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huffingtonpost entry

The Perfect Storm That Could Elect Sarah Palin

Commented Nov 25, 2010 at 14:32:28 in Politics

“I think most people underestimate Sarah Palin. I think some of the folksy idiotic statements she makes are on purpose. At the beginning perhaps she did so to get a feel for how much ignorance was out there and/or tolerated. I think she may have almost everyone fooled. She's smart, cunning, vicious, sexy, outspoken. She speaks to the fear of many working people. She lets the industrialists and financiers know she will support what they have done and will do. Many Republicans don't like their own party, and she pushes that too. Don't let yourself be fooled; she could become the next president of the US.”
huffingtonpost entry

Sarah Palin's Presidential Strategy, and the Economy She Depends On

Commented Nov 25, 2010 at 14:02:47 in Politics

“A smart politician tells people what they want to hear. When elected, they do what they had planned to do all along. Most people don't want to believe that they are responsible for their own fate so when a politician tells them to look at someone else as the culprit, it goes over really well. We, and the whole world, are in this mess because of ourselves. That means me too. We keep doing the same thing and hoping for a different outcome. That's called insanity. How many of you vote for someone because they are of the same party as you? Or keep voting for someone and don't even know how they vote on issues? Really pay attention and do research to find the truth on issues? Still have and use credit cards? Aren't paying down your mortgage as fast as possible? Buy a new car when you don't really need one? The list is almost endless. Until each of us make changes, things won't get any better.”
huffingtonpost entry

The Billionaires Want More, More, More

Commented Nov 20, 2010 at 11:22:51 in Politics

“Of course it's not news, but it appears that that idea has not penetrated most people's brains. Therefore, it must be repeated over and over.”
huffingtonpost entry

Let the Bush-Era Tax Cuts Expire... All of Them

Commented Nov 19, 2010 at 14:48:10 in Politics

“I was limiting my comments to the Bush tax cuts.”
Grover Norquist: GOP Must Be Willing To Force Government Shutdown In Battle Against Federal Spending

Grover Norquist: GOP Must Be Willing To Force Government Shutdown In Battle Against Federal Spending

Commented Nov 19, 2010 at 14:41:52 in Politics

“Mr. Norquist makes me gag. He loves government so much that, in his own words, he wants to shrink in so much that he can drown it in the bathtub.”
huffingtonpost entry

Why Can't We Be the Job Creators?

Commented Nov 18, 2010 at 21:08:42 in Politics

“Good post ericd96. I've talked with many older Republicans, and they all long for another Eisenhower Republican.”
huffingtonpost entry

Why Can't We Be the Job Creators?

Commented Nov 18, 2010 at 21:05:32 in Politics

“Funny you should ask about shovel ready projects. Humm! Here in northeast Tennessee, roads were repaved, bridges rebuild or repaired, fire people and police people got extra training, and that's just a few. We're very rural and sparsely populated and we can see those 'shovel ready' projects.”
huffingtonpost entry

Anti-Libertarian Presidents

Commented Nov 18, 2010 at 20:51:28 in Politics

“For those who know nothing about the libertarian philosophy, let me give you one example. In their world there is no such thing as the commons. What does that mean? Everything is owned by an individual. There would be no national forests, no national parks, no people owned oil reserves or coal reserves or anything. Because there is no such thing as the commons, everything would be sold to the highest bidder. You child died from spoiled food. Don't buy that product again. Laws that you could sue wouldn't exist. Government protections from predator corporations wouldn't exist. Anarchy to the max.”

TCPITS on Nov 18, 2010 at 22:04:31


mabinog on Nov 18, 2010 at 21:20:49

“Libertarianism - the ideology espousing the freedom of hundreds or thousands of people to be maimed or killed every year so that business can be free of regulation.”

TheBagman on Nov 18, 2010 at 21:17:14

“Apparently it is actually you who knows nothing about libertarian philosophy.”
huffingtonpost entry

Senate Republicans Tell Women: You Are Mere Pawns

Commented Nov 18, 2010 at 20:34:01 in Politics

“The Republican rationale was that the enactment of this legislation would have been onerous to small business. Don't forget all the Republicans except Collins and Snowe voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Act. BTW the newly re-elected Senator from AK wasn't there to cast her vote. Hutchinson (R-TX) voted no also. The arguement made by the Republicans was spurious to say the least. But then Republicans made the same arguement against paying people, mostly men then, of color would cost 'small' business too much. They continue to throw up false arguements to hide behind their desire to make this society a caste system: rich and poor.”
huffingtonpost entry

Let the Bush-Era Tax Cuts Expire... All of Them

Commented Nov 18, 2010 at 20:16:25 in Politics

“The Dems in the House should not let anything dealing with the tax cuts come up for discussion or a vote. Let them all expire. The Republicans said that the Dems shouldn't pass any legislation during the lame duck session. Hold them to it if they start crying and whining. Let the Republicans draft legislation in 2011. Then let's see what it says.”

mlaiuppa on Nov 18, 2010 at 21:47:09

“And we should do everything the Republicans tell us?

They've been doing their best to prevent any legislation from passing for the last four years.

If that's what they want, I say the Democrats pass everything they can until Jan. 1, 2011. Then dig in their heels and say NO to everything Republicans propose. Let them taste their own hypocrisy.”
California Political District Reform: Citizens Draw New Political Boundaries, Not Politicians

California Political District Reform: Citizens Draw New Political Boundaries, Not Politicians

Commented Nov 18, 2010 at 20:09:52 in Los Angeles

“You have a problem with democracy in the workplace?”
huffingtonpost entry

The Stimulus Package in Kabul (I Was Delusional -- I Thought One Monster 'Embassy' Was the End of It)

Commented Nov 15, 2010 at 22:31:38 in World

“We do the conquering while China does the reaping of benefits. Are you not seeing this? This is how we pay off our massive debt to China.”

