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Morning Vid: No One Needs to Remind Harry Reid That Christmas Is Important

No one likes staying at the office during Christmas week. But Senators DeMint and Kyl have gone a step further, calling working until December 24th "sacrilegious and disrespectful." Hence the earful they've just gotten from the Senate Majority Leader. In a stern lecture delivered on the Senate floor on Wednesday, Harry Reid implored his GOP colleagues not to "whine" and deliver "sanctimonious lectures" about the significance of the holiday. "As a Christian, no one has to remind me of the importance of Christmas," Reid retorted, before admonishing "any Senator" who "suggest[s] that working through the Christmas holidays is somehow sacrilegious or disrespectful."

Fortunately--for those Senators who are anxiously looking at their watches to leave for the holidays--nothing passes the time faster than a line-by-line reading of the dense, critically-important Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. "I'm told the Republicans are going to make us read the entire treaty in an effort to stall us from passing it. Isn't that wonderful," Reid deadpanned.

[H/T: Mediaite]

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