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Supporting Documents on Conflict Analysis

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Common Inter-Agency Framework for Conflict Analysis in Transition
November 2004
The Common Framework is intended to help UN Country Teams base program planning on a common framework of analysis that clearly identifies causes of conflict and key elements of peace building.
Report of the Workshop - Lessons Learned on Conflict Analysis
The Lessons Learned Workshop on Integrating Conflict Sensitivity into UN Planning and Programming took place in Turin, Italy on 23-24 May 2005. This workshop was jointly organised by UNDGO, UNDP, UNCIEF and UNDPA and facilitated by the UN System Staff College. It brought together participants with substantive and practical experience with conflict prevention. The overall objective of the workshop was to provide an entry point for UN practitioners to reflect and share experiences on practical entry points for conflict prevention, in particular as they relate to UN planning and programming.
Other Resources

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UNDP BCPR Resources on Conflict Analysis and Prevention
Conflict-sensitive approaches to development, humanitarian assistance and peacebuilding
by: International Alert, Saferworld, CECORE, APFO and CHA
1 February 2004
This two-year programme was designed to help integrate conflict-sensitive practice into development, humanitarian assistance and peacebuilding, and to help people working in these fields to contribute more effectively to conflict prevention. The programme, which is undertaken by Saferworld and International Alert in close collaboration with the Africa Peace Forum (APFO) in Kenya, the Center for Conflict Resolution (CECORE) in Uganda, and the Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies (CHA) in Sri Lanka, represents the first major north-south partnership in promoting and documenting conflict-sensitive approaches.
OECD DAC Guidelines on Conflict, Peace and Development Cooperation
by: DAC
A study drawing out lessons of experience in the linkages between conflict, peace and development cooperation.
World Bank Resources on Conflict Analysis
by: World Bank
The Social Development Department has developed a Conflict Analysis Framework (CAF) to enhance conflict sensitivity and conflict prevention potential of World Bank assistance.
Collaborative Learning Projects: Reflecting On Peace Practice
by: CDA Collaborative Learning Projects
Material on conflict analysis from the Reflecting on Peace Practice Project (RPP) at CDA. The RPP is an experience-based learning process that involves agencies whose programs attempt to prevent or mitigate violent conflict. Its purpose is to analyze experience at the individual program level across a broad range of agencies and contexts. Its goal is to improve the effectiveness of international peacebuilding efforts.
Country Examples

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Sudan - CCA/UNDAF 2009-2012
Liberia - CCA/UNDAF 2008-2012
Afghanistan - CCA/UNDAF 2006-2008