Enroh Mot on Nov 16, 2010 at 02:04:07

“The US war profiteers are reaping a bonanza.”
huffingtonpost entry

The Stimulus Package in Kabul (I Was Delusional -- I Thought One Monster 'Embassy' Was the End of It)

Commented Nov 15, 2010 at 22:27:30 in World

“Hun the world's police can't be worried by such silly such as homelessness, unemployment, or hunger in their own country.”
huffingtonpost entry

The Stimulus Package in Kabul (I Was Delusional -- I Thought One Monster 'Embassy' Was the End of It)

Commented Nov 15, 2010 at 22:26:12 in World

“I do believe I have it! We are the army to fight and conquer so China can come in and reap the benefits.”
Chinese Copper Mine In Afghanistan Threatens 2,600-Year-Old Buddhist Monastery

Chinese Copper Mine In Afghanistan Threatens 2,600-Year-Old Buddhist Monastery

Commented Nov 14, 2010 at 22:19:31 in World

“The Taliban was not a part of the militants who ran off the Russians. The Taliban was created by and supported by Pakistan to quell the unrest in Afghanistan after Russia left.”

msjimmied on Nov 14, 2010 at 22:26:20

“The Taliban emerged from the mujahadeen,”
Chinese Copper Mine In Afghanistan Threatens 2,600-Year-Old Buddhist Monastery

Chinese Copper Mine In Afghanistan Threatens 2,600-Year-Old Buddhist Monastery

Commented Nov 14, 2010 at 22:15:33 in World

“Well now. I guess we're China's war machine. We send our young men and women to fight and die so that China can exploit this region and make billions and billions in profits. We're such saps.”
David Axelrod Had To Get Fiscal Commission Report Off Internet

David Axelrod Had To Get Fiscal Commission Report Off Internet

Commented Nov 11, 2010 at 13:47:23 in Politics

“Peterson is one of the economic royalists and has fought all his life to rob the common people of this country of everything we have.”

yeswecanjane on Nov 11, 2010 at 13:57:12

“He is doing a great job!:)”
David Axelrod Had To Get Fiscal Commission Report Off Internet

David Axelrod Had To Get Fiscal Commission Report Off Internet

Commented Nov 11, 2010 at 13:44:33 in Politics

“That's what I don't understand. Why isn't the President and the Democrats shouting from the rooftops that SS isn't part of the deficit. It is by law totally funded from FICA taxes. It can't, by law, run a deficit; it must be self-sustaining.”
David Axelrod Had To Get Fiscal Commission Report Off Internet

David Axelrod Had To Get Fiscal Commission Report Off Internet

Commented Nov 11, 2010 at 13:42:16 in Politics

“Before we all get our panties in a wad, remember this is only Bowles and Simpson's recommendations not the whole commission.”

Rosewren on Nov 11, 2010 at 13:54:30

“That is true, however again, someone other than Obama is guiding the public discourse and setting up the agenda. Now he is on the defensive and anything he objects to is going to be fodder for Faux News and the TP.”
Ten Flash Points In The Fiscal Commission Chairmen's Proposal

Ten Flash Points In The Fiscal Commission Chairmen's Proposal

Commented Nov 10, 2010 at 20:36:50 in Politics

“Don't you just love the right's mantra that we have the 'highest' corporate taxes of anyone. Of course they fail to mention that corporations end up paying almost nothing. We, as a people, are such dopes.”
Ten Flash Points In The Fiscal Commission Chairmen's Proposal

Ten Flash Points In The Fiscal Commission Chairmen's Proposal

Commented Nov 10, 2010 at 20:34:30 in Politics

“Hey I'm a boomer and I sure didn't vote for this.”
Ten Flash Points In The Fiscal Commission Chairmen's Proposal

Ten Flash Points In The Fiscal Commission Chairmen's Proposal

Commented Nov 10, 2010 at 20:24:08 in Politics

“If Democrats, including the Prez, supports this and it happens, the Democrats are toast. The Republican will of course support it. I am beginning why we even have a government. I thought the purpose of government was to provide societial structure and enough control to prevent barbarism and finally, but most important, to protect its citizens.”
Ten Flash Points In The Fiscal Commission Chairmen's Proposal

Ten Flash Points In The Fiscal Commission Chairmen's Proposal

Commented Nov 10, 2010 at 20:19:29 in Politics

“Actually, it would be much easier to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire and write legislation cutting taxes for the middle class, raise tax rates for those making $250,000 or more per year, and cutting defense spending by 50%.”

ReleaseDragula on Nov 10, 2010 at 20:24:33

“Have you ever been hired by a poor person?”
Seth Rogen's Girlfriend Was Topless When He Proposed (VIDEO)

Seth Rogen's Girlfriend Was Topless When He Proposed (VIDEO)

Commented Nov 9, 2010 at 22:11:45 in Entertainment

“LOL! Since I was in the throes of menopause, we were not trying to put a bun in the oven.”
Keith Olbermann Returns From Suspension (VIDEO)

Keith Olbermann Returns From Suspension (VIDEO)

Commented Nov 9, 2010 at 22:09:18 in Media

“Oath Keeper, you're like the kettle calling the pot black.”
1 - 25 of 1212