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Fox News Viewers Are The Most Misinformed: Study

First Posted: 12-17-10 09:42 AM   |   Updated: 12-17-10 04:49 PM

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UPDATE: Fox News senior vice president for news Michael Clemente has responded to the study which found that his network's viewers are more misinformed about American political issues than any other channel. In a statement to the New York Times' Brian Stelter, Clemente disparaged the University of Maryland, where the study was done.

"The latest Princeton Review ranked the University of Maryland among the top schools for having ‘Students Who Study The Least’ and being the ‘Best Party School’ – given these fine academic distinctions, we’ll regard the study with the same level of veracity it was ‘researched’ with," Clemente said.

"For the record, the Princeton Review says the University of Maryland ranks among the 'Best Northeastern Colleges," Stelter notes. "It was No. 19 on the Review’s list of 'Best Party Schools.'"

ORIGINAL POST: Fox News viewers are much more likely than others to believe false information about American politics, a new study concludes.

The study, conducted by the University of Maryland, judged how likely consumers of various news outlets and publications were to believe misinformation about a wide range of political issues. Overall, 90% of respondents said they felt they had heard false information being given to them during the 2010 election campaign. However, while consumers of just about every news outlet believed some information that was false, the study found that Fox News viewers, regardless of political information, were "significantly more likely" to believe that:

--Most economists estimate the stimulus caused job losses (12 points more likely)

--Most economists have estimated the health care law will worsen the deficit (31 points)

--The economy is getting worse (26 points)

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--Most scientists do not agree that climate change is occurring (30 points)

--The stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts (14 points)

--Their own income taxes have gone up (14 points)

--The auto bailout only occurred under Obama (13 points)

--When TARP came up for a vote most Republicans opposed it (12 points)

--And that it is not clear that Obama was born in the United States (31 points)

In addition, the study said, increased viewership of Fox News led to increased belief in these false stories.

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UPDATE: Fox News senior vice president for news Michael Clemente has responded to the study which found that his network's viewers are more misinformed about American political issues than any other c...
UPDATE: Fox News senior vice president for news Michael Clemente has responded to the study which found that his network's viewers are more misinformed about American political issues than any other c...
Filed by Jack Mirkinson  |  Report Corrections
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Scorpiaux   0 minute ago (12:50 AM)
Perhaps Fox News viewers are proud of their ignorance. Here is a suggested bumper sticker message in slightly altered form.

Fox News said it.
I believe it.
That settles it.
texasrodeoqueen   2 minutes ago (12:47 AM)
Check out Prolefeed TV. It carries the same messages as Faux only a little more covert! It's amazing!

McCarthyis­m Strengthen­s America - Prolefeed 016 1:52

McCarthyis­m Strengthen­s America - Prolefeed 016

1 min 50 sec As we celebrate Senator Joseph McCarthy's 99th birthday, we take a moment to reflect on the power and wisdom of this great man.

by ProlefeedT­V http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v­=W-Xm5ANRS­cg
texasrodeoqueen   8 minutes ago (12:42 AM)
ThankGodhesgone   10 minutes ago (12:40 AM)
Well, slap mah face and call me Sally. Is this a surprise to anyone?

The problem with many foxbots is Fox is their only source of informatio­n. People like O'Reilly, Hannity and especially Beck feed their paranoia. They are encouraged not to trust anything else. Fox has almost become some kind of religious cult, training their viewers to react like Pavlovian dogs.

I like to watch FOX, CNN, MSNBC, read blogs like this and news magazines from differing viewpoints­, and yes, even listen to talk radio. What do I believe? Depends on who I think is telling the truth. Admittedly­, that is hardly ever Fox. No network tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But if you only watch or listen to one viewpoint all of the time, that is what you are going to believe because there is no room for discussion or dissent.
ConsensusReality   12 minutes ago (12:38 AM)
Hmmmm....F­aux Spews responds by attacking the people who published the study...ju­st like one would expect of a political operation. Faux clearly is not a news organizati­on.
Ugmo   18 minutes ago (12:32 AM)
I was going to stick around until there were 21k comments, but traffic slowed to insignific­ance.
I will be back!
Fighting the battle against ""faux spews"
Keep up the battle Patriots
applescruff   36 minutes ago (12:14 AM)
"Sadly most of the FOX viewers are prey who have been convinced that they are predators"­. -TimHS

That was sadly dead on.
Amy Khoudari   37 minutes ago (12:13 AM)
Fox claims that that their viewers aren't misinforme­d. I guess they believe in their own Kool-Aid. I'm not surprised. The commentato­rs outrage is so over the top, it would be hard to believe that it was being faked. Not every issue has a right and a wrong. But it is possible to be really and truly wrong and fox hits that mark exceedingl­y often.
ThankGodhesgone   7 minutes ago (12:42 AM)
Beck, Hannity and El Fatso are soooo outraged so often, it's hard to take them seriously.

All they are really doing is laughing themselves silly on the way to the bank.
xilduq   38 minutes ago (12:12 AM)
since i read my news from a variety of sources rather than watch or listen to fox, msnbc, cnn or any mainstream media, must i be more informed?
applescruff   39 minutes ago (12:11 AM)
Fox News is like fast food. Mindlessly prepared ,artificia­lly processed, and bad for humans that consume it. But most importantl­y, popular with the ill-inform­ed who lap it up with gusto..
Rebecca Reynolds   48 minutes ago (12:02 AM)
Perhaps the real story here is that the ultimate goal of the Fox News pundits is to misinform their viewers so that they can control popular opinion.
chichel   48 minutes ago (12:01 AM)
What a comeback.
Ugmo   49 minutes ago (12:01 AM)
Come on!

Challenge my rant and prove fOx right.

600 more and I'm gone.
pjburke   26 minutes ago (12:23 AM)
Alright, alright :-)

"A cable access show has a character called 'Dick Smart' and it was a talking penis, trying to tell kids about contracept­ion. A court of appeals has laid down the law that you cannot have a talking penis on the TV. Fox News has reacted immediatel­y and fired Sean Hannity."

--Bill Maher
Lahonda   1 hour ago (11:47 PM)
Foxaganda. Nothing more, nothing less.
TimHS   1 hour ago (11:32 PM)
The people I work with are overwhelmi­ngly Conservati­ve. They all watch FOX news and view the FOX web page exclusivel­y. They happily go about their lives in ignorant bliss.

If you question them and then force them to accept the truth they hate you for it. I recently lost one friend after getting him to research the ACORN video. Even after noting that there were 100 or more hits on Google still pushing the false story for every hit that revealed the con-job he still wouldn't connect the dots.

To them FOX is the source of truth and the fount of wisdom. FOX is run by people who are mostly motivated by profit and pushing a political agenda that increases their wealth.

I've lived in several different countries and it has always been true that most of the people there naturally gravitated to the sources that would align best with their personal views. There were always people who knew this and were ready to take advantage of it.

It takes a lot of personal effort to overcome this need for self-justi­fication. "The poor are poor because they are lazy not because the rest of us are greedy." etc. You don't want to feel guilty sending your child to a good school while millions starve.

It also seems to be an animal thing. You are either predator or prey. Sadly most of the FOX viewers are prey who have been convinced that they are predators.
Peartree3   46 minutes ago (12:03 AM)
Wow...your last sentence is well-worth pondering: Fox, a wily predator..­.goes after prey who WANT to be predators, then convinces them they are.
Trying to think of an analogy...­Chicken Hawks is the only thing that comes to mind.
Fanned for your thought-pr­ovocation. :-)