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Will Stand-Alone DADT Repeal Make It?

The House tries separating the measure from the defense bill

Breast Cancer Drug to Be Pulled: Good Science or Health-Care Rationing?

Conservatives argue the FDA is motivated by cost

December 16, 2010

Why Charging Assange With Conspiracy Won't Be Easy

As federal prosecutors build their case, legal observers poke holes in it

December 16, 2010

Obama: Vote for Tax Deal or Destroy My Presidency?

Congressman quotes the president warning of political apocalypse, but White House denies it made the threat

December 16, 2010

Palin Warms to 'Lamestream Media'

2012 contender stops giving them the silent treatment

December 16, 2010
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U.S.-Russia Nuke Treaty Could Pass Tomorrow

Democrats need to squeak out a two-thirds majority

December 15, 2010
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Most Hated Congress Ever

Disapproval rating is at an all-time high

December 15, 2010
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Here Comes the Omnibus--Batten Down the Hatches!

Will the $1.2 trillion earmark-packed bill pass before Saturday?

December 15, 2010

Supposed WikiLeaks Source in Solitary Confinement: Is It Torture?

Bradley Manning, an alleged WikiLeaks source, is locked up at Quantico

December 15, 2010

A 'Fairly Obvious' Error in Judge's Ruling on Health Care Reform?

Faulty logic in Judge Henry Hudson's reading of the Necessary and Proper clause, legal expert says

December 15, 2010

Conservatives Rally Against Michael Steele's RNC Reelection Bid

Consensus in the blogosphere

December 15, 2010

Air Force Bans Members From Reading Sites That Posted WikiLeaks Cables

Not the Atlantic Wire, though! Hint, hint.

December 15, 2010

House Democrats Prepare to Abandon Resistance on Tax Cut Deal

They aren't going to win this fight, say commentators

December 15, 2010

Morning Vid: Bill O'Reilly Has Gloomier Predictions for the Left Than Usual

The "bell is tolling" for liberals after a tax cut compromise

December 15, 2010

Is Rahm Even Eligible to Run in Chicago?

Scenes from Chicago's political circus

December 15, 2010

Michael Moore Offers Bail Money for Assange, Lauds WikiLeaks

Hoping some lefty glory might rub off? Bloggers aren't pleased

December 14, 2010

As Gridlock Mounts, Will Obama Push to Fix Congress?

The Senate fails to fund national defense for the first time in 48 years

December 14, 2010
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Reactions: Julian Assange Released on Bail

The price is £200,000

December 14, 2010
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1 Is Google Too Big? John Hudson, The Atlantic Wire
2 U.S. Should Thank Assange: He Proved America Isn't Evil Elspeth Reeve, The Atlantic Wire
3 Goldman Sachs Doesn't Find Colbert Funny John Hudson, The Atlantic Wire
4 Has WikiLeaks Cast a Dark Cloud Over Cloud Computing? Uri Friedman, The Atlantic Wire
5 Fox News Boss Told Staff to Play Up Climate-Change Skepticism Alex Eichler, The Atlantic Wire