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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
Country Support
UNDAF rollout countries in the Asia-Pacific Region

2011: Fiji, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Samoa and Sri Lanka

2010: Bangladesh, Iran, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam

2009: Cambodia, China, DPRK, Iran (postponed to 2010), Maldives and Myanmar (postponed to 2010)

Information and Service Package for UNDAF rollout countries
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Road Map and Examples
Road Map - Peer Support Group (PSG) Asia-Pacific and Review Templates
Road Map - UNDAF Evaluation
Country Analysis and Comparative Advantage
Country Analysis - Sample Problem Trees
Country Analysis - Terms of References for Theme Groups
Strategic Planning and Sample Agendas
Monitoring and Evaluation - Indicators
Monitoring and Evaluation - RBM Resources
Monitoring and Evaluation - Technical Briefs
Non-Resident Agency (NRA) list
May 2010
Rosters of Consultants
These links lead to contacts of extended databases of consultants working in the Asia-Pacific region. For obtaining CVs of experts compiled by the UNDG A-P Secretariat contact Ms. Tshering Pem (tshering.pem@undp.org).

Main Contacts

Ms. Tshering Pem, Regional Coordination Specialist
Geographical focal points in DOCO

UN Country Teams

On workshop facilitation and training support
Ms. Ritsu Nacken-Morino
, UN System Staff College

Regional Peer Support Group (PSG)

Terms of Reference, Peer Support Group (please refer to Annex 1)
Peer Support Group member list

Peer Support Group Reports
Other Useful Links

Agencies and Institutions

  • ADB - Asian Development Bank
  • Aid Effectiveness Portal
  • AIT-UNEP - Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP)
  • ASEAN - Association on Southeast Asian Nations
  • ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization, Asia and the Pacific (APAC) Office
  • IFA - International Finance Corporation, East Asia and the Pacific, South Asia
  • IMF - International Monetary Fund, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
  • IOM - International Organization for Migration, Asia & Oceania
  • ISDR - International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, Asia and the Pacific
  • ITU - International Telecommunication Unit, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
  • UNCCD - United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
  • UNDG - United Nations Development Group
  • UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Asia and the Pacific Programme
  • UNSSC - United Nations System Staff College
  • UNV - United Nations Volunteers, Asia and Oceania
  • UNWTO - World Tourism Organization, Regional Support Office for Asia and the Pacific
  • UPU - Universal Postal Union
  • WMO - World Meteorological Organization, Regional Office for Asia and the South-West Pacific
  • World Bank - East Asia and the Pacific, South Asia
