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  1. WATCH: Math Used In Computers Identical To Math Used In Ancient Egypt http://huff.to/heOaRc via @huffingtonpost
  2. As we get ready for christmas, try to keep people less fortunate than yourself in mind. Donate time or money at your local charity.
  3. @LizMair On pot: Hasn't the whole thing gotten kind of ridiculous? If you want to smoke dope, grow a pot plant yourself. No money involved.
  4. @LizMair I think immigration is still a weak spot in the national policy scene. I say that immigration should be 'above board', and honest.
  5. I think that I can't find my Tom Petty CD, so I am going to have to try and order one online.
  6. I think that throwing more money at medicine doesn't always solve problems. If you don't care about your health, why should anyone else?
  7. @BarackObama Clean energy is great stuff! Not only does it show innovation, it's a wiser path considering all the problems with oil.
  8. @annoharuna http://twitpic.com/1fagob - Arrr! There be pirates!
  9. @annoharuna Happy Birthday!
  10. @annoharuna http://twitpic.com/1as6tu - Very inspiring!
  11. www.acdc.com
  12. @yukakuramoti I saw your drawings from your website! You are a great artist! omedetou gozaimasu!
  13. @BarackObama Congratulations!
  14. Saturday, beautiful spring day, lots of birds, mainly robins. 1 week ago, I saw a large bird fly over, maybe a heron?
  15. Sunday spring forward, Monday fall back to work
  16. @CarlyforCA Ma'am, if you win, what's your plan on dealing with CA's chronic budget problems?
  17. @annoharuna http://twitpic.com/1894jb - wow!
  18. @annoharuna http://twitpic.com/171xal - Beautiful!
  19. http://twitpic.com/17uawz - Home made windmill
  20. http://twitpic.com/17u8n2 -