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Florida Woman Who Hit Gunman With Purse Puts Purse on e-Bay

Earlier this week, a gunman held a school board in Florida hostage before taking his own life in a shoot-out. (Nobody else was injured.) In the midst of the scary situation, middle-aged woman Ginger Littleton risked her own life in an attempt to save the other board members, sneaking back into the hostage situation to hit the gunman with a faux snakeskin purse. Today, CNN reports that Littleton put the purse on eBay, raising $1,225 to benefit Salvage Santa, a program run by Mike Jones, the security officer involved in the school board shoot out. "I thought, wow, what closure for everyone," Littleton explained. "I wasn't terribly attached to that purse." [CNN]

Police Report: Julian Assange, 'Worst Screw Ever'

So what exactly went down between Julian Assange and the two women bringing sexual assault allegations against him? Assange has not been formally charged with a crime, and his lawyer Mark Stephens attributed the allegations to a large-scale conspiracy against Assange, using the unfortunate expression: "The honeytrap has been sprung," to describe the womens' claims. But police reports obtained by Guardian describe the encounters from the perspective of the two women:

Assange had "done something" with the condom that resulted in it becoming ripped. »

DADT Repeal: The Long and Winding Road

Joe Lieberman on Capitol Hill today.

Gay rights victories, like today’s repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” are inevitably linked to Stonewall, the 1969 riots that launched the modern-day LGBT movement. But 41 years ago, few gay activists would have expected that enlisting in the military would become such a major test of equality. Back then, gays wanted to get out of enlisting so they wouldn’t have to go to Vietnam, and the country in general was at its peak of anti-war sentiment. The infamous Tet Offensive happened in 1968; in 1971, 750,000 protesters marched against the war in the nation’s capital (then the largest march in U.S. history) and 300,000 more took to the streets in San Francisco. Gay protesters were known to hoist signs saying “Soldiers — Make Each Other — Not War” and “Suck Cock to Beat the Draft.” The Youth Committee of the North American Conference of Homophile Organizations resolved not just to reject “the insane war” but also to “refuse to encourage complicity” in it or “the war machine, which may well be turned against us.” As Randy Shilts wrote in his seminal history of gays in the military, Conduct Unbecoming: “It was elemental: to be gay and an activist in 1971 meant to be against the war.”

It's striking to see how far to the center some gay issues have since moved. »

Senate Takes Historic Step, Repeals 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' [Updated]

Photo: Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images

By a vote of 63 to 33, the lame-duck Senate voted to end debate on a bill repealing the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, which bans gays from serving openly in the military. A final senate vote came later today: Capping a 17-year political struggle, by a vote of 65 to 31, the Senate repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." (The bill only needed 51 votes.) The bill now gets sent to President Obama, who will sign it into law and work out a final repeal timetable with Pentagon chiefs, putting an end to the discriminatory practice. The repeal will not take effect for at least 60 days while some other procedural steps are taken.

"No longer will many thousands more be asked to live a lie in order to serve the country they love." »

Man Accidentally Brings Loaded Gun on Flight, Which Apparently Happens Often

Houston businessman Farid Seif didn't intend to bring a gun on a flight out of Houston, but he did just that after he forget he'd packed it and TSA screeners at Bush Intercontinental Airport failed to catch it. The loaded .40 caliber pistol that Saif carries for protection was safely tucked away inside a carry-on computer bag, where it stayed throughout the flight. He reported the incident as soon as he landed and said, "There's nothing else in [the bag] How can you miss it? You cannot miss it." Lest you think this is an isolated incident, it's actually brought to light how common this type of thing is. In fact, it's apparently possible that the majority of weapons pass through TSA screeners. Although ABC News says "how often it occurs is a closely guarded government secret," they found out:

Every. Single. Time. »

DREAM Act Fails in Senate

By a vote of 55 to 41, the DREAM Act failed a procedural vote in the Senate today, ending the push for the legislation until Congress convenes under GOP leadership January 5. The DREAM Act seeks to provide legal status to illegal immigrants who came to the US before they turned sixteen and served in the military or earned college degrees. As expected, mostly Republicans voted against it, though DREAM was a bipartisan bill when it was introduced in 2007. Today, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham explained: "We're not going to pass the DREAM Act or any other legalization program until we secure our borders." [NYT, TPM, CNN]

