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Michael Moore

Michael Moore

Posted: December 18, 2010 11:31 AM

¡Viva WikiLeaks! Sicko Was Not Banned in Cuba

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Yesterday WikiLeaks did an amazing thing and released a classified State Department cable that dealt, in part, with me and my film, 'Sicko.'

It is a stunning look at the Orwellian nature of how bureaucrats for the State spin their lies and try to recreate reality (I assume to placate their bosses and tell them what they want to hear).

The date is January 31, 2008. It is just days after 'Sicko' has been nominated for an Oscar as Best Documentary. This must have sent someone reeling in Bush's State Department (his Treasury Department had already notified me they were investigating what laws I might have broken in taking three 9/11 first responders to Cuba to get them the health care they had been denied in the United States).

Former health insurance executive Wendell Potter recently revealed that the insurance industry -- which had decided to spend millions to go after me and, if necessary, "push Michael Moore off a cliff" -- had begun working with anti-Castro Cubans in Miami in order to have them speak out and smear my film.

So, on January 31, 2008, a State Department official stationed in Havana took a made up story and sent it back to his HQ in Washington. Here's what they concocted:

XXXXXXXXXXXX stated that Cuban authorities have banned Michael Moore's documentary, "Sicko," as being subversive. Although the film's intent is to discredit the U.S. healthcare system by highlighting the excellence of the Cuban system, he said the regime knows the film is a myth and does not want to risk a popular backlash by showing to Cubans facilities that are clearly not available to the vast majority of them.

Sounds convincing, eh?! There's only one problem -- 'Sicko' had just been playing in Cuban theaters. Then the entire nation of Cuba was shown the film on national television on April 25, 2008! The Cubans embraced the film so much so it became one of those rare American movies that received a theatrical distribution in Cuba. I personally ensured that a 35mm print got to the Film Institute in Havana. Screenings of 'Sicko' were set up in towns all across the country.

But the secret cable said Cubans were banned from seeing my movie. Hmmm.

We also know from another secret U.S. document that "the disenchantment of the masses [in Cuba] has spread through all the provinces," and that "all of Oriente Province is seething with hate" for the Castro regime. There's a huge active underground rebellion, and "workers there readily give all the support they can," with everyone involved in "subtle sabotage" against the government. Morale is terrible throughout all the branches of the armed forces, and in the event of war the army "will not fight." Wow -- this cable is hot!

Of course, this secret U.S. cable is from March 31, 1961, three weeks before Cuba kicked our asses at the Bay of Pigs.

The U.S. government has been passing around these "secret" documents to itself for the past fifty years, explaining in painstaking detail how horrible things are in Cuba and how Cubans are quietly aching for us to come back and take over. I don't know why we write these cables, I guess it just makes us feel better about ourselves. (Anyone curious can find an entire museum of U.S. wish fulfillment cables on the website of the National Security Archive.)

So what do you do with about a false "secret" cable, especially one that involves you and your movie? Well, you wait for a responsible newspaper to investigate and shout what it discovers from the rooftops.

But yesterday WikiLeaks gave the 'Sicko' Cuba cable to the media -- and what did they do with it? They ran it as if it were true! Here's the headline in the Guardian:

WikiLeaks: Cuba banned Sicko for depicting 'mythical' healthcare system

Authorities feared footage of gleaming hospital in Michael Moore's Oscar-nominated film would provoke a popular backlash

And not one scintilla of digging to see if Cuba had actually banned the movie! In fact, just the opposite. The right wing press started to have a field day reporting a lie (Andy Levy of Fox -- twice -- Reason Magazine, Spectator and Hot Air, plus a slew of blogs). Sadly, even BoingBoing and my friends at the Nation wrote about it without skepticism. So here you have WikiLeaks, who have put themselves on the line to find and release these cables to the press -- and traditional journalists are once again just too lazy to lift a finger, point and click their mouse to log into Nexis or search via Google, and look to see if Cuba really did "ban the film." Had just ONE reporter done that, here's they would have found:

June 16, 2007 Saturday 1:41 AM GMT [that's 7 months before the false cable]

HEADLINE: Cuban health minister says Moore's 'Sicko' shows 'human values' of communist system

BYLINE: By ANDREA RODRIGUEZ, Associated Press Writer


Cuba's health minister Jose Ramon Balaguer said Friday that American filmmaker Michael Moore's documentary 'Sicko' highlights the human values of the island's communist-run government... "There can be no doubt this documentary by a personality like Mr. Michael Moore helps promote the profoundly human principles of Cuban society."

