Feb 2006
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La définition de "réfugié" dans les législations africaines : une analyse comparative critique
Cristiano d’Orsi
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Feb 2006
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Refugee Livelihoods - A Review of the Evidence
Machtelt De Vriese
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Feb 2006
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An Exploration of the Livelihood Strategies of Durban Congolese Refugees
Baruti Bahati Amisi
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Feb 2006
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UNHCR Global Appeal 2006
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Dec 2005
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Guarding Refugee Protection Standards in Regions of Origin
European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Dec 2005
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Refugee Camp Security In West Africa: An ECOWAS Priority?
Christopher Opaye
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre, Dec 2005
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The Pinheiro Principles: United Nations Principles on Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Persons
COHRE, Dec 2005
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Joint Evaluation by the Government of Canada and UNHCR of the Deployment of RCMP Officers to Refugee Camps in Guinea
Hubert LeBlanc,Consultant
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Nov 2005
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Forced Migration Review No. 24 - Sudan: Prospects for Peace
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Nov 2005
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Refugee Children: Safeguarding The Future Of Those Hardest To Protect
Refugee Council, Oct 2005
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Boys must be boys? Ending sexual exploitation and abuse in UN Peacekeeping Missions
Refugees International, Oct 2005
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Forced migration review: Supplement October 2005
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Oct 2005
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Strategies to Support the HIV-related Needs of Refugees and Host Populations - UNAIDS Best Practice Collection
UNAIDS, Oct 2005
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Strategies to Support the HIV-related Needs of Refugees and Host Populations
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Oct 2005
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UNHCR Annual Consultations Workshop – 2005 Realizing Refugee Rights
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Sep 2005
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Europe's Role in the Global Refugee Protection System
European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Sep 2005
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Beyond Gender: Illegal Laws, Ethnicity, Armed Conflicts and Trafficking - Presentation at the 13th Workshop of the Framework on Regional Cooperation for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region Beijing, Peoples Republic of China, 29 Aug – 2 Sep 2005
Asian Centre for Human Rights, Aug 2005
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Handbook for Self-Reliance
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Aug 2005
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UNHCR Environmental Guidelines
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Aug 2005
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Refugee Crises and International Response: Towards Permanent Solutions?
Andrzej Bolesta (Editor); Lynette Basha; Megan Bradley; Tania Ghanem; Annabel Mwangi; Valeska Onken; Sarah-Jane Savage; Monica Zanchettin
Independent Author, Jul 2005
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Towards the Integration of Refugees in Europe
European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Jul 2005
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World Refugee Survey 2005
US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Jun 2005
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2004 Global Refugee Trends: Overview of Refugee Populations, New Arrivals, Durable Solutions, Asylum-Seekers, Stateless and Other Persons of Concern to UNHCR
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2005
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The Return of Asylum Seekers whose Applications have been Rejected in Europe
European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Jun 2005
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Transitional Settlement - Displaced Populations
Tom Corsellis and Antonella Vitale
Oxfam, Jun 2005
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Foreign Territory: The internationalisation of EU asylum policy
Oxfam, May 2005
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Forced Migration Review No. 23 - Europe: fortress or refuge
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, May 2005
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Clinical Management of Rape Survivors: Developing protocols for use with refugees and internally displaced persons (Revised Edition)
World Health Organization, Apr 2005
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Property restitution in practice: The Norwegian Refugee Councils' experience
Norwegian Refugee Council, Apr 2005
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'Transitional Settlement: Displaced Populations' (2005)
Corsellis, Tom & Vitale, Antonella
Shelter Centre, Apr 2005
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Towards a European Resettlement Programme
European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Apr 2005
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Addressing Internal Displacement: A Framework For National Responsibility
Erin Mooney
Brookings Institution, Apr 2005
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The Conditions of Just Return: State Responsibility and Restitution for Refugees - RSC Working Paper No. 21
Megan Bradley
Refugee Studies Centre, Mar 2005
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Forcible Displacement in Peace Agreements
Catherine Phuong
International Council on Human Rights Policy, Mar 2005
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Lives on Hold: The Human Cost of Statelessness
M. Lynch
Refugees International, Feb 2005
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The Long Journey Home: An IRIN Web Special on the challenge of refugee return and reintegration
Integrated Regional Information Networks, Feb 2005
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Developing DFID's Policy Approach to Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons
Stephen Castles and Nicholas Van Hear with Jo Boyden, Jason Hart, Christian Wolff and Paul Ryder