Bernie Madoff 'Went Into a Self-Imposed Exile' After News of His Son's Suicide

A "distraught" Bernie Madoff "looked like someone had shot him" after he heard the news that his son Mark had committed suicide last Saturday, a very recent inmate at Madoff's prison has already told the Post. Madoff was sobbing and went into "a self-imposed exile for two days," the inmate said. The Ponzi schemer has friends in prison - "the guys he walks along an outside track with and plays boccie with" - who offered sympathy. Ruth has reportedly not visited Bernie since hearing the news, which Bernie believes is "because of [her] fears that the media is at the prison." [NYP]


John Mayer Is Available for Parties, Photo Booths

The photos displayed here are from the photo booth at the IAC holiday party last night at the sleek IAC building. For some reason, John Mayer was there. And, apparently, he served as the deadpan backdrop for many a guest's portraits. After all, who wouldn't want a picture of himself making out with his girlfriend in front of the guy who called Jessica Simpson "sexual napalm"? They let you use shit like that for your New York Times wedding photo nowadays. Mayer was much more charitable with the Daily Beasties and the techies from Barry Diller's various other companies than another celebrity guest at the party, though: D.J. Samantha Ronson apparently got up with the youngsters and their revelry. At one point, she grouchily tweeted: "Nothing pleases me more than a 'hipster' requesting a song I've already played. 1. I'm in the loop 2. U have no idea what you're asking for." Hear that, people? She's in looping. It's sort of like what the Beast's Tina Brown says about "buzzing," except with noise-canceling headphones and a scowl.

Obama Signs Tax Bill, Boehner and Pelosi Conspicuously Absent

Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images

This afternoon, President Obama signed the roughly $800 billion tax compromise that he reached with Republicans into law. But somehow, very few Republicans wanted to be photographed standing with him while he did it. Only five showed up to witness the bill, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who made the agreement with Obama, and four representatives. Of the nineteen Democrats who also showed up, several are already headed out of Congress after the midterm elections. Nancy Pelosi, the outgoing House Speaker, and John Boehner, the incoming one, also for some reason didn't show up. Why didn't any party leadership other than Mitch McConnell want to have their smiling faces immortalized next to this $800 billion unfunded tax bill? Isn't everyone talking about how proud they are of it?

Tax Bill Signing Ceremony: McConnell To Show, Pelosi and Boehner To Skip [WSJ]

Foreign Parliaments Still More Dysfunctional Than Congress

At least members of Congress don't actually punch, shove, and throw chairs at each other, as happened in the Ukrainian parliament yesterday. According to the AFP, the brawl was "violent even by the fractious standards of Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada," and prosecutors have opened an investigation.

Watch the video. »

Amelia Earhart’s Remains Possibly Found on Remote Island

Also, it could be a turtle. [AP via Yahoo]

Rahm Emanuel Has a Times Vending Machine in His Crawl Space

What you're looking at is a photo of a crawl space in Rahm Emanuel's Chicago home, the one he rented out when he became President Obama's chief of staff and moved to Washington. Emanuel's lawyer took photos of the crawl space, full of Emanuel family property, to prove that Emanuel never really "moved" out of his house, and has actually been a Chicago "resident" all this time. One interesting find in the photos: Remember the day after Obama was inaugurated, when everyone wanted to get a copy of the Times? Emanuel got one — and he somehow managed to take the entire Times vending machine it was in, too.

Rahm's favorite paper [Ben Smith/Politico]

Eighties Appliance Billionaire Lists Mansion That Resembles Eighties Appliance

When Conair and Cuisinart owner Leandro Rizzuto bought this beachside mansion for $2 million in Greenwich in 1986, "money was no object," he tells the Journal. He kitted out the foyer with a marble "waterfall" wall, installed mirrored ceilings in the gym, and designed a media room with fake-book paneling on the walls (like in Clue!) and a viewing screen that descends from the ceiling in a manner that could only be described as "state of the art." But although it looks like he hasn't changed a thing since then, Rizzuto has now listed the property for $19 million.

Why such a steep markup? »

Stephen Baldwin: When I’m a Billionaire, I’ll Be the ‘George Soros for Jesus’

"There are whispers amongst the conservative movement that if Ron Reagan and Sarah Palin and the likes can ascend to such political positions, then there's hope for a kooky kid like Stevie B," Stephen Baldwin told us on Thursday at a Cinema Society screening of Casino Jack. However, Alec's religious conservative brother has no plans to run for political office; he has higher goals. "I'm 44 years old, my plan is to be a billionaire by 50, which these days, that's very doable," he said. "And once I achieve that goal, my plan would be to be the George Soros for Jesus."

