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Ariel, Luna Maya Sex Tape: Indonesia's First Celebrity Sex Tape Scandal

NINIEK KARMINI | 06/13/10 09:10 PM | AP

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Indonesia Sex Tape Scandal
Explicit clips allegedly show pop singer Nazril Irham, better known as Ariel (left), having sex with his girlfriend, top model and actress Luna Maya (right). AP Photo/July 14, 2009.

JAKARTA, Indonesia — Indonesians grappled with their first-ever celebrity sex-tape scandal, casting aside social taboos as they swarmed around office computers and mobile phones to watch clips allegedly showing a much-loved pop star with two girlfriends.

The story topped newscasts for a week and dominated chatter on social-networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. But just as controversial was the reaction of officials in the newly democratic nation.

Police initially threatened to charge the "stars" under a strict anti-pornography law.

Several high schools were raided for mobile phones so the offending clips could be removed. And some ministers said the incident pointed, once again, to moral decay and the need for stricter controls of the Internet.

Indonesia, a secular nation with more Muslims than any other in the world, emerged from 32 years of dictatorship in 1998. It won praise for tackling the tough tasks of fighting corruption and terrorism and implementing widely lauded social and economic reforms.

But it still faces challenges on the road to democratization, from the explosion of grass-roots campaigning on the Web to old-style politicians, who speak to small constituencies or narrow-based parties rather than the central government, said sociologist Wimar Witoelar.

For some, the initial instinct still is to clamp down.

When the scandal spurred debate as to whether education about sex – a subject still taboo at home and in the classroom – should be added to the school curriculum, Minister of Education Muhammad Nuh responded with a flat out "no."

"I may be obsolete, but I don't see that sex education in schools is needed," he told reporters. "I believe people will learn about sex naturally."

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Instead, he recommended authorities search students' mobile phones for copies of the tapes, the rapid dissemination of which "violates the rules and cultural norms in a religious society."

"Whoever is responsible should be punished," Nuh said.

The first six-minute video clip appears to show pop singer Nazril Irham, better known as Ariel, in bed with his girlfriend Luna Maya, a top model, actress and, up until the scandal, the face of Lux beauty soap.

The two deny it was them, saying the footage has been doctored, but were called in for questioning by police.

Initially officers threatened to charge them under a tough anti-pornography law, even though there was no indication the intimate but explicit sex scenes were ever intended for public viewing.

"If someone is proven to have intentionally distributed the videos, that person will be charged," said Brig. Gen. Zainuri Lubis, spokesman for the national police, adding even those caught downloading clips and copying it for others could face jail time.

Local media said the video started appearing in early June after Ariel's laptop was stolen and many similar tapes, with other celebrities, are still out there.

Then a second eight-minute video emerged, purportedly showing Ariel with a former girlfriend, also a well-liked model and television presenter, further fanning public appetite for more.

As the tapes were downloaded onto Facebook and YouTube (they have since been removed by the sites' administrator) and distributed from mobile phone to mobile phone, the country tottered on the verge of sexual hysteria.

Fifteen-year-old Bintang Irvano, a student at a high school in south Jakarta, huddled around a mobile phone with his two friends to look at the video "for about the fourth time."

He said after teachers started launching daily raids, teens started removing the footage from their phones ahead of class only to later upload it.

"It's easy to get it back again," said Raikhan Daffa, 16. "We just pass it to one another by Bluetooth."

"Hey, it's one way to learn about sex!" he said, laughing.

Work grinded to a halt at some offices last week, as employees discussed the scandal on Facebook or forwarded a steady string of jokes, the punch lines all tied to the scandal.

The country of 240 million has seen an explosion of social networking as more people have access to the Internet, prompting the government earlier this year to propose a bill to regulate content.

Public pressure forced it, eventually, to be shelved.

But, in the wake of the sex-tape saga, Minister of Information and Technology Tifatul Sembiring renewed calls for content control, and teams immediately set out to deploy firewalls for more than 2,000 Internet cafes around the country.

He said it was a "race against time" to protect children from harm.

Others argued while it is important to protect the young, new media has a key role to play in helping democratize the country, and curtailing content does not come without risks.

"The government may have good intentions," said Roy Suryo, an information and technology analyst. "But freedom of information and personal access rights have to be protected as well."


Associated Press writer Robin McDowell contributed to this report.