Refugee Studies Centre, Feb 2005
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Forced Migration Review No. 22 - Education in emergencies: learning for a peaceful future
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Jan 2005
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Integration of HIV/AIDS Activities with Food and Nutrition Support in Refugee Settings: Specific Programme Strategies
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Dec 2004
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UNHCR Global Appeal 2005
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Dec 2004
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Refugees, HIV and AIDS: Fighting HIV and AIDS Together with Refugees - Report on UNHCR’s HIV and AIDS Policies and Programmes for 2005
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Dec 2004
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Refugees, HIV and AIDS: UNHCR's Strategic Plan
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Dec 2004
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The Alchemy Project - Three Year report on Microcredit and Income Generation for Refugees and IDPs in Africa
Karen Jacobsen
Tufts University, Nov 2004
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Conflict and Displacement: International Politics in the Developing World
Andrzej Bolesta (Editor); Helen K. Brooks; Laura Brownlees; Sarah Cross; Naoko Hashimoto; Mulenga Nkula; Thomas M. Pellathy; Hoi Trinh
Independent Author, Oct 2004
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Refugee Integration in the Intermediate Term: A Study of Nepal, Pakistan, and Kenya
Susan Banki
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Oct 2004
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NGO Partnership in Refugee Protection: Questions and Answers
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Sep 2004
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Forced Migration Review Issue No.21- Home for Good: Challenges of Return and Reintegration
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Sep 2004
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A Preliminary Exploration of the Linkages between Refugees and Small Arms
Edward Mogire
Bonn International Center for Conversion, Jul 2004
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Joint Assessment Guidelines (with Tools and Resource Materials)
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2004
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2003 Global Refugee Trends: Overview of Refugee Populations, New Arrivals, Durable Solutions, Asylum-Seekers and Other Persons of Concern to UNHCR
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2004
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UNHCR Global Report 2003
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2004
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Civil Society and the State: Partnership for Peace in the Great Lakes Region
Dr. Jacqueline Klopp
International Peace Academy, Jun 2004
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Forced Back
M. Lynch
Refugees International, May 2004
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Emergency Contraception for Conflict-Affected Settings: A Reproductive Health Response in Conflict Consortium Distance Learning Module
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, May 2004
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Handbook for Repatriation and Reintegration Activities
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, May 2004
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Forced Migration Review No. 20 - Sustainable Livelihoods: Seeds of Success
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, May 2004
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Self-image and the well-being of refugees in Rhino Camp, Uganda
Wiebke Hoeing
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Apr 2004
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Health Challenges for Refugees and Immigrants
Ariel Burgess
Immigration and Refugee Services of America, Apr 2004
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Global Survey on Education in Emergencies
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Feb 2004
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Camp Management Toolkit
Norwegian Refugee Council, Jan 2004
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Poverty, International Migration and Asylum
Christina Bosswell and Jeff Crisp
UN University, Jan 2004
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World Refugee Survey 2004
US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Jan 2004
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HIV/AIDS and Refugees - UNHCR's Strategic Plan 2002-2004
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 2004
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Forced Migration Review No.19 - Reproductive Health for Displaced People- Investing in the Future
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Jan 2004
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Left to their own Devices: The Impact of Informal Information and Communication Networks on Security in the Tanzanian Refugee Camps
Amy R. West; Lydia W. Wambugu
ARTICLE 19, Dec 2003
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Forced Migration and the Contemporary World: Challenges to the International System
Andrzej Bolesta (editor and co-author); Sarah Cross; Naoko Hashimoto; Edward R. McCleskey; David McKeever; Jaremey McMullin; Saeher A.F. Muzaffar; Mulenga Nkula; Matthias Oschinski; Jan Penrose; Yutaka Tatewaki; Hoi Trinh
Independent Author, Dec 2003
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Partnering with Local Organizations to Support the Reproductive Health of Adolescent Refugees: A Three-year Analysis
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Oct 2003
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When Forced Migrants Return "Home": The Psychological Difficulties Returnees Encounter in the Reintegration Process
Tania Ghanem
Refugee Studies Centre, Oct 2003
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Refugees and 'Other Forced Migrants'
David Turton
Refugee Studies Centre, Oct 2003
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Forced Migration Review Issue No. 18 - Delivering the Goods: Rethinking the Humanitarian Logistics
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Sep 2003
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UNHCR Handbook for Registration: Procedures and Standards for Registration, Population Data Management and Documentation
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Sep 2003
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Bridging the Gap: Involuntary Population Movement and Reconstruction Strategy
Camillo Boano, Axel Rottlaender, Alberto Sanchez-Bayo and Francesca Viliani