Or, how 'bout this little April 25, 2008 notice from CubaSi.Cu (translation by Google):

Sicko premiere in Cuba


The documentary Sicko, the U.S. filmmaker Michael Moore, which deals about the deplorable state of American health care system will be released today at 5:50 pm, for the space Cubavision Roundtable and the Education Channel.

Then there's this from Juventudrebelde.cu (translation by Google). Or this Cuban editorial (translation by Google). There's even a long clip of the Cuba section of 'Sicko' on the homepage of Media Roundtable on the CubaSi.cu website!

OK, so we know the media is lazy and sucks most of the time. But the bigger issue here is how our government seemed to be colluding with the health insurance industry to destroy a film that might have a hand in bringing about what the Cubans already have in their poverty-ridden third world country: free, universal health care. And because they have it and we don't, Cuba has a better infant mortality rate than we do, their life expectancy is just 7 months shorter than ours, and, according to the WHO, they rank just two places behind the richest country on earth in terms of the quality of their health care.

That's the story, mainstream media and right-wing haters.

Now that you've been presented with the facts, what are you going to do about it? Are you gonna attack me for having my movie played on Cuban state television? Or are you gonna attack me for not having my movie played on Cuban state television?

You have to choose one, it can't be both.

And since the facts show that the movie played on state TV and in theaters, I think you're better off attacking me for having my films played in Cuba.

¡Viva WikiLeaks!


Follow Michael Moore on Twitter: www.twitter.com/MMFlint

Yesterday WikiLeaks did an amazing thing and released a classified State Department cable that dealt, in part, with me and my film, 'Sicko.' It is a stunning look at the Orwellian nature of how b...
Yesterday WikiLeaks did an amazing thing and released a classified State Department cable that dealt, in part, with me and my film, 'Sicko.' It is a stunning look at the Orwellian nature of how b...
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GustavoRejivik   1 hour ago (12:56 AM)
Whether "Sicko" was banned or not ... does anyone on here like the idea of a Government having this power?
PTorbay   2 hours ago (12:19 AM)
War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. E pluribus lootem.

Relax, it will all be over within ~1000 days. The Law of Compound Deficit Usury is kicking in spades.
Hug your kids. Dig a cistern in the back yard. Buy beans and rice. It's gonna be a long, cold winter.
MrsDaisyP   2 hours ago (12:15 AM)
I just want to say that as an Australian I feel extremely lucky knowing if I need medical help I can get it and I DON'T need health insurance before someone will treat me. Nor will they need it after they treat me. Or even one red cent.
Why oh why do some Americans claim that free health care is a sign of the commies taking over? I really don't understand the fear.
After watching sicko, I turned to my husband and said "let's move to France". Since hubby is from the UK, which also has free health care including dental, he thought it was a great idea. However neither of us have very good french, and we love the weather in Australia.

Wikileaks have yet again done the job correctly by showing what a ridiculous situation the US is in. I feel for the average American who is turned away from health care because they do not have insurance or enough money. I would have thought that the US would do more for their own people care before spending millions of dollars fighting wars just so that they can bully smaller nations in the name of 'terrorism­'. From an outsiders point of view America just looks like an insecure bully full stop.

Lets remember hurricane Katrina. RIP to all the Americans who have been neglected due to the power and money hungry politician­s who seem to have forgotten who placed them in their cushy jobs.
GustavoRejivik   1 hour ago (12:48 AM)
You don't need health insurance here in the USA to get treatment either. Ask any Illegal Immigrant, hell, you don't have to pay insurance, you don't even have to pay !!
GustavoRejivik   1 hour ago (12:51 AM)
Yea MrsDaisyP ... we know how great that Dental Care is in the UK ... Puh-lease !!
Thomas Green   17 minutes ago (1:42 AM)
Brits have bad teeth, Americans are obese, it's more of a cultural thing.
gogojuice   26 minutes ago (1:33 AM)
Americans already have free medical insurance. That is why hospitals all over the country are going bankrupt.

ObamaCare is the OPPOSITE of free health care.

Just use your imaginatio­n: If you were a Health Insurance Lobbyist, what in your wildest dreams would be the greatest law that you could ever convince the Congress, Senate, And President of the United States to pass?

