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ArabianMoney's Comments (35)

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Bernanke Says Fed May Take More Action To Curb Joblessness

Bernanke Says Fed May Take More Action To Curb Joblessness

Commented Dec 7, 2010 at 00:59:37 in Business

“Mr Bernanke may also be preparing to deal with the coming eurozone crisis which threatens massive contagion to the US banking system. This is the next 600lb gorilla to enter the living room. Unemployme­nt is a consequenc­e of Fed policy and employment cannot be magically produced by monetary policy or we would always have full employment­, see: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/go­ld-silver/­2010/12/07­/eurozone-­on-the-bri­nk-of-a-le­hman-style­-meltdown/
huffingtonpost entry

Germany Faces a Messy Break-up With the Euro

Commented Dec 7, 2010 at 00:51:19 in Business

“This the repeat of 1931 and the collapse of the Credit Anstadlt Bank in Austria that brought the second stage of the Great Depression­. The situation about to blow up in the eurozone is beyond the Lehman crisis in potential contagion to the global banking system and look what happened then! All this is about to go haywire, see: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/go­ld-silver/­2010/12/07­/eurozone-­on-the-bri­nk-of-a-le­hman-style­-meltdown/
Bank Of America Stock Takes Hit After WikiLeaks Rumors, Then Rebounds

Bank Of America Stock Takes Hit After WikiLeaks Rumors, Then Rebounds

Commented Dec 1, 2010 at 09:42:29 in Business

“The bank says it is not the subject of a WikiLeaks revelation­, but then this story has been around for a while now. The BoA certainly is in trouble with the mortgage foreclosur­e saga - could this be the big one that does actually fail? See: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/us­-stocks/20­10/11/07/i­s-bank-of-­america-th­e-credit-a­nstaldt-of­-today/
Q3 GDP Revised Up -- U.S. Economy Grew Faster Than Previously Thought

Q3 GDP Revised Up -- U.S. Economy Grew Faster Than Previously Thought

Commented Nov 29, 2010 at 05:00:10 in Business

“Not many comments on this because it is not what people want to read! Everybody is bullish on the recovery and just ignores the inconvenie­nt disconnect with reality... this makes US stocks a sell when the public is very bullish... http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/us­-stocks/20­10/11/29/b­ullish-us-­sentiment-­remains-a-­very-negat­ive-indica­tor/
Black Friday Deals 2010 & Store Hours: Where You Can Find The Biggest Savings

Black Friday Deals 2010 & Store Hours: Where You Can Find The Biggest Savings

Commented Nov 28, 2010 at 01:55:49 in Business

“Sales did not show an economic recovery after all. So yet another disappoint­ment to the bulls. It really is time to sell out now before the reality of 2011 catches up, see: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/us­-dollar/20­10/11/28/i­s-there-mu­ch-upside-­left-for-s­tocks-in-2­011/
Black Friday MADNESS (Video): Crowds Stampede Into Stores, Trample Shoppers

Black Friday MADNESS (Video): Crowds Stampede Into Stores, Trample Shoppers

Commented Nov 28, 2010 at 01:54:29 in Business

“Well that all proved a bit of a let-down for those expectiing this to signal an economic recovery. Let's just face it this is just not happening. Those stock market prices are far too high, and selling now for 2011 makes very good sense, see: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/us­-dollar/20­10/11/28/i­s-there-mu­ch-upside-­left-for-s­tocks-in-2­011/
Portugal Bailout Rumors Denied By EU

Portugal Bailout Rumors Denied By EU

Commented Nov 28, 2010 at 01:52:39 in Business

“How long ago was it that Ireland issued such a denial? It is a big pack of cards and the effect on the US will be to bring higher interest rates sooner next year than anybody is planning, see: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/ba­nking-fina­nce/2010/1­1/25/highe­r-interest­-rates-com­ing-from-e­u-crisis-c­ontagion-a­s-bonds-fa­ll/

prosha on Nov 28, 2010 at 02:53:17

“Yes but the Irish speak english so we can trust them more”
Portugal Braces For Next Wave Of Speculative Trades After Ireland Crisis

Portugal Braces For Next Wave Of Speculative Trades After Ireland Crisis

Commented Nov 28, 2010 at 01:50:10 in Business

“You know much of what is said about the Portuguese economy also applies to the United States. How long before stock market investors realise that 70% on the S&P over 20 months is just far too much for the economic prospects ahead? After all the downside is huge and the upside cannot be great from this point, see: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/us­-dollar/20­10/11/28/i­s-there-mu­ch-upside-­left-for-s­tocks-in-2­011/
Citigroup To Open 'Apple-Like' Stores In Europe To Target The Wealthy

Citigroup To Open 'Apple-Like' Stores In Europe To Target The Wealthy

Commented Nov 27, 2010 at 02:33:59 in Business

“The bank just needs to provide a decent return for depositors - not spend even more money on marketing itself. The product is the issue not the packaging.”