Solidar, Aug 2003
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Assistance to Unaccompanied Refugee Minors: Report of the Secretary-General (A/58/299)
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Aug 2003
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UNHCR Global Report 2002
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2003
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The strategic use of resettlement
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2003
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Researching Refugees: Some Methodological and Ethical Considerations in Social Science and Forced Migration
Karen Jackson, Loren Landau
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2003
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World Refugee Survey 2003
US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Jun 2003
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Sexual and Gender-Based Violence against Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons: Guidelines for Prevention and Response
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, May 2003
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The Role and Impact of Humanitarian Assets in Refugee-Hosting Countries
Melissa Phillips
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mar 2003
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Humanitarian Exchange Magazine No. 23 - Humanitarian Protection
ODI - Humanitarian Practice Network, Mar 2003
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Partnership: An Operations Management Handbook for UNHCR's Partners
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Feb 2003
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Refugee Reproductive Health Needs Assessment Field Tools
Reproductive Health Response in Conflict Consortium, Jan 2003
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Manual for Sustainable Return
UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo, Jan 2003
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Specific Groups and Individuals Mass Exoduses and Displaced Persons: Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General on Internally Displaced Persons (E/CN.4/2003/86)
UN Commission on Human Rights, Jan 2003
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Forced Migration Review No.16 - African Displacement: Roots, Resources and Resolution
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Jan 2003
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Statistical Yearbook 2001: Refugees, Asylum-seekers and Other Persons of Concern - Trends in Displacement, Protection and Solutions
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Oct 2002
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Frequently asked questions on international humanitarian, human rights and refugee law in the context of armed conflict
Inter-Agency Standing Committee, Sep 2002
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Therapeutising Refugees, Pathologising Populations: International Psycho-Social Programmes in Kosovo
Vanessa Pupavac
University of Nottingham, Aug 2002
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Why Do We Need the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement? Complementarity Between International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
Bjorn Pettersson
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, Aug 2002
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Forced Migration Review No. 14 - Older Displaced People: at the back of the queue?
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Jul 2002
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The Return of Refugees' or Displaced Persons' Property (E/CN.4/Sub.2/2002/17)
UN Commission on Human Rights, Jun 2002
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Task Force on the Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Humanitarian Crises
Inter-Agency Standing Committee, Jun 2002
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World Refugee Survey 2002
US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Jun 2002
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2001 UNHCR Population Statistics
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2002
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UNHCR Policy on Refugee Women and Guidelines on Their Protection: An Assessment of Ten Years of Implementation
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, May 2002
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Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UN Economic and Social Council, May 2002
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Meeting the Rights and Protection Needs of Refugee Children: An Independent Evaluation of the Impact of UNHCR’s Activities
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, May 2002
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If Not Now, When? Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Refugee, Internally Displaced and Post-Conflict Settings
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Apr 2002
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Huamnitarian Exchange Magazine No. 20 - Silent Emergencies
ODI - Humanitarian Practice Network, Mar 2002
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Refugees and AIDS: What Should the Humanitarian Community Do?
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Jan 2002
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Handbook for Emergencies, 2nd Edition
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Oct 2001
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Afghanistan: Humanity Denied - Systematic Violations of Women's Rights in Afghanistan
Human Rights Watch, Oct 2001
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Forced Migration Review No. 11 - Return to Peace: Post - Conflict Realities
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Oct 2001
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Refugees by Numbers 2001
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Oct 2001
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Respect Our Rights: Partnership for Equality - Report on the Dialogue with Refugee Women
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2001
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Global Report 2001
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 2001
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The WHALE: The Wisdom We Have Aquired from the Liberia Experience
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, May 2001
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Implementing Peace Agreements in Civil Wars: Lessons and Recommendations for Policymakers
Stephen John Stedman
International Peace Academy, May 2001
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Refugee Aid in Rural Africa: Working in Parallel or Cross-Purposes?
