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Member Since September 2010
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EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 14:41:20 in Politics


Do progressives ever get tired of hiding behind victims in order to promote their leftist agenda?”

laineyt on Nov 17, 2010 at 14:57:17

“There's no hiding. It's right in your face telling you exactly what we expect, EQUALITY. You just don't like the statement.”

PartyOfMaybe on Nov 17, 2010 at 14:56:18

“No one would ever vote for a Democrat unless he were convinced that he was a victim. It's all they have left. Fairness isn't good enough. There must be punishment for white people, businesses, and men. I just wonder if they will take the side of white men once the minority/majority demographics switches.”

Thantalas on Nov 17, 2010 at 14:53:40


samidean on Nov 17, 2010 at 14:53:06

“This woman is no victim, and she will never be a victim of baggers like you.  Women are not YOUR victims.”

UpFromLiberalism on Nov 17, 2010 at 14:47:04

“The liberal agenda is about convincing Americans that they’re victims of evil lending companies, victims of evil oil companies and deserving of more money that was earned by other people.

The liberals plan to help their victims by having the government do more for him.

From Global-Warming and gun-crimes, to welfare and Social-Security recipients, liberals are at least consistent in their ploys to claim victim hood while calling for taxes and government takeover of business and personal rights to "fix" the emergency de jur. It always ends in victimization of the 'victim' populace and loss of freedoms.

Liberals are Victims-in­-Perpetuit­y while creatively betraying the groups of victims they claim to want to help and minorities are the 'Golden' victim class typically held up by liberals as an excuse for every government elite controlling socialist power grab and welfare class-warfare handout program they can think of to raise taxes and punish success.”

UpFromLiberalism on Nov 17, 2010 at 14:46:34


CeeCee on Nov 17, 2010 at 14:45:31

“Your question doesn't make sense.

Mr Ruthless on Nov 17, 2010 at 14:45:07

“What exactly is a "leftist agenda?"”

pottedferne on Nov 17, 2010 at 14:44:54

“what victims?”

cynical one on Nov 17, 2010 at 14:43:56

“At this point, the whole middle class are the victims.”

seanj on Nov 17, 2010 at 14:43:55

“No. They are always playing the victim card.”

Randy Wetzel on Nov 17, 2010 at 14:42:01

“Does the right ever get tired of lying about EVERYTHING?”
EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 14:38:20 in Politics

“Pelosi, the defender of liberty!


RedArmy on Nov 17, 2010 at 15:32:18

“Yes defender of her liberty to fly her Gulfstream around at will!”
EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 14:37:40 in Politics

“So it is instead her duty to murder a innocent baby that has no control over who their parents are?”
EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 14:37:18 in Politics

“So it is instead her duty to murder a innocent baby that has no control over who their parents are?”

Pete Needham on Nov 17, 2010 at 20:13:12

“When you go to your next pro-life rally, how about asking for some pictures of dead, underaged girls forced to give birth for you foetus freaks...you know, stick a camera up and take a picture of their ravaged insides...you already stoop that low with the dead foetus stuff...won't bother you at all.”
EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 13:58:12 in Politics

“If you could make sense of anything besides 2nd grade douchery, the world would be amazed.”
EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 13:56:30 in Politics


You do realize the site you are on right now sever is overflowing full of the examples you so long for.”
EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 13:46:05 in Politics

“That is not true, besides being a blanket statement, it depends on your definition of well provided for.

It is much easier to move up in a small business, you know the people you work for, there is usually more freedom, you are not subject to broad and faceless corporate policies, you know first hand how secure your job is instead of finding out your fired the day of, you can be an actual part of your community, you usually are more representative of the place you do business in, you work for people that are more similar to you, your opinion usually carries more weight, your ideas have a chance, you can support local people and your city, you usually know exactly where you stand with the people that you actually work for not just a supervisor, most of the time there is an actual culture not a manufactured one, did I mention you are usually more free?

I really could do this all day.

I don't have anything aganist a large business, but their very largeness works against them in many, many ways and they spend massive amounts of time and money trying to combat being so big.

LOL, I was about to give you a bunch of qoutes that I know from successful businessmen about not expanding beyond certain points, ineffective bloat etc. until I realized how long this is, sorry!”

martiniandabotoxchaser on Nov 18, 2010 at 11:03:14

“Small business are less likely to provide health insurance and other benefits to their full time employees than larger businesses...small business is not panacea without benefits.  If we want to support small business we also need to support national health care.”
EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 13:27:24 in Politics

“So selecting who is human and who does not qualify for protection based on that judgment?

Hmmmmm, I wonder if there are any tyrannical douches in history that think just like you?

Oh yeah........”

PlatoSunTsu on Nov 17, 2010 at 15:09:37

“I would bet many of your friends are 'tyrannical douches' but I digress, why do you hate momma grizzlies? Why are you hiding behind the victims?”
EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 13:23:08 in Politics

“Stop parroting rhetoricic at me, you can do anything to YOUR body that you want to and I nor anyone else gives a flying ____.

