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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
National Campaigns
In this section you will find information about innovative national campaigns that have moved the MDG agenda forward.

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Armenia: MDG Artwork
UNDP Armenia held a competition in which local artists portrayed their interpretations of the MDGs. The winner, Tigran Matulyan, a locally renowned artist, created 8 paintings, one for each of the Goals. They were then used for the Armenian MDG Report, for the cover of an MDG documentary film, and as posters, which are being displayed in all Government ministries.
Swedish Millennium Campaign: A Chance of a Lifetime, Evaluation
11 July 2006
MDG Brochures for the Public - Country Examples
December 2005
Three examples of brochures created to inform the public about the MDGs - China, Rwanda, and Lao PDR.
Achieving the MDGs: The Role of NGOs
July 2003
This Powerpoint presentation was made by the Samoa Umbrella for Non-Governmental Organisations(SUNGO)and talks about what NGOs have been doing and will do in order to promote the MDGs on the ground.
Cape Verde - MDG Campaigning Plan
August 2004
Equatorial Guinea MDG information/training workshop
November 2003
First tailored Cambodian MDGR - Press Kit
March 2004
The first tailored Cambodian Millennium Development Goals report was launche on 24 March by the Prime Minister Hun Sen and followed by the award ceremony of the nation-wide CMDG poster contest.
MDGs Fact Sheet Cambodia
October 2003
Republic of Congo MDGs
This is a PowerPoint presentation of the MDGs in Republic of Congo in French, made for an information and advocacy campaign. This could be useful for other French speaking countries as there is few to change to adapt to many of them.
Moving the MDGs Agenda forward in Ethiopia
This document lays out this country's experience with regard to reporting and campaigning on the MDGs in general terms.
Tunisia Millennium Caravan
August 2004
An artistic caravan toured the Northern and central parts of Tunisia, taking the Tunisian National School of Circus to eight governorates. Young artists performed an exclusive show that aimed at conveying the importance of achieving the MDGs. The Caravan also comprised an educational mobile planetarium. The main objectives of the caravan were to spread the word about the MDGs and launch the first Tunisian MDG report.
UN Day Samoa - Supplement on MDGs
UNDP Campaign on MDGs 1&6 during the African Nations Cup of Football (CAN 2004) in Tunisia
Viet Nam: Thang's Journey to the MDGs and Beyond
The UN Viet Nam office created this comic book to convey key messages of the MDGs. It tells of one boy's journey from Hanoi to the countryside and includes both current information on development in Viet Nam and suggestions for how Viet Namese can help to support achievement of the MDGs. This presentation was also shown to over 1,000 students in Viet Nam through a special, intensive outreach effort by UN agency staff.
Le Point - Tunisian MDG Brochure for Public Information
September 2003
This MDG brochure was published in Tunisia as a means of informing the public about the MDGs and the progresses Tunisis has made towards achieving them. This brochure was wildly distributed (civil society, government,etc) to promote the MDGs.
People together achieving MDGs - Fiji
September 2003
'Tadra-Kahani & MDGs' was a stage show, which offered a fun, participatory and expressive means of raising awareness of the MDGs by school children. It offered an introduction on what would be involved in achieving the MDGs from the perspective of these through music and dance!
Maldives' Third Forum on Millennium Development Goals
August 2003
A press release relating to the UN Country Team in the Maldives'third forum in the series of forums being organised as part of its efforts to promote MDGs in the Maldives.
MDG Net Consolidated Reply: Taking the MDGs to the People
by: MDG Net
April 2003
Campaign experiences was shared by a variety of country teams in response to a query from Sierra Leone
MDG Success Stories, as collected by UNDP's Resident Representative Network
January 2003
Albania MDG Public Awareness campaign: Report on the Mechanisms for an Effective Public Awareness
November 2002
Zambia's Poverty Eradication Awareness Week: Advocacy on the Millennium Development Goals
by: Vinetta Robinson
7 October 2002
Document outlines Zambia's proposed activities on MDGs including: advocating the MDG goal of eradicating poverty and hunger on World Food Day, panel discussions on radio and TV with WHO and UNICEF to increase knowledge and awareness related to reducing child mortality and improving maternal health, using government presentations to advocate the MDGs and possibley launching the NHDR on UN Day, holding discussions related to HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment and gender equality with related organizations.
Millennium Development Goal National Campaign: Cambodia
by: Ingrid Cyimana
March 2002
This document provides a summary of the objectives and processes of Cambodia's MDG Campaign, which is designed to support the development of a national poverty reduction strategy. The paper discusses a number of principles required to achieve the MDGs, such as consistency between the economic and social policies; and flexibility in policy design. It also lists key lessons learned in the Cambodian MDG Campaign.