A Federal Law that forces every American to pay out of their pocket for Health Insurance? Well that is exactly what ObamaCare is.

If we do not pay, the IRS will immediatel­y seize the funds anywhere they can find them. If any American citizen chooses not to pay their 'pound of flesh' to the Health Insurance Cartel, the thugs at IRS will garnish your wages, put a lien on your house, seize your bank accounts, claim your property, or inflict any other dirty trick they can think of to take the money out of your pocket and pay off their partners in the greatest swindle that has ever been crafted in the history of the US of A.
minusjason   2 hours ago (11:33 PM)
Wow. Great job, mainstream media.
johnrf   3 hours ago (10:59 PM)
Remarkable story. Disappoint­ed in The Nation. And what a wonderful movie. Michael Moore is truly a great American and a national treasure.
moronio99   6 hours ago (7:59 PM)
Thanks Mike.As a Canadian, it's nice to occasional­ly see a little truth pop up down there.
jwh1954   7 hours ago (7:12 PM)
Bravo, Michael!
trying2help   8 hours ago (6:06 PM)
! Viva Michael Moore! His analysis shows the sad state of affairs for most media in the US ?UK elsewhere. I loved Sicko- great portrayal of the insanity the health care system is- all about moneymakin­g for large corporatio­ns- not about caring for people. A tiny poor country like Cuba has a better neonatal mortality rate? So do many other countries. We need to keep getting these facts out and on the dinner table on our homes.
DrFinkster   9 hours ago (5:23 PM)
Michael -
Read the updated Reason story. I think it explains what happened pretty well. Looks like the Mr. Potter was just uncritical­ly passing along right wing gossip without fact checking it first. Sounds like he works for Fox News...
HST   9 hours ago (5:03 PM)
So much for the "liberal media" eh?

Who believes that the big corporatio­ns that own the mainstream media would push liberal causes?

Oh that's right, republican­'ts.
gbrooks   3 hours ago (11:26 PM)
The MSM pushes whatever removes freedom, power and money from the people....­and they're darned good at it.
Whatchutalkinabout   10 hours ago (3:58 PM)
Is this also jab at the White House for firing Shirley Sherrod? They didn't do their homework.
Just a passerby   10 hours ago (3:43 PM)
Shame on the Guardian. Additional shame at the way they posted their nonsense - there is no way to comment on or correct the rubbish they've posted.

And worse, there is no way to contact the author Amelia Hill and complain about her shoddy work.
QueenOfViolets   10 hours ago (3:50 PM)
Shame on the fans of Julian Assange who don't even seem to care that he could be endangerin­g his own life by having unprotecte­d sex with multiple partners and then blowing off their requests to get tested.

Do you think his politics makes him immune to HIV?
JJJandW   9 hours ago (4:42 PM)
Are your politics immune to intelligen­ce?
wereeverywhere   9 hours ago (4:51 PM)
You've either inadverten­tly been sidetracke­d by the weak legal case against Assange or have elected to participat­e in propaganda­.
tronhome   6 hours ago (7:38 PM)
WikiLeaks is bigger than Julian Assange. I couldn't care less how he has sex. That's an entirely different case and should be dealt with in it's own forum. It's two completely different cases. The establishe­d media doesn't mind a connection being made between the two cases, though.
MB1East   10 hours ago (3:36 PM)
Amazing thing these "facts" are!! Going forward I am only going to get the Real News from Michael Moore and Jon Stewart. Bravo!
tronhome   6 hours ago (7:39 PM)
I've hear Huffington Post ain't so bad either ;)
ZoeMB   11 hours ago (2:36 PM)
We all need to be concerned with truth. It's such a simple thing. We all know government­s keep secrets and who hasn't joked about the old "If I told you I'd have to kill you" story? But, when government­s and other powerful institutio­ns distort facts or outright lie to us not for national security or anthing like that but simply to keep the population ill informed and unable to make intelligen­t judgement on issues which affect everything from who to vote for to who our "enemies" really are we depend on a free and independen­t press to keep us factually informed. Today the main stream media which is for profit and owned by or controled by big money interests seems not to be willing or able to do that. We need to be more concerned with the truth.
ray newman   12 hours ago (1:44 PM)
Thanks Mike, You are the Julian Assange of the American reality !