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Amanda Knox Court Makes DNA Evidence Decision

ALESSANDRA RIZZO | 12/18/10 03:23 PM | AP

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Amanda Knox

PERUGIA, Italy — Amanda Knox won an important victory in her appeals trial of her murder conviction in Italy on Saturday, when a court ruled that it will allow an independent review of crucial DNA evidence after defense claims that samples were inconclusive and possibly contaminated.

The lower court trial, which convicted the American student a year ago and sentenced her to 26 years in Italian prison, had rejected a similar defense request for an outside review of DNA found on the bra clasp of the victim, her British roommate Meredith Kercher, and on a knife the prosecution alleged was used in the fatal stabbing attack.

Kercher's body was found in a pool of blood on Nov. 2, 2007, her throat slit in the apartment she shared with Knox. Forensic experts said she was killed the night before.

Knox burst into tears, in a sign of a release of tension, said her stepfather Chris Mellas. "She's a happy mess," he said, smiling.

She was convicted of sexually assaulting and murdering Kercher in the rented house they shared in the university town of Perugia, where both were studying. The co-defendant in the appeals trial is her ex-boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, an Italian who was convicted of the same charges and sentenced to 25 years. Both deny any wrongdoing.

Prosecutors maintain that Sollecito's DNA was found on the bra clasp and that Knox's DNA was found on the knife's handle and Kercher's DNA on the blade. The defense maintains that DNA traces presented at the first trial were inconclusive and also contends they might have been contaminated when they were analyzed.

The court handed the defense another victory. It will allow several witnesses the defense hopes will refute testimony that placed Knox and Sollecito near the house on the night Kercher was killed.

Knox's mother, Edda Mellas, burst into tears of joy in the courtroom when the appeals court announced its decision. "Finally a little bit of good news," Mellas said, as Knox's family members hugged defense team lawyers.

Judge Claudio Pratillo Hellman said after 90 minutes of deliberations that the DNA evidence review was needed "to remove any reasonable doubt."

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He said two independent experts, from Rome's Sapienza university, would either make new analyses of the DNA traces found, or if that isn't possible, would review the analyses that had been carried out by previous forensic experts and assess whether they are reliable.

DNA evidence was crucial in the first trial, where a clear motive did not emerge for the brutal killing.

"Finally, the trial can begin," said Luca Maori, an attorney for Sollecito. "After three years, we have scored our first important victory."

A Knox defense attorney, Luciano Ghirga, called the ruling Saturday "a significant step" and "a victory not for one side, but for the truth."

The experts will be formally assigned the task of the review at the trial's next session, on Jan. 15.

The court said it might decide at a later stage to allow other witnesses sought by the defense.

The court rejected several of the defense requests, including for new tests on Sollecito's computer related to the young man's alibi for the night of the slaying.

Francesco Maresca, a lawyer for the Kercher family who had opposed the review, said that "if the court has any remaining doubts, it does well to try to remove them."

"And now we'll see what these experts will conclude," he told reporters at the end of the hearing.

The review will take at least 30 days, and with new witnesses being heard, the trial is expected to go until next spring.

In seeking the new witnesses, the defense is seeking to refute testimony in the first trial from Antonio Curatolo, a homeless man who said he had seen Knox and Sollecito chatting on a basketball court near the apartment house the night Kercher was killed.

The defense insists his testimony was unreliable and hopes the new witnesses, who operate buses and discos in the area, will prove him wrong.

Prosecutors also appealed the lower court's verdict in hopes of winning stiffer sentences.

Saturday's hearing was held two days after Italy's highest criminal court upheld the conviction and 16-year-prison sentence of the third person charged with the murder, Rudy Hermann Guede of the Ivory Coast. Guede has admitted being at the house the night of the murder but denies killing Kercher.

He was tried separately. The high court's ruling, which cannot be appealed, is significant because it states that Guede took part in the slaying but did not act alone, prosecutors and lawyers said.

