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SearchCenter Product Overview - Simplify Search Marketing
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SearchCenter—Simplify Search Marketing


Omniture® SearchCenter® is now Adobe® SearchCenter+, powered by Omniture®. Adobe SearchCenter simplifies search marketing by providing a common interface to manage search campaigns, campaign metrics integrated with web analytics and optimization across marketing programs. Search marketing is among the most popular and effective online marketing channels available, but it is also one of the most complex. By tying search marketing to the broader marketing plan and to the web site as a whole, online marketers can improve brand engagement and online conversions. SearchCenter is part of the Adobe® Online Marketing Suite of applications for online business optimizations.

Business Challenges

Search marketing requires marketers to stay ahead of real-time bid markets and evolving complexity associated with search engines. Setting up search accounts on a new search engine can be difficult and expensive while the cost of keywords continues to increase. In addition, marketers are unable to measure the interaction between search marketing and other marketing programs, including organic search (SEO), offline promotions and online display—leading to an incomplete view of search marketing effectiveness.


Adobe SearchCenter simplifies the challenges presented with search marketing offering an intuitive interface for search campaign management.

  • Campaign Efficiencies

    Measure return on ad spend and cost per acquisition across millions of keywords and ad groups from a single interface.
  • Flexible Bid Management

    Automated bid engine support for popular bid management approaches, including manual, rules-based, and portfolio bidding.
  • Automate Landing Page

    OptimizationMap keywords to dynamic landing pages without manual intervention.
  • Optimize Online Display Effectiveness

    Improve the return on display campaigns taking measurements alongside search.
  • Improve Offline Sales

    Increase offline sales by comparing the results of keyword bids directly with in-store sales.

Consolidated Management Interface

  • View multiple accounts, campaigns, ad groups or keywords
  • View top-line success metrics at every grouping level
  • Use unified editor across all search engines

One-click Account Management

  • Change bids, budgets, match types and publication status
  • Import existing accounts from search engines
  • Tracking tags added automatically
  • Create new accounts, edit ads and keywords»»
  • Add negative keywords
  • Move natural keywords to paid

Integrated Help & Community

  • ClientCare and live chat
  • Contextual help on every page
  • Adobe Community discussion groups for Omniture® technology
  • Training videos, case studies and white papers

Email & Account Alerts

  • Monitor competitor activity
  • Track cost per acquisition increases
  • Guard return on ad spend decreases
  • Control budget pacing

Automated Bid Engine Supports

  • Manual bid management
  • Rules-based bid management
  • Portfolio bid management
  • Day-parting and special events (holidays)

Reporting and Analytics

  • Prebuilt and user-definable metrics and reports that include: ROAS for return on advertising spend by keyword, Conversion funnel demonstrating which impressions and clicks contribute to orders and revenue, Customer loyalty displays revenue from new customers versus returning customers, and Search engine detailing revenue performance by each search engine
  • Reporting for multiple search engine accounts
  • ® User defined conversion metrics
  • Scheduled reports sent via email
  • Download reports to Excel, PDF, CSV, RTF
  • Pre-configured graphs: pie, scatter plot, stacked horizontal bar, »»vertical bar, area, bubble
  • Natural to paid keyword report
  • Executive-ready dashboard

Content Network Optimization

  • Create campaigns for the Google, Yahoo! and M content networks from a single interface
  • Measure cost per acquisition increases separate from keyword search ads
  • Eliminate underperforming content network ads