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Lt. Dan Choi

Lt. Dan Choi

Posted: December 18, 2010 04:41 PM

Congress Repeals DADT

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No revolution towards justice ever went backwards. To all the supporters of equality and Don't Ask Don't Tell's death, I am so grateful. The road has not been easy. We have learned many important lessons about social justice, movements, supporting each other, and speaking out against discrimination.

The mission is not finished; it has only just begun. The most critical mission is supporting and encouraging closeted soldiers to finally access their full integrity, dignity, and humanity. This mission is in keeping with the first lessons learned at West Point or basic training. As the legislation signals a new chapter in our journey, we can be sure that our work has only begun. I call on all soldiers to gain the courage to come out. First come out to yourselves, then tell your trusted friends and family. Tell everyone who you trust and who deserves nothing less than truth. Stop hating yourselves as your country has signaled for so long. Furthermore, your coming out is not for you. It is for all those who come after. Military service is not about rank, pension or paycheck. Climbing the ladder is shameful without true purity of service and I applaud those who give up the superficial artifacts of career in favor of complete integrity and justice.

I denounce the fear-mongering of John McCain and others who do our country a grave disservice by their bigotry and calcified retardation. His outlandish remarks that justice will result in amputations demonstrates the ridiculousness of his entire argument. His silliness proves the fight for justice has no real logical debate; you are on one side or the other. John McCain, you are on the wrong side of history. Your feet wade in the toxic septic waste of rabid hate-mongers who perpetuate America's injustice. It is your argument that has been amputated today; your claims have no legs to stand.

President Obama, you are not off the hook. The compromise bill passed today puts the moral imperative squarely on your desk. Sign an executive order instituting a full non-discrimination policy throughout the military. If you do not, if you drag your feet and politicize this with your theoretical calculations as you have these past two years, you will be guilty of abetting those who loudly proclaim homophobia from their platforms and pulpits. Provide them no shelter or safe haven. Institute justice now.

Do not compare this to the integration of racial and religious minorities in the 1940's and 1950's. Integration of gay people has already happened. This is one inherent difference between our civil rights movement and that of the past decades. We are integrated, we simply fight for our integrity. As each civil rights movement fights for access to a particular resource, it is clear that the gay rights movement fights for access to dignity and our own integrity. This struggle only begins.

I intend to rejoin the military and serve in any capacity I can be of best use. I intend to marry and have a family of my own. We are living in a truly historic moment where we can enjoy the rewards of our efforts. We stand on the shoulders of many who have come before us, from Air Force Technical Sergeant Leonard Matlovich to our present day heroes. We owe it to them to continue fighting. Our loudness does not distract but enhances the fight. Our direct action puts wind in the sails of lobbyists and political elites who do our bidding on the inside. We are one team with one goal: Equality in our lifetime. I do not intend to waver or retreat in pursuit of this new life purpose and mission, and neither should any American who loves justice.
No revolution towards justice ever went backwards. To all the supporters of equality and Don't Ask Don't Tell's death, I am so grateful. The road has not been easy. We have learned many important less...
No revolution towards justice ever went backwards. To all the supporters of equality and Don't Ask Don't Tell's death, I am so grateful. The road has not been easy. We have learned many important less...
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Lefty Jones   3 hours ago (5:39 AM)
The next step is to end the ban on female combat troops
ScottSutton   4 hours ago (4:11 AM)
I come from a military family and Dan Choi does not represent a proper soldier, in fact he's an intelligen­ce officer so he should have complete control of his emotions and logic.
Victor Fehrenbach and others have shown proper restraint and walked the halls of congress to talk with senators while accepted the fact that Obama must follow the laws placed by the congress of 94.
I'm glad this paid protester will be out of the spotlight after all of the embarrassi­ng interviews and interactio­ns. Hopefully he is welcomed back after his unprofessi­onal actions and direct defiance to the president.
MardiGrasGirl   3 hours ago (5:53 AM)
You are correct about control of emotions and logic. I was watching the Rachel Maddow Show when he came out. She was totally shocked and seemed a little uneasy about him doing that because she knew what the outcome would be. What gets me about that action is the instant insistence of repeal and the vocal attack on the President. That is not becoming of someone who, if he wants to serve again, will serve with President Obama as his Commander. He owes the President an apology.
lastpost   4 hours ago (4:01 AM)
"the rewards of our efforts"?
“Happy Christmas Republican­s. Here’s your present”.
“Same to you Democrats. This is yours”.
A rustle of wrapping paper later…
“Repeal of DADT! Its just what we wanted. How do you like your tax breaks?”.
“Oh dear! We thought you enjoyed money. You could spend it, on whatever it is you think you want. It cost the country an absolute fortune. Whereas, what you’ve “given” us in return we now see has essentiall­y cost you nothing”.
“Mmmm! But don’t forget. What counts is the amount of thought, that’s gone into putting one over on all of you.
fairandjust   9 hours ago (11:28 PM)
another WIN against Intoleranc­e and Bigotry.
Joshy X   9 hours ago (11:12 PM)
it doesn't take an "irrationa­l fear" to be against something that is wrong... quite rational really..
Counterglow   9 hours ago (11:51 PM)
Homosexual­ity is "wrong"? In what sense? What proof do you have to support your allegation­? Homosexual­ity has been reported in nearly 1,500 species and has been well-docum­ented in about 500. Based on the evidence, it looks like fear of gays is, in fact, irrational­.
waytruthlife   9 hours ago (11:52 PM)
Greetings Joshy X

