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Reviving the West

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ActualAmerican   10:17 AM on 12/19/2010
Please, spare us Mr. Brown from the same "help" you gave the UK who is only now beginning to wake up from the same nightmare of failed progressiv­e collectivi­sm or statism, if you will, that we just finished rejecting here in November.

If really want to help give your frequent flyer miles to Nigel Farague and you yourself stay home.

Who is Nigel Farague you say?
Kizar Sozay   02:07 PM on 12/19/2010
I was going to post pretty much the same thing. You beat me to it. I can't believe that anyone would give Brown a forum to expound his failed ideas but even more astounding is the number of people here who hold this guy up like some fount of wisdom and sagacity.

I'll be surprised if the EU makes it another 2 years despite the $900 billion the IMF demands the US contribute to bail out their failed social plan.
Commented 1 week ago in World
“The US has the most abysmal social non-pan in the West. Check out the poverty and income inequality­. It wasn't Europe's social 'plan' that rode them into the ditch- it was greedy banks...an­d now they want US to bail them out. That's free enterprise­? Sounds like plutocracy to me.”
Eric Penner   05:29 PM on 12/19/2010
You're absolutely right. The inequality in the United States will pull more and more wealth out of the middle class and the area under the bell-shape­d curve will continue to shrink. If this rate of increasing inequality continues in the US, we'll look a lot like Mexico by the end of this century.

Then, the rich will still complain about paying taxes, and we won't even be able to get any quality social programs out of being robbed of a middle class.
ActualAmerican   04:38 PM on 12/21/2010
LOL if you really believe that then I have a bridge in Brussels to sell you.
Read the story:
In 2008, at a time of financial peril, the world united to restructure the global banking system. In 2009, as trade collapsed and unemployment rose dramatically, the world came together for the first time in the G-20 to prevent a great recession from spiraling into a great depression. Now, facing a low-growth austerity decade with no national exits from long-term unemployment and diminished living standards, the world needs to come together in the first half of 2011 to agree on a financial and economic strategy for prosperity far bolder than the Marshall Plan of the 1940's. Time is running out on the West, because both Europe and America have yet to digest the fact that all the individual crises of the last few years -- from the sub-prime crisis and the collapse of Lehman Brothers to Greek austerity and Ireland's near-bankruptcy --...  MORE
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