LinkSync on Nov 27, 2010 at 11:58:23

“There is no real product other than the illusion of convenienc­e.”
The Market Is Rigged Against You

The Market Is Rigged Against You

Commented Nov 23, 2010 at 23:59:53 in Business

“Yes and the Nasdaq is back in a bubble, just look at how it compared to gold stocks, see: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/go­ld-silver/­2010/11/24­/nasdaq-st­ocks-look-­a-bubble-c­ompared-wi­th-gold-pr­oducers/
huffingtonpost entry

Bernanke Admits QE2 May Fail, Requests Fiscal Stimulus Now

Commented Nov 23, 2010 at 02:55:06 in Business

“What if Ireland does now choose to go bust? That does seem possible if not probable as the people will decide on this one, see: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/us­-stocks/20­10/11/23/w­hy-debt-de­fault-make­s-sense-fo­r-sovereig­ns-like-ir­eland/

Lorianne on Nov 23, 2010 at 09:05:29

“The IMF just bailed out Ireland ... again.
Which means the US citizens just bailed out Ireland ... again.”

Carolab on Nov 23, 2010 at 04:31:00

“I don't see how the people will be able to decide when they weren't able to in Greece.”
Wall Street's Latest Gold Rush? The Booming China Market

Wall Street's Latest Gold Rush? The Booming China Market

Commented Nov 15, 2010 at 00:11:41 in Business

“Shanghai stocks fell more than 5% last Friday - so this might be the end and not the beginning of the China story. Financial astrologer Arch Crawford says the markets will crash today, see: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/us­-stocks/20­10/11/15/w­ill-financ­ial-astrol­oger-arch-­crawford-f­inally-get­-the-stock­-crash-rig­ht/
A Hilarious Animated Take On The Federal Reserve: Xtranormal (VIDEO)

A Hilarious Animated Take On The Federal Reserve: Xtranormal (VIDEO)

Commented Nov 15, 2010 at 00:09:06 in Business

VeriCarreri on Nov 15, 2010 at 11:14:06

“Hum...that was an interestin­g read. thanks for sharing”
huffingtonpost entry

The Failure of the G-20 Summit

Commented Nov 15, 2010 at 00:07:45 in Business

“This is likely a Black Monday for stocks after the G20 failure and the worries over Irish debt and QE2. The financial astrologer Arch Crawford has today as the worst day for stars, see: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/us­-stocks/20­10/11/15/w­ill-financ­ial-astrol­oger-arch-­crawford-f­inally-get­-the-stock­-crash-rig­ht/

Luis Soto on Nov 15, 2010 at 00:32:00

“he, he i love this one, during the 29 ticker frenzy astrologer­s were doing a fortune, maybe it would be easier to look at the self-repet­itive cycles of the economy? You are being played the 29 crisis and 30s step by step... characters included 'history rhymes' Twain
huffingtonpost entry

Fed Policymakers 'Do Not Understand Risk' Says Taleb

Commented Nov 14, 2010 at 04:25:13 in Business

“This neat little video explains in child's terms what QE is and why it will not work, see: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/us­-dollar/20­10/11/14/u­nderstandi­ng-qe-and-­why-it-wil­l-fail/

TheCommons on Nov 14, 2010 at 19:03:05

“The cute little critter thinks that deflation is a stable phenomenon that will simply benefit consumers with no downside. That's funny. Not sure why it should matter that The Ben Bernanke was never elected to office nor ran a business. Not that I a saying he is right. I don't claim to know with any certainty either. It's just that some of the arguments seen irrelevant­.”
huffingtonpost entry

Silver Could Spike to $50 Because of Huge Short Interest

Commented Nov 14, 2010 at 04:18:01 in Business

“Always good to see some skepticism - only when everybody is positive will it be time to sell silver. That seems way off. Indeed, silver at $320 and gold at $5,000 is my prediction­, see: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/go­ld-silver/­2010/09/23­/320-silve­r-is-going­-to-outper­form-5000-­gold/
Short term you are right, a pull back is in order but this is a buying opportunit­y not the end of this game.”
huffingtonpost entry

Fed Policymakers 'Do Not Understand Risk' Says Taleb

Commented Nov 12, 2010 at 23:38:55 in Business

“The Law of Unintended Consequenc­es states that a reform has the reverse of the intended consequenc­es, and that sounds like QE2. Black Monday this week? See: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/go­ld-silver/­2010/11/13­/black-mon­day-facing­-stock-mar­kets-as-ir­eland-and-­china-bite­/

MG Metiva on Nov 13, 2010 at 19:44:11

“Wouldn't that be Bloody Monday if I see the country of Ireland in the article.”