That's ... confusing. »

Uma Thurman’s Stalker Extradited to New York

Do not take love advice from this man.Photo: Splash News/Montgomery County Police

Uma Thurman's stalker Jack Jordan, who was convicted of harassment back in 2008, was brought back to New York this week after violating an order of protection issued by a judge to protect the actress. In October, Jordan began making menacing phone calls, first to her office, then to her assistant, and then finally to Uma's personal cell phone. He told her assistant that her Swiss financier boyfriend, Arki Busson, was "not good enough" and "she should marry me." He'll likely go to jail for breaking the order of protection — remember, this is no ordinary obsessed fan, this is a scary guy who busted into her trailer once while she was filming in Soho and threatened to kill himself if she didn't agree to see him. Back in 2008, Uma testified on how terrified he made her. He reportedly even "went berserk" when he was apprehended for this latest crime by cops in Maryland. He's a scary dude, whether he's right about Arki or not.

Uma Thurman's stalker extradited to NY and charged with criminal contempt [NYP]
Related: Artifact: Letters from Uma's Stalker

An ABC Reporter Tweets the Worst Train Ride of His Life

An Amtrak ride from Washington to Philadelphia gone horribly awry last night was live-tweeted by at least one cold, terrified, somewhat hysteric passenger, ABC-7 Washington reporter Stephen Tschida. At some point in the night, a wire fell across the track, stranding the train for six and a half hours. It finally reached Philadelphia at 4:40 a.m., ten hours after it was supposed to arrive, and not before Tschida relayed to the world news of a passenger mutiny, the sad-eyed Spanish lady, his fear of impending doom, and his desire to break down and cry. Here's his Twitter stream in reverse chronological order.

Read more »

Jeffrey Picower’s Wife Pays $7.2 Billion to Clear His Name

When Madoff associate Jeffrey Picower drowned in the pool of his Palm Beach mansion last year, questions were swirling about whether the seasoned investor, who had withdrawn $7 billion from his Madoff account, knew his pal was running a Ponzi scheme. That's all water under the bridge now that his widow, Barbara, has given up every cent to the Madoff Customer Fund, Madoff trustee Irving Picard said in a statement today. “When we filed suit against Mr. Picower and others in the spring of 2009, the records available led us to allege that Mr. Picower might have or should have known of Mr. Madoff’s fraud," he said. "With the benefit of additional records, I have determined that there is no basis to pursue the complaint against Mr. Picower, and we have arrived at a business solution instead."


To Sarah Palin, Compromising Is Flip-Flopping

According to Sarah Palin on Good Morning America this morning — yes, realizing that she doesn't have the best reputation, she's slowly opening up to media outlets other than Fox News and conservative radio — President Obama "flip-flopped" on the Bush tax cuts, because "he was so adamant about not allowing the tax-cut extensions to take place" for people earning over $200,000 or families earning over $250,000 a year, "and then all of a sudden one day he was fine with it."

Obama's position on the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans hasn't actually changed, though. He still opposes them. But he decided that stopping them wasn't worth denying 98 percent of America their tax cuts, or millions of out-of-work people thirteen months of unemployment benefits, which would have happened in a stalemate with Republicans. So he signed a bill that included some proposals from the other side that he didn't agree with. If that's "flip-flopping," would President Sarah Palin ever compromise?

Watch the video. »

Great Consolations

"We heard a scream, then the model ran upstairs with smoke coming from her head, and Diddy running after her. They gave her some clothes to wear. I told her, 'At least everybody is going to know who you are now.'" —Miss USA, Rima Fakih, to the naked model whose hair caught on fire at Diddy's party this week, who for now is still known only as the Naked Model Whose Hair Caught on Fire at Diddy's Party. [NYP]

Pastry Presence Indicates Citigroup Is Back on Track

Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit was talking up the embattled superbank's recovery on CNBC yesterday. "I feel very good about how we're positioned," he said. "2012 is the year to look forward to." Of course, this could just be executive bluffing. To really know how Citi is doing, you have to look closely at the details. By which we mean, the snacks on offer at their events. Let's take a look back.

2009: At the annual shareholder meeting, the bank "skipped the coffee and doughnuts to save cash after three bailouts," chairman Richard Parsons indicated to the Times.

April 2010: At the following year's meeting, "the coffee was back. But what about the doughnuts? “This is called incremental progress,” Mr. Parsons said.

Thursday: At the launch celebrating their fancy new bank branches in Union Square yesterday, "the bank did not hold back on the glamour," according to the Times. "It laid out a red carpet entrance at the entrance, built a coat check by the teller windows and hired a waiter to walk around with a platter of bite-size donuts and a sugary dipping sauce."

Citigroup Opens Bank of the Future, Flat Screens and All [DealBook/NYT]

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