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Johnathan Plate

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Reviving the West

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ArabianMoney   02:19 AM on 12/19/2010
How can the socialist West compete with the capitalist East? This is not being facetious. It is the West that is overburden­ed with the debts and obligation­s of a nanny state. The East leaves business free to pursue profit and is it any surprise that this is working? That is how America used to operate before the 'Big Society' that is also sinking the UK. Gordon Brown was a major figure in creating this unhappy legacy and should be taking early retirement and leaving it to others to sort out his mess. The UK is the most indebted country in the world after Spain thanks to him, see: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/ba­nking-fina­nce/2010/1­2/10/uk-mo­re-indebte­d-than-por­tugal-irel­and-or-gre­ece/
Johnathan Plate
Commented 1 week ago in World
“You assume one can survive with out the other? Fact is East needs us more then we need them! but the multi national corporatio­ns need the Western market more then they need the eastern ones, because while growth is strong in eastern countries its still much less a percentage of profits then the western countries produce.

The fact is that Our social safety net is what saves democracy in the western world. If not for our social safety net, our leaders would all face the same chalanges as chinas leaders, how to promote job growth to prevent social rebelion!”
Read the story:
In 2008, at a time of financial peril, the world united to restructure the global banking system. In 2009, as trade collapsed and unemployment rose dramatically, the world came together for the first time in the G-20 to prevent a great recession from spiraling into a great depression. Now, facing a low-growth austerity decade with no national exits from long-term unemployment and diminished living standards, the world needs to come together in the first half of 2011 to agree on a financial and economic strategy for prosperity far bolder than the Marshall Plan of the 1940's. Time is running out on the West, because both Europe and America have yet to digest the fact that all the individual crises of the last few years -- from the sub-prime crisis and the collapse of Lehman Brothers to Greek austerity and Ireland's near-bankruptcy --...  MORE
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