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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
Humanitarian Coordination Mechanisms
The role of the RC or HC is to:

> Ensure that response efforts are inclusive and coordinated, by regularly convening and leading the Humanitarian Country Team.

> Ensure that there is an efficient and effective division of labour among relevant organisations for implementing the strategic plan, by securing agreement on the establishment of clusters (sectors) and the designation of cluster leads.

> Expend all necessary efforts to ensure that the strategic plan is implemented in a principled, timely, effective, and efficient manner, by establishing mechanisms for inter-cluster coordination.

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Humanitarian Country Team
Cluster Approach
Response Capacity
The role of the RC or HC is to:

> Assess the capacity of your Office to support you in discharging your responsibilities in humanitarian coordination and request additional resources if needed.

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United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC)
Surge Capacity
Needs Assessment
The role of the RC or HC is to:

> Expend all necessary efforts to ensure effective and efficient mechanisms for inter-cluster needs assessment are established.

Response Planning
The role of the RC or HC is to:

> Ensure that a common strategic vision for humanitarian action in-country is articulated, by leading and coordinating its development.

> Ensure that a common strategic plan for realising this vision (CHAP — Common Humanitarian Action Plan — or equivalent) is articulated, based on documented needs and integrating cross-cutting issues (for example age, gender, diversity, human rights, HIV/AIDS, and the environment) and activities in support of early recovery, by leading and coordinating its development.

Operational Response
> Expend all necessary efforts to ensure that the strategic plan is implemented in a principled, timely, effective, and efficient manner, by holding cluster leads accountable for the performance of the functions outlined in the IASC Guidance Note, and by establishing mechanisms for inter-cluster coordination

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Humanitarian Coordination - Cluster activities
Civil-Military Coordination
Information Management
Urban Search and Rescue
Public-Private Partnerships
Resource Mobilisation
The role of the RC or HC is to:

> Expend all necessary efforts to ensure that the strategic plan is funded sufficiently and in a timely manner, by promoting and locally leading inclusive resource mobilization efforts (e.g. CAP, Flash Appeals), overseeing CERF grant applications, and managing in-country humanitarian pooled funds (e.g. CHF, ERF) where they exist.

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Flash Appeals
Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF)
Consolidated Appeal Process (CAP)
he role of the RC or HC is to:

> Expend all necessary efforts to obtain free, timely, safe and unimpeded access by humanitarian organizations to populations in need, where appropriate, by leading and/or promoting negotiations with relevant parties, including non-state actors.

Advocacy for Humanitarian and Human Rights Laws
The role of the RC or HC is to:

> Promote the respect of international humanitarian and human rights law by all parties, including non-state actors, by coordinating the advocacy efforts of relevant organisations and using private and/or public advocacy as appropriate

Media Relations
> Expend all necessary efforts to ensure that the media takes humanitarian concerns into due account, by coordinating the advocacy efforts of relevant organisations and using private and/ or public advocacy as appropriate.

Monitoring and Evaluation
The role of the RC or HC is to:

> Expand all necessary efforts to ensure that the strategic plan is implemented in a principled, timely, effective, and efficient manner, by establishing mechanisms for inter-cluster monitoring and evaluation.