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Morgan Stanley Reins In Bonuses

Without any prompting, apparently, too

Is America's Entitlement System Ripping Off the Middle Class?

Analysts crunch the numbers to investigate the claim that taxes and welfare disincentivize work

December 10, 2010

NYT Announces Flat Fee for Heavy Users

More clues about The New York Times' much-debated paywall

December 10, 2010
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Ron Paul's Plan to Tame the Fed

Take on Bernanke, usher in transparency, and rein in the Fed's autonomy

December 9, 2010

Spotlight: Gordon Brown's Formula for Western Revival

Former British prime minister urges G20 to resist protectionism, export to Asia

December 9, 2010
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Tax Cut Deal Spurs Deficit Anxieties

Do we care about the deficit? The market may, but deficit-watchers argue Obama's tax cut deal is evidence that, frankly, we don't give a damn

December 9, 2010
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Zuckerberg Pledges Fortune to Charity

Yes, even this--like anything the Facebook founder does--is controversial

December 9, 2010

Will AIG's Plan to Pay Back Taxpayers Work?

The insurance giant unveils its plan to chip away at $120 billion

December 9, 2010

Motherhood Costs More for Businesswomen

Women taking time off for children suffer greater financial loss in business than medicine, study shows

December 8, 2010

Obama's Tax Cut Deal: Stimulus In Disguise?

Does the proposed legislation, by any other name, smell as sweet?

December 8, 2010

AT&T; Rated Worst Carrier In Nation

Internet indulges in AT&T; schadenfreude; AT&T; launches damage control

December 7, 2010

Local Branches Leave Chamber of Commerce as It Lurches Rightward

The group spent $75 million electing Republicans; now local members must deal with the aftermath

December 7, 2010

Borders-Barnes & Noble Merger Idea: Brilliant or Desperate?

The arch rivals consider an alliance as their industry transforms

December 7, 2010

AOL-Yahoo Mega-Merger Speculation, Again

Should we take it seriously this time?

December 7, 2010
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1 Bernie Sanders Filibusters the Tax Cuts [Update] Heather Horn, The Atlantic Wire
2 Can Topless Women Keep Muslim Extremists Out of Denmark? Alex Eichler, The Atlantic Wire
3 Ron Paul Vigorously Defends WikiLeaks John Hudson, The Atlantic Wire
4 Only Six Percent of Americans Use Twitter Erik Hayden, The Atlantic Wire
5 NYT Announces Flat Fee for Heavy Users Caitlin Dickson, The Atlantic Wire