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WikiLeaks Cables For Dec. 14-18 (PHOTOS): Tom Cruise, Fidel Castro On Obama, Aung San Suu Kyi

First Posted: 12-19-10 10:47 AM   |   Updated: 12-19-10 10:38 PM

With its founder Julian Assange released on bail, WikiLeaks released more confidential documents from the U.S. State Department, and continues to show no signs of slowing.

This week's dump touched on an assorted lot of public figures. Fidel Castro talked Obama, while an Indian official questioned the relevance of freshly-released Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Even Tom Cruise got in on the action, running into troubles with the Church of Scientology while filming a movie in Germany.

Take a look at last week's batch here. WikiLeaks says that still less than 1 percent have been published thus far.

Here are the highlights from this week's leaked documents:

Tom Cruise, Scientology Run Into Trouble In Hamburg
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From the cable, dated Dec. 21, 2007:

In a conversation with Pol/Econ Specialist on August 13, Hamburg Interior Ministry Spokesman Marco Haase suggested that the announcement was the result of several unrelated occurrences, such as the recent publication of Caberta's book, the case of the Berlin girl and her brother seeking refuge in Hamburg (Ref.), the attention to Scientology generated during the filming of the movie "Valkyrie" in Berlin, in which Tom Cruise stars, and the summer media slump. According to Haase, Nagel believes that a ban alone is not the answer. Rather, assistance to ex-Scientologists and education.

It is doubtful that the Hamburg government will change their view of Scientology in the future even though officials openly and cordially discuss with ConGen representatives USG policy on religious freedom.
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Fidel Castro
With its founder Julian Assange released on bail, WikiLeaks released more confidential documents from the U.S. State Department, and continues to show no signs of slowing. This week's dump touched o...
With its founder Julian Assange released on bail, WikiLeaks released more confidential documents from the U.S. State Department, and continues to show no signs of slowing. This week's dump touched o...
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Ronnie Avatar Dixon   42 minutes ago (1:24 AM)
Because this informatio­n is a huge, palpable threat to our national security! Quick kids, DUCK AND COVER!
WierdWookie   58 minutes ago (1:08 AM)
Reading European news should set a lot of people straight on what other countries are saying about WiliLeaks. Their comments are vastly different than comments in the USA. Could be, our government is making a hero of JA and he other government­s will never allow the US to get theirs hands on him.
LMPE   60 minutes ago (1:06 AM)
the stuff about Scientolog­y is old news
foldedBluePaper   2 hours ago (12:34 AM)
$360,000 could buy you a LOT of B-vitamins­.
Mav Syntax   1 minute ago (2:05 AM)
foldedBluePaper   2 hours ago (12:32 AM)
On the third day the ritual began four hours before dawn. Ron tells his companion, "lay out a white sheet. Place upon it blood of birth. Envision her approachin­g thee. Think upon the lewd, lascivious things thou coulds't do. All is good to Babalon. All. Preserve the material basis. Thus lust is hers, the passion yours. Consider thou the Beast raping." These invocation­s along with other passages in the ritual indicates that Parsons had collected specimens of his own sperm and the girls menstrual fluid.

The climax of the ceremony occurred the following day with Ron at he altar working his two subjects into a sexual frenzy. Over Rachmanino­ff he intoned such gems as:

Her mouth is red and her breasts are fair and her loins are full of fire,

And her lust is strong as a man is strong in the heat of her desire.

No, nothing strange or cult like here.
foldedBluePaper   2 hours ago (12:31 AM)
foldedBluePaper   2 hours ago (12:29 AM)
Hubbard and Parsons were both students of Aleister Crowley.

What more needs to be said ?

Eyes Wide Shut was a movie for a select audience.
foldedBluePaper   2 hours ago (12:26 AM)
No, I'm not taking any Human Growth Hormone.

You can see this in Stallones baby face, and Travolta too - Hope that stuff doesn't backfire.
TheLiveZombie   2 hours ago (11:42 PM)
Hillary Clinton v. WikiLeaks Music Video

Smugglez   4 hours ago (10:28 PM)
████ ██ █ ████ everything ███ █████ is ██ ████ fine ████ ███ █ ██████ trust. █████ ███████ ███ your █████ ████ government­! ████ █████ go █████████ ████ back ██ █ to ██ █ sleep ██ █
TheLiveZombie   2 hours ago (11:42 PM)
Mav Syntax   0 minute ago (2:06 AM)
watajob   4 hours ago (10:13 PM)
Hey, Fidel! How's that "benefit of the doubt" thingy workin' out for ya'?
black series   4 hours ago (9:50 PM)
weebils   5 hours ago (9:35 PM)
About a third of Germany  is Catholic and yet they go after Scientolog­y.
foldedBluePaper   2 hours ago (12:28 AM)
Scientolog­y is rooted from Theosophy. Theosophy is the source of Hitler's entire Aryan race obsession.

Actually, Hubbard and Parsons were something else indeed eating from the hand of Crowley.
tooldude   5 hours ago (9:30 PM)
Life will be so interestin­g when the Assange fan club finally gets what they want and all secrets are revealed. Open up the Crimestopp­ers files so we know who has been ratting out the criminals. The IRS files so we know which of our neighbors cheated on taxes. Criminal records made public on the internet so we know who has a record. All the high school and post secondary records so we know how smart our neighbors and co-workers are. We have a right to know each others credit scores. The list of stuff we will be able to learn is endless. Free speech is so wonderful,­,,
TStringfellow   4 hours ago (10:13 PM)
That's hysteria and you know it. Telling us that our diplomats are spying and gathering DNA samples is not the same as outing informants in an investigat­ion.
Walter H   6 hours ago (8:18 PM)
Too bad that the Indian government will get all embarrasse­d about being caught torturing people. The fact that our government knew about it and covered it up might ought to be somewhat embarrassi­ng too. The real shame is that the embarrassm­ent is not about the torturing, but about getting busted.

Go Wikileaks!