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JAKARTA, Indonesia &mdash; Indonesians grappled with their first-ever celebrity sex-tape scandal, casting aside social taboos as they swarmed around office computers and mobile phones to watch clips a...
JAKARTA, Indonesia &mdash; Indonesians grappled with their first-ever celebrity sex-tape scandal, casting aside social taboos as they swarmed around office computers and mobile phones to watch clips a...
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orc baracks   05:55 AM on 7/23/2010
Ariel and Luna Maya sex tape is awesome! I saw it on this nice site:
infant girl clothing   04:56 AM on 7/18/2010
thanks to the government and the Indonesian police are now ariel, luna maya, cut-tary as a suspect and Ariel had been in prison and 10 people traffickers and uploaded this video already captured.
sobhana   12:03 PM on 7/13/2010
wow Indonesia is not the place to be doing such things, most people over there don't know how to mind their own business, so annoying
Sacha Stevenson   04:45 AM on 6/23/2010
Well I think they are milking this case for all it's worth. Ariel and Luna are now International celebrities...( they might have lost some contracts but the future is promising for these two now that they are even huger superstars then they were before) and people will get over the sex tapes eventually. Lets not forget it was Indonesia that brought this story to the world and the local media that made sure every single Indonesian large and small has heard of the case (and perhaps the video itself) so I blame Indonesia not Ariel. Now the police threaten 12 years in Prison!!!! God, are we trying to ruin Indonesia's image even more by making it look like a tourist destination for Islamic extremists and flaming hypocrites? No wonder Thailand is so much more popular with tourists.
clarkkent69   07:47 PM on 6/22/2010
This is the type of world you would live if were to let some of the Muslim extremists, you defend with such fervor. You see boys and girls sex tapes and pornography in Isalmic countries not only can get you jail time, but in some countries you can get the death sentence for it. I remember reading about a incident that I believe happened in Saudi Arabia about how Isalmic secret police diligently tracked down a local female porn star by reading the serial number off an electric meter that was in the background of one of her movies. She was arrested and sentenced to death.
Wake up, people America is still the greatest country in the world, as bad as you thought George Bush was he is nothing compared to the radical mullahs in parts of the Middle East and Asia.
no-body   11:40 AM on 6/22/2010
Indonesians officials are just a bunch of hypocrites!
I feel sorry for Ariel and Luna and Cut Tari, they are being treated like they're criminals ... while the real criminals the corruptors are living the high life enjoying their corrupted money. Hah, what a pity! Wake up Indonesia, please ...
jfrisco11   09:03 PM on 6/20/2010
it's just sex :)
floodberg   03:58 PM on 6/20/2010
Great. They've got their own celebrity sex tape. Our promiscuous celebrities and politicians lost control of the entire Indonesian porn market.

How could they let that happen?
Karan Muthaya   11:14 PM on 6/18/2010
Luna Maya Sex Tape Scandal Video HERE


With Censored and Uncensored.....
ds S   09:26 AM on 6/16/2010
Watch Ariel and Luna Maya sex tape on
FLORIANA FABIAN   07:57 PM on 6/15/2010
When I first found out about Peterporn, on Twitter, I thought that he was a fantastic creature, like the Dragon... Having sex with Snow-White... That would have been news!

In my imagination, Peterporn (The Dragon) was not loosing his laptop, because he had an album coming out. Snow White didn't have to create a diversion from her doubtful career as a comedienne. Also, she never looked like Cruela Devil either, in photos that haven't been veeery carefully retouched. In my imagination, they never dragged Cinderella either (already married to Prince Charming), into their stuff.

Bottom line, in my imagination, the act of love making between The Dragon and Snow White was of mythical, cosmic nature and for communication with the Universe. Well, in reality, the act of "love" makin' between - What's his name?... Mickey Mouse, Pinocchio?... Ah! Ariel! - Ariel and Cruela... sorry, Luna Maya... has no other goal but to communicate with Hollywood... Be it even Vivid Entertainment, it doesn't matter!

On the other hand, let's not forget that Cru... sorry, Luna Maya is a Food Ambassador!... And as a Food Ambassador, you have to feed yourself, first!... With caviar!... Otherwise, how can you get enough protein to get the job done and feed the hungry?... With canned food... 'Cause we live in the real world, not in some Vivid imagination... And people need to eat!
julian101   04:46 PM on 6/15/2010
On a similar note.....currently Indonesian News Media (on SCTV), is reporting that Obama is having an affair....
Elbrando   09:21 AM on 6/15/2010
First they claim that kids should learn about sex naturally. What is more natural than curious children watching people have sex?
SukiTheCat   09:56 AM on 6/16/2010
totally, they should commend these actors for their public service
Helmi Saleh   05:19 AM on 6/15/2010
i think from this tragedy which has happened to Ariel and Luna,
we should be careful with our privacy which has been already saved in the cell phone or computer
santiago sherwood   01:18 PM on 6/14/2010
am I the only one who never record there sex life?
carester   06:40 PM on 6/14/2010
X2 ! !
Builders   09:46 PM on 6/14/2010
Not all of us perceive ourselves as that interesting. Most of us I am sure are not. Not intending to imply any judgement on the previous commenters, but it would never have crossed my mind that anyone would care about having a movie of me. It takes somebody rather narcissistic to even make the film, and a glutton for attention maybe. As far as I am concerned he may make what he likes and do as he pleases, and I am entirely free to look elsewhere.
rlcapps   11:56 AM on 6/16/2010
I've been recording your sex life for months now. I'll send you a copy when I'm finished editing. And try to leave the curtains open.