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SiteCatalyst Product Overview - Actionable Web Analytics
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SiteCatalyst Product Tour - Actionable Web Analytics
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SiteCatalyst—Actionable Web Analytics


Omniture® SiteCatalyst® is now Adobe® SiteCatalyst®, powered by Omniture®. Adobe SiteCatalyst provides marketers with actionable, real-time intelligence about online strategies and marketing initiatives. SiteCatalyst helps marketers quickly identify the most profitable paths through their Web site, determine where visitors are navigating away from their site, and identify critical success metrics for online marketing campaigns. SiteCatalyst is part of the Adobe® Online Marketing Suite of applications for online business optimizations.

Business Challenges

Organizations are constantly challenged to meet the dynamic demands of a successful online business. They need to be able to make better strategic decisions based on multi-channel data sources, as well as immediate operational decisions driven by real-time web analysis data. Real-time information is critical to quantifying and visually representing the effectiveness of marketing initiatives across online marketing channels—and must be easily shared with all stakeholders.


SiteCatalyst is the industry-leading product that addresses these challenges by providing marketers with one place to measure, analyze, and optimize integrated data from all online initiatives across multiple marketing channels.

  • Social Media Insight

    Understand how online communities such as Facebook view your brand, and gain insight into user-generated content.
  • Optimize Video Performance

    With video becoming an important online medium, SiteCatalyst offers you the most advanced video measurement and reports you can find.
  • Mobilize Your Marketing

    Accurately identify mobile visitors and their device capabilities to deliver the right mobile experience. Understand how users interact with your applications – both on and off-line.
  • Measure Web 2.0 Effectiveness

    Increase the relevancy and effectiveness of the latest web 2.0 tools by optimizing: social networking, consumer reviews, blogs and more.
  • Improve Conversions

    Gain critical insight with conversion reports showing detailed information on purchasing metrics, customer loyalty, campaigns, visitor profiles and more
  • Instant Decision Making

    Set up automatic notification of event triggers when your key metrics exceed or fall below expectations.

Pre-Built Reporting and Analytics

  • Boardroom-ready downloadable reports in PDF, Excel, Word, and HTML formats
  • Extensive collection of ready-to-use, popular reports including Page Summary, Next Page Flow, Fallout/Form Abandonment, Geo-segmentation, Conversion Funnel, Cross Sell, and more
  • Custom reporting, which enables you to measure any event that occurs on your site
  • Drill-down reporting to answer complex web analytics questions
  • Robust calendaring function for quick and easy selection of both preset and user-defined date ranges.
  • Report-suite-level calculated metrics, giving all users or specific users access to the same KPIs

Mobile Analytics

  • Improved visitor identification for accurate profile of mobile audiences
  • Mobile-specific collection enhancements for accurate data capture from a variety of mobile devices
  • Mobile device reporting from extensive library of device profiles to uniquely identify specific mobile device types and manufacturers
  • Geo-location and carrier identification for more accurate mobile marketing campaigns specific to countries and carriers
  • Mobile bookmarks and dashboards access via mobile Web login.
  • Mobile email report delivery in mobile-friendly format for easy reading on mobile devices
  • Offline mobile measurement technology will store app data until a user's phone is back online. Available for Android, iOS, and Blackberry.

Innovative Work Flow

  • Flatter navigation, offering fewer clicks to your destination
  • Product search—easily find reports, features, and Help from anywhere in the product
  • Publishing Lists to easily manage recipients of scheduled reports across thousands of report suites
  • Lockable dates to prevent rolling periods in scheduled reports
  • Adobe® Training Services self-paced training video modules, user manuals, and white papers for self-paced learning
  • A Knowledge Base of thousands of questions already asked by other SiteCatalyst users

Video & Web 2.0 Optimization

  • Eleven video optimization reports
  • Adobe® ActionSource method for natively tracking Flash applications used with the ActionScript programming language (Adobe Flash and Flex)
  • Eliminate dependencies on JavaScript for Flash tracking through the use of native ActionScript analytics
  • Full support for popular media players including Windows Media Player, QuickTime, and RealPlayer
  • Only one server call per video, minimizing network chatter
  • Video engagement and milestone tracking built into reports
  • Ability to find sweet-spots for ad placement by seeing the most viewed video sections
  • Track videos across top video sharing sites to understand the impact and effectiveness of viral video campaigns to better monetize online videos
  • Class-based implementation for Flash and Flex video players, allowing for easier, faster deployment

Advanced Segmentation

  • Segment data from a report suite and create a new suite to hold the data
  • Geosegmentation reports to understand the geographic dynamics of web audience
  • Create real-time segmentation of all online data with an unlimited number of visitor segmentation rules
  • Build segments based on classifications in Data Warehouse reports for deep analysis into differing groups of data

Flexible Data Integration

  • Data Sources Manager to integrate multi-channel or offline data with data collected on the website
  • SOAP-based open standards web services API for real-time reporting
  • Integrate web analytics data with in-house reporting tools
  • Data Extract and Excel Client options that enable you to export SiteCatalyst data into Excel
  • ReportBuilder: a powerful MS Excel plug-in, tightly integrated with SiteCatalyst enabling marketers to customize, create, and edit reports on any data on the fly

Social Media Analytics

App Measurement for Facebook

  • Gain deeper insights into user behavior throughout Facebook apps—Improve the overall user experience and conversion
  • Understand how apps "go viral" amongst Facebook users
  • Segment users by number of friends and categorize these segments by social activity performed to better understand adoption rate
  • Correlate Facebook reports and key events with other online channel reports such as Web, mobile, video, etc., to understand how these channels are impacting conversion
  • Measure 100% of Facebook apps including: FBML, iFrame and Flash-based apps

Twitter Social Measurement

  • Get insights into what consumers are saying across Twitter about your company, products, or brands
  • Better identify brand advocates and brand detractors
  • Receive real-time alerts via email or SMS message based on pre-determined criteria or metrics, such spikes in mentions of brand-related terms
  • Get insights into how many times your brand is mentioned vs. competitors

Video Analytics

  • Gain insights into user engagement and milestone tracking of online video
  • Reveal the impact and effectiveness of viral video campaigns
  • Find video "sweet-spots" for ad placement by seeing the most viewed video sections
  • Track videos across 90% of all video sharing sites to understand the impact and effectiveness of viral video campaigns to better monetize online videos
  • Monitor specific search terms, create watchlists, and setup alerts to get notified of viral activity of video
  • ActionSource™ method for natively tracking Flash applications used with the ActionScript programming language (Adobe Flash and Flex)
  • Full support for popular media players including Windows Media Player, QuickTime, and RealPlayer
  • Eleven video optimization reports for broad insight into video performance

Adobe SiteCatalyst Extensions for Adobe® Flash® Professional and Adobe® Flash® Builder™

  • Optimize customer experiences based on real-time analytics without implementing complicated tags
  • Measure, analyze and optimize integrated data from all online initiatives to inform decisions and improve marketing ROI
  • Gain efficiencies by incorporating content tagging as an integral part of the content-creation process
  • Create a streamlined workflow where designers, developers and marketers can embrace a cohesive design, measurement and optimization strategy

SiteCatalyst® NetAverages™ Available Through Adobe® CS Live

  • View web usage data that helps reduce guesswork early in the creative process
  • Leverage web benchmarks when designing for both web and mobile
  • Access Internet data, such as browser type, operating system, mobile device profiles and screen resolution for better informed content creation