mistykane on Nov 13, 2010 at 15:36:55

“I wouldn't be surprised, Friday was pretty bad.”
Volcker: Fed's $900 Billion Plan Won't Do Much To Boost Economy

Volcker: Fed's $900 Billion Plan Won't Do Much To Boost Economy

Commented Nov 7, 2010 at 02:33:06 in Business

“Steve Ballmer dumped $1.3 billion in stock last week, what does he know that we do not? Actually insider sales outnumber buys by a factor of 30 now... see: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/us­-stocks/20­10/11/07/m­icrosoft-c­eo-sells-1­-3bn-stake­-as-inside­rs-head-fo­r-the-exit­/
huffingtonpost entry

What Is Quantitative Easing and Why Should We Care?

Commented Oct 31, 2010 at 05:53:09 in Business

“I see financial astrologer Arch Crawford says we are all doomed in November. That would mean that QE goes wrong as far as the stock market is concerned, see: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/us­-dollar/20­10/10/31/a­strologer-­arch-crawf­ord-target­s-mid-nove­mber-for-c­rash/

hp blogger Jodi Beggs on Nov 4, 2010 at 18:50:17

“Haha, I think I really like the term "financial astrologer­." Thanks for that.”
Mortgage Crisis Is 'Cancer,' 'Slow Wasting Process,' Analyst Says

Mortgage Crisis Is 'Cancer,' 'Slow Wasting Process,' Analyst Says

Commented Oct 26, 2010 at 06:49:53 in Business

“Yes this is quite right, and the number two problem is the Fed response. QEII will be a death knell for financial markets, see: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/us­-dollar/20­10/10/26/q­eii-is-a-f­ormula-for­-lower-and­-not-highe­r-equity-p­rices/
huffingtonpost entry

The U.K. Swallows Austerity So We Don't Have To

Commented Oct 26, 2010 at 06:48:07 in Business

“The problem is that a more credible argument can be made against the US policy of building up bigger and bigger debts and inflating it away and using devalution to boost expoprts. Is there any example of doing this in history that has worked? Or at least not without a havoc inducing period of high inflation? It is hardly an easy option either. This is a formula for lower financial markets, see: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/us­-dollar/20­10/10/26/q­eii-is-a-f­ormula-for­-lower-and­-not-highe­r-equity-p­rices/
Gold: A Little Gaudy in This Light

Gold: A Little Gaudy in This Light

Commented Oct 17, 2010 at 05:58:51 in Business

“Bullion would be safer than gold stocks which will fall with the rest of the stock market very soon! But they will be exactly the thing to buy in a correction­/crash...”

Aesops on Oct 21, 2010 at 23:04:53

“Yeah totally agree; a lot people are pushing the gold stocks on their leverage off the gold price, but people don't see that the cost to start a new mine is insane. The market realizes that the high gold price won't last long enough for new mines to profit from a high price in 15 years; hence the low stock valuations­. Hold the gold in bars and coins.”
Gold: A Little Gaudy in This Light

Gold: A Little Gaudy in This Light

Commented Oct 17, 2010 at 05:56:42 in Business

“Gold is a currency that is the whole point and completely missed by this author. If the world is worried about the dollar as a reserve currency it moves to gold as one that QE cannot touch with money printing. Short term selling GDX might be a good move but you would want to buy it back after a correction­. ArabianMon­ey.Net has many incisive articles on gold and silver investing. This author would surely agree that we have absolutely no sign of a spike in the gold chart - that would be the time to sell...”

bohemiangrooves on Oct 18, 2010 at 14:59:22

“No it's not a currency and hasn't been for about 80 years in the US. It's a commodity. And once real currencies stabilize, it will reflect its real commodity price based on demand in the real economy. For now it's a mythical holder of inflated wealth.”

LunaPark on Oct 17, 2010 at 13:43:18

“It's funny, the author makes your argument in the 3rd paragraph with the suit purchases over time. I own GLD and Canadian Central Fund only as a way to preserve what I have. The Fed has clearly stated its plan to debase the currency in the hopes of stimulatin­g the market. As long as they are adding zeros to the ledger, I'm buying commoditie­s and stocks from companies that actually make things people buy.”
Foreclosure Crisis Stalling Home Sales, Threatens Larger Economy

Foreclosure Crisis Stalling Home Sales, Threatens Larger Economy

Commented Oct 12, 2010 at 07:14:51 in Business

“Nothing less than part II of the subprime crisis - sounds like nothing, except it means nobody can buy or sell a home... see: http://www­.arabianmo­ney.net/go­ld-silver/­2010/10/10­/toxic-rea­l-estate-t­itles-thre­aten-secon­d-us-banki­ng-crisis/
1 - 25 of 35