When you want to murder a innocent child that has no choice over who their parents are then you will have a serious problem in America.”
EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 13:20:10 in Politics

“Sure, just search any of their names on this site.”
EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 13:19:39 in Politics

“The only bitter people in America are progressives that actually believed that anyone ever bought into their BS and were unaware they only got to where they are now by lying to everyone about who they are in the first place.”
EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 13:17:19 in Politics


You do realize the site you are on right now sever is overflowing full of the examples you so long for.”
EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 13:15:49 in Politics

“More faux intellectualism, nobody buys into anymore.”
EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 13:14:58 in Politics

“A lib using the term "play the victim" to describe anyone but themselves is a joke.”
EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 12:26:32 in Politics

“They create the vast majority of jobs and wealth.

Also most big business started as a small business.”

martiniandabotoxchaser on Nov 17, 2010 at 12:31:55

“They create the majority of jobs....but for individuals, particularly for working class people, small business don't provide as well for their employees as large business.”
EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 12:25:16 in Politics

“This site is full of communists­.......err­rr I mean progressives, hence it is full of propagandists.

progressives don't like free speech.”
EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 12:20:55 in Politics

“You are brainwashed to hate Christians.

Women doing anything to their bodies is not why Christians care.
The baby's body they want to kill is what needs to be protected.”
EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

EMILY's List Takes Aim At 'Boehner's Boys': 'Leadership Needs To Reflect America, Not Just Your Cronies'

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 12:07:43 in Politics


Were was any of these so called "women's rights" groups when the media and progressives attacked, slandered, degraded and outright lied about Palin, Angle, Christine, Brewer, Fiorina, Murkowski, Haley, Lincoln, the list goes on and on and on.

That is just recently, it has been going on from day one with these phony groups.

Hiding behind victims in order to promote a leftist agenda is par for the course with all of these activist groups.


SlinkyTWF on Nov 17, 2010 at 16:15:25

“Who lied about them and what did they say?”

samidean on Nov 17, 2010 at 12:24:08

“If words out of their very own mouths is called slander and outright lies, then you need to seek some help.  As for Emily's List, why would they support any MAN OR WOMAN that states that a woman should be forced to give birth to a baby from rape or incest?  For anyone to tell a woman she would be forced to do that, they have no right to be making laws for this nation.  I HAVE A RIGHT TO CONTROL OVER MY OWN BODY WHETHER YOU THINK SO OR NOT!!!!!.”

Chris1962 on Nov 17, 2010 at 12:23:07

“>>>Hiding behind victims in order to promote a leftist agenda is par for the course with all of these activist groups.


You said it. I don't know who these transparentlt partisan women's groups think they have credibility with any more. That pretty much flew out the window for good when Gloria Steinhem came out in defense of Clinton, with that one-free-grope nonsense of hers.”

santafesam on Nov 17, 2010 at 12:22:23

“Lies? Can you cite one, for instance?”

pinouye on Nov 17, 2010 at 12:16:02

“Remember, these weren't Democrats. Regarding Angle and Christine, they pretty much destroyed their own chances. But that doesn't matter...as long as they are NOT Democrats then organizations like EMILY's List don't even consider them to be women.”

Pete Needham on Nov 17, 2010 at 12:15:48

“'Were was'...It's Where was'. And how about examples of the 'attacked, slandered, degraded and outright lied'.

PlatoSunTsu on Nov 17, 2010 at 12:15:00

“Those are all 'momma grizzlies' and definitely phony so they don't need 'protection' from human groups.”

LogicalMathMan on Nov 17, 2010 at 12:14:21

“Hiding behind victims? Which victims? And, what's wrong with women fighting for the right do what they please with their bodies without zealot Christians demanding that the women conform to their Bible?”

danusgram on Nov 17, 2010 at 12:13:31

“REALLY why not quiet your self down and join the organization and do something.”

Frustrated in PA on Nov 17, 2010 at 12:10:00

“If I could make sense of your blathering then perhaps I could answer the question but you fail to put forth any facts.”

Tazzie on Nov 17, 2010 at 12:09:38

“Exactly what lies would those have been?”

fatback65 on Nov 17, 2010 at 12:09:29

“Harsh. You might calm down a bit or you will slit your spleen.”
Willow Palin Facebook Posts: Homophobic Slurs, Curse Words & More (PHOTOS)

Willow Palin Facebook Posts: Homophobic Slurs, Curse Words & More (PHOTOS)

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 11:43:39 in Politics

“To you its ok to call someone a hick?”
Willow Palin Facebook Posts: Homophobic Slurs, Curse Words & More (PHOTOS)

Willow Palin Facebook Posts: Homophobic Slurs, Curse Words & More (PHOTOS)

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 11:43:11 in Politics

“You are a true bigot.”
The Week's Hottest Reads: Publishers Weekly Bestsellers

The Week's Hottest Reads: Publishers Weekly Bestsellers

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 11:27:08 in Books

“I sometimes wonder if you people really believe your brainwashing or just parrot what your told to.”
Media Matters Pays $86,000 In Auction To Have Lunch With Murdoch

Media Matters Pays $86,000 In Auction To Have Lunch With Murdoch

Commented Nov 17, 2010 at 11:23:52 in Media

“WTF are you talking about?
Do you even know?

I guess progressives got brain damage from the shellacking.”
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