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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
The Millennium Declaration (MD) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) represent an ambitious agenda for reducing poverty and improving lives. They were agreed by world leaders at the Millennium Summit in September 2000. For each goal, one or more targets have been set, most for 2015, using 1990 as a benchmark. The MD and MDGs, and their specific national targets, represent the impacts to which UN country programming must contribute. They are a fundamental driving force for country programming.

Policy and Guidance
Tools and Training
Other Resource Material

Policy and Guidance

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Addendum to the 2nd Guidance Note on Country Reporting on the MDGs
November 2009
UNDG Action Plan MD/MDGs
21 April 2006
The UNDG Action Plan (2006-08) reflects the outcome of a collective effort to address the agreements on development contained in the Outcome Document of the 2005 World Summit. It succeeds and builds upon lessons learnt from the implementation of the UNDG's Core Strategy on the MDGs, approved on 1 July 2002.
UNDG Guidance Note for MDG Reports
October 2003
This guidance note highlights the main issues that are likely to arise when preparing a country-level MDG report. It replaces the first one from October 2001 and incorporates many of the findings of the assessment of existing MDGRs taken by UNDP's Evaluation Office in 2003.
Reporting on the Millennium Declaration Goals at the Country Level, UNDG Guidance Note
October 2001
At the country level, the UN Country Team will support the government in monitoring progress and preparing national Millennium Declaration Goals Reports. UNDP, in its capacity as chair of the UN Development Group and as manager and funder of the Resident Co-ordinator (RC) system, will co-ordinate support for preparing these country reports. This guidance note highlights the main issues that are likely to arise when preparing a country-level MDG report.
The UN and the MDGs: A Core Strategy
by: UNDG Working Group on MDGs approved by the CEB
June 2002
Report was composed by a UNDG Working Group on MDGs and approved by the CEB on 1 July 2002. The strategy focuses on action by the UN system at two levels - global and country supported by activities at the regional level. Action incorporates four core elements: (i) Monitoring (ii) Analysis (iii) Campaigning/mobilisation and (iv) Operational activities. At the global level the UN Strategy includes: The Secretary-General?s Reports to the General Assembly; The Millennium Project; and The Global Millennium Campaign. At the country level, the strategy includes: MDG Report tracking national progress in achieving MDGs; conducting country studies on strategies, investments and financing; and launching national millennium campaigns or movements.
Tools and Training
Follow this link to the MDG Online Course. This course will help explain the coordinated strategy and concerted efforts of governments, civil society and institutions at the international level, including the United Nations, to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.

The course aims to build understanding of the background and origins of the MDGs; how the MDGs are implemented at global, regional and national levels; the roles of the UN system in support of countries' efforts to achieve the MDGs; and how each UN agency has adapted its work within its mandate in order to support countries' efforts to meet the MDGs.

Other Resource Material
Follow this link to the main UNDG pages about Achieving the MDGs. You will find information related to campaigns, help to make the MDGs operational, monitoring and reporting, and training and learning.