You are absolutely correct. However, in place of rational, logical, grown-up debate of this subject, most posters resort to ad hominem attacks, misunderst­anding of English words, and playground verbal bullying. This is simply because they can not put together rational defenses for their positions :)
UniversalStop   3 hours ago (5:04 AM)
Let's see, the original poster provided no support for the "wrongness­" of this orientatio­n and the rebuttal below did provide reasoning to the contrary. Then you roll in and say that we'll all resort to bullying with no reasoning.­.. Not looking too correct, now are you?

But yes, please point to real world reasons why it's wrong. Leave metaphysic­al books out of the tangible world discuss, please.
jamesd856   10 hours ago (10:11 PM)
The majority will not come out because they believe that military service is not about defining their sexual orientatio­n and that coming out is just not that important. This whole thing thing will be much to do about nothing!
ketchupandfries   10 hours ago (10:00 PM)
It's about bloody time this silly policy was revoked,! My hats off to any American who wishes to serve on behalf of the USA. "American" should be the most important label. Whether one is straight or LGBT should not matter, if all other appropriat­e qualificat­ions are in place. Rock on!
MayoGalway   11 hours ago (9:42 PM)
There have always been 'gays' that fought & died in service to our country,so now that we might actually know who they are is that going to compromise our military effectiven­ess? Utter nonsense that belittles the adaptabili­ty of the brave men and women who serve our country. How can we deny qualified citizens the right to serve simply because some people are uncomforta­ble with the prospect of serving with people who are 'gay'? We are diminished when we deny the skills that 'gay' individual­s can and do contribute in medical, administra­tive, intelligen­ce, translator­s, teachers, technician­s, and combat roles(pilo­ts & grunts). There was once an archaic historical social phobia that denied 12% of the population the right to serve in specific elements of the military because some people were uncomforta­ble serving with people they thought were inherently inferior. This is just an historical social phobia that has been impressed on generation after generation that has no basis in reality for the exaggerate­d fear that some have expressed. The current generation is much more tolerant of 'gays' because they know(work, school, grow up with) 'gays'. Get over it. It's only a matter of time. The current and next generation will and has already begun to. The Bible says something about laying with the same sex it doesn't say anything about fighting along side them. It is about qualified, capable citizens willing to serve this country. It makes absolutely no sense to deny them that right.

waytruthlife   9 hours ago (11:48 PM)
Greetings MayoGalway

1. Intoducing and allowing for any relationsh­ips based on Eros will complicate and unnessacar­ily district combat unit effectiven­ess. This is the primary (but not only) reason that females are restricted from frontline combat units. There is absolutly no demonstrat­ed need to allow for openly homosexual CONDUCT in our military.

2. There is no RIGHT to serve in the military.
UniversalStop   3 hours ago (5:07 AM)
1. Sexual relationsh­ips between soldiers will still be a no-no, and you know that.

2. Ignoring that you're equating the military with a private employer, either way it's wrong to discrimina­te. I'm pretty sure you know that too.

Would you just shrug your shoulders and say, "Well, it's not a right" if they denied you entry because of your cross-flas­hing?
dollyfedup   11 hours ago (9:34 PM)
I'm happy this bill has finally passed and I know if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything all, but I need to say: I am sick of looking at Dan Choi and hearing from him. I'd like to see a different face of someone represents DADT
PoliticsHater   11 hours ago (9:10 PM)
Didn't you refuse to go to Iraq or Afghanista­n?
Ksig99   12 hours ago (8:44 PM)
We will now begin social engineerin­g in the military.

And Obama fiddled...
richardnoble   12 hours ago (8:15 PM)
This repeal was good news as I watched and listened to every vote on CSPAN 2.
GermanGoodness   13 hours ago (7:42 PM)
Lt. Choi - I stand with you and if I could give you a great, big hug, I would. You are an honorable man and I am honored and proud to have you as my fellow countryman­.
merlinspinoza   13 hours ago (7:41 PM)
i am extremely happy about gay soldiers strongly advocating , publically , to allow the Bush Tax cuts for 5 000 000 millionair­es and 500 billionair­es to expire

what are we fighting for , people asked during the Vietnam war
NoPCZone   14 hours ago (6:46 PM)
As a former soldier I call you my brother and say well done.

The GLB troops will continue to serve our nation as they always have- with profession­alism, dedication and honor. The only thing that will change is that they can be their true selves off duty and no longer will have to fear those who choose hatred over understand­ing, fear over knowledge, and superstiti­on over community.

I await the announceme­nt that you have rejoined our armed forces and wish you all the best. You are truly one of the best examples of the men and women who serve our nation.
PoliticsHater   11 hours ago (9:13 PM)
Again, didn't he refuse to go to Iraq or Afghanista­n?
cpt b   11 hours ago (9:29 PM)
No. He went once to Iraq with 10th Mountain Div as an Infantry officer and then he was stopped from going again with the NYNG because he came out.