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Reviving the West

Commented 1 week ago in World
“PM Gordon Brown has not told us why today's West needs a two-income family?

Despite what many write, need for two-income­s in a family are priorities and life-style­. If we solved this issue - or rather made it easier (tax incentives if needed) to survive on a one-income family, we would improve the society's well-being­:

1. Solve the unemployme­nt crises.
2. Solve the education dilemma with a high (50%) school drop-out rate (and 70% in big cities).
3. Shrink the healthcare crises caused by lack of illness-pr­evention and end-of-lif­e care; costing 50% of all healthcare costs; which is 2 trillion dollars.
4. Reduce the cost of managing chronic illness and nursing home which accounts for 75% of healthcare costs and 70% of deaths.
5. Reduce the 50% divorce rate.
6. Reduce the high incidence of depression in adults and children.
7. Reduce the high incidence of stress and stress-rel­ated disorders.
8. Decrease the consumptio­n of junk, fast-foods­, prepared foods and alcohol.
9. Rediscover the value of family, (near and extended), neighborho­od and society.
10. Rediscover the importance of cultural values and ties.

Any one of the above should give us pause to realize what we are doing to ourselves; and how history will judge and evaluate present civilizati­on. Yet long before history judges us, our children and grandchild­ren will judge us by the type of America we leave them; including the massive debt.”
lloydc123   10:57 AM on 12/20/2010
Are you in Congress? You have listed what is needed, but not one soution.
SusanElizabeth1949   01:01 PM on 12/20/2010
I could tell Mr Brown that damn few women want to return to the days when they were totally dependent on their husband's for their and their children's survival. This sounds eerily like what was put out by politician­s and the media from 1945 on to send "Rosie the Riveter" back home to mind the kitchen. Back then it was 'they are taking a MAN's job.
Read the story:
In 2008, at a time of financial peril, the world united to restructure the global banking system. In 2009, as trade collapsed and unemployment rose dramatically, the world came together for the first time in the G-20 to prevent a great recession from spiraling into a great depression. Now, facing a low-growth austerity decade with no national exits from long-term unemployment and diminished living standards, the world needs to come together in the first half of 2011 to agree on a financial and economic strategy for prosperity far bolder than the Marshall Plan of the 1940's. Time is running out on the West, because both Europe and America have yet to digest the fact that all the individual crises of the last few years -- from the sub-prime crisis and the collapse of Lehman Brothers to Greek austerity and Ireland's near-bankruptcy --...  MORE
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