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PERUGIA, Italy &mdash; Amanda Knox won an important victory in her appeals trial of her murder conviction in Italy on Saturday, when a court ruled that it will allow an independent review of crucial D...
PERUGIA, Italy &mdash; Amanda Knox won an important victory in her appeals trial of her murder conviction in Italy on Saturday, when a court ruled that it will allow an independent review of crucial D...
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MAB   22 minutes ago (10:02 AM)
Not that it implicates her, but if you do a Google photo search of "Amanda Knox" you get so many odd photos of her smiling it makes you wonder what makes this girl tick. Just very, very odd. An attractive girl, but a very eerie girl, IMO.
SeriouslySarah   8 minutes ago (10:15 AM)
Yes, the smiling during the trial was weird. She is strange.
courtb   50 minutes ago (9:33 AM)
I will be the first to admit that I don't know much about the case (certainly not as much as some people here, although I'm strangely comfortabl­e with that fact). But, does this not remind anyone of some aspects of the Girl Who Played with Fire and the Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest? All the accusation­s of sex games and whatnot?
Howard53545   3 hours ago (7:16 AM)
Amanda over their getting her freak on simply lose control and the freak out went deadly. Now its time to pay.
maslin   40 minutes ago (9:43 AM)
These are English words, but something happened to them.
MAB   33 minutes ago (9:50 AM)
Ignorance happened to them. :-)
ZEB   7 hours ago (3:33 AM)
Ater reading all of the comments, i would like to point out some things.
1: Her DNA was not in the room that the murder was done nor may I say was her boyfrind, if a fly was in that room, it would have left DNA
2: Three computers was taken to find out if they where telling the truth or lies, but an IT expert manage to wipe three hard drives.
3: A tramp or what you call in America a hobo was making a lot of money from the MSM for just makeing up storys? Who can blame him, that will pay for the next bottle of wine.
4: the D Mail a very far right wing paper, the only english paper that surpported Hitler in WW11.
5:Take in a bit of fresh air and do a google, and learn the facts form people who know what
they talking abouth not from the MSM or sorry to say the HP.
6:Look and learn
Anne Mccormick   6 minutes ago (10:18 AM)
then please explain why she lied to the police. as a result of the lie, Patrick Lumumba, who was not even present when the crime was committed, was arrested by the police. an innocent grirl does not do that. also, please explain why she has not publicly apologized to the man for her lie. and don't use the excuse that amanda didn't know what she was doing, that she was afraid of the Italian police etc. etc. she accused an innocent man!
foldedBluePaper   9 hours ago (1:30 AM)
The DOJ OSI leak revealed a bit more on Klaus Barbie and US CIA ops, but I was surprised to see Reinhard Gehlen died the SAME YEAR. What is peculiar to me is when the US hired Gehlan after his post under Hitler ? He become the SOLE SOURCE of cold war threat intel, to which we NOW know - ? ? ? 90% of it was false. A bit higher % than Iraq, but still. I have to look back and wonder, how much of the Cold War was invented by Gehlan and how much propaganda have we all swallowed calling it patriot tea ?
RobertFromMN   8 hours ago (1:59 AM)
Please get back on your meds. I fear you may hurt yourself or someone else.
jackbutler5555   1 hour ago (9:14 AM)
If you have the wherewitha­l to deal with what he said, now would be a good time to do so.  But if you don't, you can just hurl ad hominems.

By any chance, do you live in the Sixth Congressio­nal District.  It might explain a lot.
foldedBluePaper   9 hours ago (1:25 AM)
If KGB were around, they'd go after Amanda, a face like that ? Just look at her with all the old guys in all the photos - she can get to people, she can manipulate people, you throw in a little XYZZY and she can probably get your grandmothe­rs maiden name you didn't even know you knew.
vulpecula762mm   49 minutes ago (9:34 AM)
I have to fan you because you are insane.
foldedBluePaper   9 hours ago (1:24 AM)
Gee, Just imagine if Amanda IS CIA. And Italy's big thank you in advance is to say- FYOU CIA, we're keeping this one, now GIT out of town, which is what Italy DID say after CIA showed no remorse for it's back room interrogat­ive practices within Italy's borders.
foldedBluePaper   9 hours ago (1:21 AM)
It seems the US CIA and Amanda both seem to share in a lack of remorse.

I DID try juggling, I just can't do it, unless you make it 7 pins or more.
foldedBluePaper   9 hours ago (1:19 AM)
Amanda should just go "It's the CIA's fault, had the CIA not caused anti-senti­ment towards the US after Italy told the CIA to get out of Italy".
foldedBluePaper   9 hours ago (1:00 AM)
While Larry Flint sometimes uses jail cells for scenes in his Hustler magazine, and I'm JUST speculatin­g on that ? Hey Larry, I've got a real low budget shoot in mind.

jk jk

Ouch, could you imagine ? 21 yr old guys would be tossin' seed to a potential murderer ?
foldedBluePaper   9 hours ago (12:58 AM)

IF someone is going to force you to have sex and then off you ? and I mean as a matter of fate ? Let it be Amanda Knox ?
foldedBluePaper   10 hours ago (12:41 AM)
I'll put it THIS way, providing she's let off, and is back in the states, if you're a guy and she were to become interested in you ? even threw herself at you ?

How many who proclaim her innocence would be sleeping soundly next to her in bed ?

How many would take that chance ?

The only emotion she's shared is disconnect­. All I know is, you can't rely on her expression­s, there has been no remorse EVEN IF innocent. Out shopping the next day ? giggling ? Something isn't right there.
Footwarrior   9 hours ago (1:17 AM)
Amanda had been locked out her own home for a couple of days, it was a sealed crime scene. Is it really that wrong for her to go to a store and pick up some fresh underwear?
foldedBluePaper   10 hours ago (12:39 AM)
Too damned cute, but could be a killer. No clue other than too damned cute.
tck29   47 minutes ago (9:36 AM)
"No clue other than too damned cute."

I think what you meant was "no evidence other than too damn cute". You're right, and that's been the problem all along. She was railroaded because of her appearance­.
DragonFireChaser   10 hours ago (12:38 AM)
I love her eyes. She can slash my throat anytime.
wwoody   9 hours ago (1:50 AM)
You .....reall­y need to find some help.
amd02148   10 hours ago (12:29 AM)
You just can't argue with ardent Amanda supporters­, if the whole murder was on tape, there would be 500 posts on how it wasnt her.
SeriouslySarah   10 hours ago (12:33 AM)
I'm with you, amd02148 and I don't get it.
wwoody   9 hours ago (1:46 AM)
I agree with you. Fanned and favorite for you.
tck29   15 minutes ago (10:08 AM)
There are serious questions about how this case was prosecuted­. Why aren't you asking them?