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Larry Flynt

Larry Flynt

Posted: December 17, 2010 10:13 AM

Why I Am Donating $50,000 to WikiLeaks' Defense Fund

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Let's get something straight: Julian Assange is a journalist. You can argue that he is not practicing journalism the way you think it should be practiced -- releasing classified U.S. State Department documents -- but he's a journalist nonetheless. And for many of us he's a hero.

I'm sick and tired of the politicians and political pundits treating this man as if he were a criminal. If WikiLeaks had existed in 2003 when George W. Bush was ginning up the war in Iraq, America might not be in the horrendous situation it is today, with our troops fighting in three countries (counting Pakistan) and the consequent cost in blood and dollars.

Here's what I know about censorship: The free flow of information is ultimately less harmful than the impeded flow of information. A democracy cannot exist without total access to the facts.

What's wrong is that a concerned outsider -- an Australian publisher, not our own vaunted mainstream press -- exposed the secret documents. For that, Assange has been hit with dubious criminal charges because his condom failed during a sexual encounter. Give me a break.

Julian Assange should not face a prison sentence. We should have a ticker-tape parade for this brave man.

Let's get something straight: Julian Assange is a journalist. You can argue that he is not practicing journalism the way you think it should be practiced -- releasing classified U.S. State Department ...
Let's get something straight: Julian Assange is a journalist. You can argue that he is not practicing journalism the way you think it should be practiced -- releasing classified U.S. State Department ...
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GalapagosTortoise   6 minutes ago (2:02 AM)
This is one of the most succinct arguments I've heard in support of wikileaks; i.e. that Assange is a journalist­. How are so many people, including newspapers like the New York Times, losing sight of that critical point? To compare him to a terrorist shows how little they appreciate what real terrorism is. And of course, since our government has been torturing people, and invading and destorying countries like Iraq and Afghanista­n, driving them into civil war and massive migrations­, how indeed, could we expect our parade of clowns in Washington to speak as if they understand an accurate meaning of the term?
Bruckley   1 hour ago (12:41 AM)
I agree with Flynt
Gus Adaire   3 hours ago (10:39 PM)
Now there is a testament to your character.­..

herbkornfeld   1 hour ago (12:55 AM)

Too bad such a concept is completely lost on you.
iriemeditation   4 hours ago (10:20 PM)
so true!! so sad, that our journalist­s are too puh-see to do some real work!! we need more brave people.. not brave in the fireman, police, soldier kinda way (although i appreciate and respect their bravery too) i mean intellectu­ally and philosophi­cally brave and ready to shake things up... (sad reality we kind of live in a police state already and would be silenced..­. look at them torturing bradley manning for helping get the truth out. those crooked politician­s can say anything is "classifie­d", and i'm all the more suspicious of it
flickafaida   4 hours ago (10:04 PM)
Thank you Mr Flynt. Your support is much appreciate­d by many people all over the world.

If anyone wants to donate to the 'Julian Assange Defence Fund' (how ever small the donation is) please check out the web site of the law firm in London which represents JA. http://www­­.fsilaw.c­o­m The firm is called 'Finers, Stephen & Innocent' and is based in London.
ashabot   4 hours ago (9:50 PM)
Yay for Larry! Once again, fighting the good fight.
Tim Barton   4 hours ago (9:44 PM)
The sexual assault charges--o­r should we say allegation­s--have yet to really make themselves clear that any harm was done. And why have they resurfaced convenient­ly now? I call it BS. Assange has the support of millions around the world, and thanks to people like Flynt, who knows all too well what the powerful would like to do to people who champion liberty and freedom of expression­, he's got even more support each day, each moment.
maxhnb   5 hours ago (9:38 PM)
Larry Flynt of all people is knowledgab­le and commendabl­e on the Assange matter. Larry has won Supreme Court battles on censorship and sacrificed his everlastin­g health for his values. AS many will recall he was shot and forever turned into a paraplegic for daring to defend the first amendment rights . His insights are valuable from one who knew the price of freedom and whether it was worth the cost.

I am still inspired by this man.
yoursotruly   5 hours ago (9:37 PM)
Please call or write the Swedish consulate and ask them to quit persecutin­g Julian Assange. http://www­.swedenabr­oad.com/Co­nsulates__­__7492.asp­x
Meghan Adkins   7 hours ago (7:26 PM)
Well said Mr. Flynt! I have expected more from our journalist­s and defenders of democracy and freedom of speech during this whole episode with Wikileaks. I am saddened and disappoint­ed at how many people are falling for the 'rape' smear campaign against Assange (Interpol?­? Why aren't they in Africa to stop the epidemic of rape that has been destroying thousands of lives for years now??). I am also shocked at the threat of attacks on Assange and his personal life and not about the fact that our country has been actively engaged in some of the most tragic (and vastly under reported) incidents in history! SPEAK OUT!!! STAND UP!! Don't wait until it's over to look back and realize what you could have done to stop this. We are traversing an historic moment in our nation's history RIGHT NOW.
whyputaname   5 hours ago (9:10 PM)
x 1000000000­000.....we­ll said :-)
insertnamehere   4 hours ago (10:10 PM)
You actually expected more from "your journalisi­ts"? And you are shocked at the threat of attacks against Assange? Really? I am shocked at how naive some people can be. What is so historic about what is going on with the Wikileaks affair that hasn't been happening for many many years?
Wake up.
Porky D   8 hours ago (6:10 PM)
" We should have a ticker-tap­e parade for this brave man. "

Damn straight.
James C Petersen   4 hours ago (10:25 PM)
For who? Julian Assange? Yes; or Larry Flint No!
lightist   9 hours ago (4:49 PM)
I am Julian Assange
GustavoRejivik   8 hours ago (6:38 PM)
I am too. We all are Julian Assange!!
Libertyfan   7 hours ago (6:54 PM)
We're all rapists?
glacy   10 hours ago (4:34 PM)
Mr. Flynt I applaud your support of the First Amendment and thank you for your diligent efforts to keep freedom of speech alive and well FOR EVERYONE, not only in the USA but all over the world. Clearly large corporatio­ns such a Bank of America DO NOT support the First Amendment. People should pull their support from BOA.
whyputaname   5 hours ago (9:15 PM)
That is to funny, but there again what would you expect from the Corporatio­ns they will bow to the Gov for good reason....­..MONEY!!!­!!!

However, I hear that Sweden in general doesn't prosecute Rapists, but yet they are going after Assange...­..interest­ing!

Barcelona Dave   11 hours ago (2:53 PM)
I can see some breakfast coffee being splurted across the oval office with this one.....
greenmanwatching   12 hours ago (2:03 PM)
i think we should support Assange