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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
About UNDG Asia-Pacific

The UNDG Asia-Pacific works closely to address development and humanitarian issues in striving to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and beyond in the region. The work of the UNDG A-P is guided by the Triennial Comprehensive Policy Reviews (TCPRs), the Global Regional Directors meetings, the Management and Accountability paper, and the UNDG Strategic Priorities.

The UNDG A-P's Terms of Reference focuses on providing UN country teams (UNCTs) with strategic guidance and policy advice, coherent and coordinated timely technical support, and towards overall country program coherence and effective RC/UNCT coordination practice through its oversight function of the RC/UNCT Performance Appraisal system.

The UNDG A-P is one of the most inclusive Regional UNDGs with 18 agencies as its members: ESCAP/A-P RCM, FAO, ILO, OCHA, OHCHR, UNAIDS, UNDP (RBAP and APRC), UNEP, UNESCO Bangkok and Jakarta, UNFPA, UNHABITAT, UNHCR, UNICEF (ROSA and EAPRO), UNIFEM/UN Women, UNODC, UNOPS, WFP, WHO (SEARO and WPRO).

The UNDG A-P supports and works with 24 countries, namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, DPR Korea, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Iran, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor Leste and Vietnam.

Information on the UNDG A-P’s work can be found in the 2009 and 2010 annual work plans and includes, among others, development of strategic regional position papers to address key challenges in the region with the current priorities being:

  • Social protection
  • UN positioning in Middle Income Countries (MICs),
  • MDG health goals, and
  • Effective mainstreaming of Climate Change

The UNDG A-P meets on a regular basis (its Terms of Reference specifies that it meet at least four times annually) and their work is supported by the UNDG A-P Secretariat, which ensures implementation and follow up to UNDG A-P decisions.

The UNDG A-P is introducing a regional interactive and virtual workspace supported by Teamworks to enable its members and invited experts to discuss, coordinate and share knowledge in their fields of work. For participation in this regional workspace and for requesting additional information about the UNDG A-P, please contact the UNDG A-P Secretariat.

Country Support
Regional Priorities
Work Plans and Reports
Specific Meetings & Events
Restricted Page for UNDG A-P Members

Contact Us

Ms. Tshering Pem
Regional Coordination Specialist
UNDG Asia-Pacific Secretariat

UNDG Asia-Pacific Member List (November 2010)
Related Documents

UNDG Asia-Pacific Documents
August 2010