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December 22, 2010 | Log In | Sign Up
John Affeldt

John Affeldt: Congress Lowering Standards for Teachers; Hiding Truth from Poor, Minority Parents

Managing Attorney at Public Advocates, a non-profit civil rights law firm; twice recognized as California Attorney of the Year

The provision at issue proposes to call novice teachers still learning how to teach in alternative preparation programs on nights and weekends "highly qualified" under No Child Left Behind.

Seth Walsh

Feds Investigate Bullying Case: Did School Fail To Protect Gay Student?

Military Recruits

SHOCKING: Nearly 1 In 4 High School Grads Can't Pass Military Exam

School Violence

How The Philadelphia School District Failed Its Students


Seventh-Grader DIES At School After Allergic Reaction

Students Sound Off: 9th Grader Proposes Cash Rewards To Help Classmates Graduate

Students Sound Off

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7 Educational Activities For Your Child Over The Holidays

Holiday Activities For Kids
By Tiffany Cooper Gueye
Texas Textbook Changes Naacp Review

Civil Rights Groups Seek Federal Review Of Texas Public School Curriculum

Falling Behind Our PISA Peers

Scaling Up Success
By Randi Weingarten

Are We Prepared For The Union-Busters?

Teachers Union Protest
By Gary Anderson

Cathie Black, Teacher For A Day

Cathie Black
Satire By Elizabeth Hampton
Oral Lee Brown

WATCH: Oakland Woman Sends Dozens Of Underprivileged Kids To College

Standardized Testing: The New Wild West

Standardized Testing
By Todd Farley
Mckinley Technology High School

MYSTERY: $100K Grant To High School Goes Missing

Ginger Littleton Purse Auction

Hero Auctions Purse Used To Hit School Board Shooter

Teachers, Don't Bank On Privacy

Value Added Teacher Evaluation
By Justin Snider

Partners Rather Than Rivals: Can Public And Charter Schools Work Together?

Charter School
By Sarah Butrymowicz
School Board Shooting Video

School Board Shooting Caught On Tape (VIDEO)

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