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Renault 'Lesbian' Car Ad Banned In Italy (VIDEO)

Posted: 12-17-10 12:55 PM

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Lesbian Ad

A steamy new car ad featuring a lesbian bedroom scene has been yanked from Italian airwaves, the Daily Mail is reporting.

Aimed at promoting the new Renault Twingo, the controversial commercial features two comely women, one blonde and one brunette, exchanging flirtatious glances at a cocktail party before trailing off to a bedroom. The brunette teasingly strips down to black lingerie while the blonde blindfolds her with a silk stocking.

Though the ad has incensed some local gay groups, others object to the fact the car barely gets a mention amidst the provocative imagery. "Is it controversial or cutting edge? At no point during the advert is any technical aspect of the new Renault Twingo ever mentioned," the Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera wrote. State TV RAI and Mediaset, headed by Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, have thus far refused to air the ad, with Sky being the only broadcaster keeping it in rotation.

The ad's creators are heartily defending their work. "We wanted to create an advert that was original, enjoyable and at the same time not vulgar, and I believe we have achieved that," Daniele Tranchini of the Milan-based Publicis is quoted by the Telegraph as saying.

Watch the full ad here:

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A steamy new car ad featuring a lesbian bedroom scene has been yanked from Italian airwaves, the Daily Mail is reporting. Aimed at promoting the new Renault Twingo, the controversial commercia...
A steamy new car ad featuring a lesbian bedroom scene has been yanked from Italian airwaves, the Daily Mail is reporting. Aimed at promoting the new Renault Twingo, the controversial commercia...
Filed by Curtis M. Wong  |  Report Corrections
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Old Claudius   2 hours ago (7:15 PM)
If it were not for so many showing themselves unable to see the Renault Twingo (to be pronounced "Ren ault Twin got" in the United States) ad amusing I would say that I find the ad "most amusing".

As is, I can only say I find the ad "second most amusing". Human beings huffing and puffing and having serious hysteria on seeing an obvious joke is way out ahead in the fun department­.

As an advert it is absolutely great, of course: Not even played on the TV and everyone knows, and knows the car in it. The car, the only innocent party, not a sexual deviant, not a seducer, not a deceiver, not dishonest, not a frock-stea­ler. And it is even modest: As someone pointed out, it did not even share any of its secrets, its measuremen­ts, what it has under its sleek exterior..­. Perhaps it's not modest. Maybe it's coy...
SvrWx   3 hours ago (6:14 PM)
This ad is nothing compared to late night Italian television­...even daytime television­. Many of their shows make Spanish television look like a trip to church.
grange   8 hours ago (2:01 PM)
I dont see why the ad was banned.Not­hing offensive at all , I still wouldnt buy a Renault though.
Puller58   10 hours ago (11:47 AM)
"Mama Mia, that'sa some a spicy meat-a-bal­l!"  (For those old enough to remember that old commercial­.)
SimJack   10 hours ago (11:57 AM)
"I can't believe I ate the hole thing."
Progressive IL   9 hours ago (12:17 PM)
That's what she said?

/Couldn't resist.
tjconkster   3 hours ago (6:05 PM)
Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz.....O­h what a relief it is.....for that after dinner heartburn.­....
theroundearth   10 hours ago (11:26 AM)
I understand that the blond woman is flirting with the brunette woman only because the blouse of the brunette is the same color of the blond woman's car.

This is a very immoral ad that teaches how to deceive a naive woman and steal her property and plays with our prejudices against blondes.
depasquale5   5 hours ago (4:44 PM)
Sta Zitto!
Cassandrawept   0 minute ago (9:32 PM)
I thought she stole both clothes and car.
Elizabeth Schwartz   10 hours ago (11:09 AM)
They should have taken it off the air for depicting lesbians (or one lesbian, one con artist) is stupid, whorish or thieving. This will not unseat the Suburu from the #1 spot...
The voice of reason2010   11 hours ago (10:19 AM)
That was absolutely­, 100% disgusting­. I am happy for the Italians to have such high standards when it comes to adverts like this. Good to see they have morals.

We could learn a lesson from them.
SteelTrapMind   11 hours ago (10:52 AM)
In what way was it disgusting­? There was no actual sex depicted; what we see is a woman flirting with a second woman, who steals the first woman's car.
Rick Shreiner   10 hours ago (11:43 AM)
It doesn't appear she is stealing the car, but she obviously stole the blouse .. ..
SteelTrapMind   9 hours ago (12:12 PM)
Well, then it's a lousy commercial for not getting the point across. Still, if anything, it's about victimizin­g the gays, not being one. Fail to see why it's banned.
buhhdaluvsallbutyou   8 hours ago (1:25 PM)
yes disgusting­ly AWSOME!!!! THAT'S HOT
ask0   8 hours ago (2:00 PM)
I will let Berlusconi know how you respect the morality, decency, and high standards of the Italians.
DrCardio   12 hours ago (9:37 AM)
hornedcog   12 hours ago (9:14 AM)
I thought the U.S. had problems with censorship­. Campanelle looks a little like a vagina.
GlennWatson   13 hours ago (9:01 AM)
So lesbians are thieves who drive Renaults. I long suspected as much.
Gigity   19 hours ago (2:51 AM)
Should have taken a kidney as well.
juancapez   21 hours ago (12:47 AM)
b*tc h stole my car!!!!
MikeyJaii   21 hours ago (12:19 AM)
What I learned in this commercial­, just another trick to steal someone's car.
Samantha Monteleone   21 hours ago (12:06 AM)
Controvers­ial or cutting edge? Irrelevant is more like it.
QuintinJordon   23 hours ago (10:51 PM)
I am offended by the commercial - no nudity. Bring on the "real" lesbians.
juancapez   21 hours ago (12:46 AM)
go see "black swan". delicious!