Oliver Bakewell
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mar 2001
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The Role of International Law in the Struggle against Sex-based and Gender-based Violence against Refugee Women
Reproductive Health Response in Conflict Consortium, Mar 2001
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HIV/AIDS Education for Refugee Youth - The Window of Hope
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mar 2001
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Population Mobility and AIDS - UNAIDS Technical Update February 2001
UNAIDS, Feb 2001
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Rapid Assessment of Mental Health Needs of Refugees, Displaced and Other Populations Affected by Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations
Ms. Mary Petevi, Dr. Jean Pierre Revel, Dr. Gerard A. Jacobs
World Health Organization, Jan 2001
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HIV Risk and Prevention in Emergency-affected Populations: A Review
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dec 2000
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The State of the World's Refugees 2000: Fifty Years of Humanitarian Action
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Nov 2000
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Minimum Standards and Essential Needs in a Protracted Refugee Situation: A Review of the UNHCR Programme in Kakuma, Kenya
Arafat Jamal
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Nov 2000
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Reproductive Health for Refugees: The Next Step
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Oct 2000
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Humanitarian Exchange magazine No. 17 - Refugee Return
ODI - Humanitarian Practice Network, Oct 2000
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Forced Migration and the Evolving Humanitarian Regime
Susan F. Martin
Georgetown University, Jul 2000
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Tools and Resources for Post-Disaster Relief
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, Apr 2000
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Forced Migration Review No. 7 - Going home: land & property issues
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Apr 2000
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Handbook for Emergencies
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 2000
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Systemic Network Analysis of Refugee Relief: A Business-Like Approach
Taylor B. Seybolt
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Jan 2000
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Forced Migration Review No. 6 - Culture in Exile
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Dec 1999
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Enhancing the Nutritional Quality of Relief Diets - Workshop Proceedings
Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project, Oct 1999
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Protecting Refugees: A Field Guide for NGOs
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Sep 1999
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Kosovo: Protection and Peace-Building
Human Rights First, Aug 1999
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Forced Migration Review No. 5 - Learning from Kosovo
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Aug 1999
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"Who has counted the Refugees?" UNHCR and the Politics of Numbers
Jeff Crisp
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 1999
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Humanitarian Exchange Magazine No. 14 - RNN Newsletter
ODI - Humanitarian Practice Network, Jun 1999
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Reproductive Health in Refugee Situations: An Inter-Agency Field Manual
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 1999
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Forced Migration Review No. 3
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Dec 1998
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Tajikistan: Refugee Reintegration and Conflict Prevention
Open Society Institute, Sep 1998
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Forced Migration Review No. 2 - People in Camps
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Aug 1998
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Forced Migration Review No. 1 - Internal Displacement
Forced Migration Review, University of Oxford, Apr 1998
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Refugees and AIDS - UNAIDS Technical Update September 1997
UNAIDS, Sep 1997
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Counting and Identification of Beneficiary Populations in Emergency Operations: Registration and its Alternatives
John Telford
ODI - Humanitarian Practice Network, Sep 1997
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Resettlement Handbook
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jul 1997
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Guidelines on Policies and Procedures in dealing with Unaccompanied Children Seeking Asylum
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Feb 1997
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Refugees, Displaced People and their Vulnerability to HIV/AIDS
UK Consortium on AIDS and International Development, Jan 1997
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State of the World's Refugees 1997: A Humanitarian Agenda
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 1997
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Pest and Vector Control in Refugee Camps
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 1997
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UNHCR Environmental Guidelines
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jun 1996
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Contraceptive Logistics Guidelines for Refugee Settings
Glenn Dixon
US Agency for International Development, Jan 1996
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Sexual Violence Against Refugees: Guidelines on Prevention and Response
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mar 1995
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State of The World's Refugees 1995: In Search of Solutions
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 1995
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Humanitarian Exchange Magazine No. 1 - Relief and Rehabilitation Network Newsletter
ODI - Humanitarian Practice Network, Mar 1994
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Refugee Children: Guidelines on Protection and Care
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 1994
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Registration: A Practical Guide for Field Staff
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 1994
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State of The World's Refugees 1993: The Challenge of Protection
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 1993
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Guidelines on Aid and Environment
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Dec 1992
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Water Manual for Refugee Situations
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Nov 1992
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Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status under the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jan 1992
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Guidelines on the Protection of Refugee Women
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Jul 1991
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UNHCR Policy on Refugee Women
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Aug 1990
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