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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
Disaster Risk Reduction

Disaster impacts have persistent, long-term negative effects on poverty and human development that undermine the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). While development has the potential to significantly reduce disaster risk, inappropriate development choices can also exacerbate vulnerabilities and aggravate the negative effects of disasters. Disaster risk reduction aims at addressing the underlying risk factors in order to reduce avoidable loss of life, property and livelihoods. Reducing vulnerabilities, mitigating disaster impacts and improving UNCTs responses to future disasters correlate strongly with fostering the MDGs and safeguarding development gains. In 2007, the UN Secretary-General’s Policy Committee recommended that more need to be done to further mainstream disaster risk reduction and the Hyogo Framework for Action into the UN system policies and practices. UN country teams have a critical role to play in taking this agenda forward at the country level. The CCA/UNDAF process is one important way that the UNCT can demonstrate its commitment and articulate how it plans to support national risk reduction efforts.

The UNDG has established a roster of trained DRR experts to effectively support UNCTs in integrating DRR into country analysis and the UNDAF. UNCTs can request in-country DRR training and technical support by contacting the UN System Staff College: rcs@unssc.org


Policy Framework
Guidance and Tools
Good Practices
Reference Documents
Further Resources

Policy Framework

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Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters
The Hyogo Framework for Action was negotiated by 168 countries as the the key instrument for implementing DRR.
Disaster Risk Reduction - Decisions of the Secretary General
The Policy Committee decision promotes systematic UN action on and championing of disaster reduction.
Guidance and Tools

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UNDG Guidance Note on Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction into the CCA and UNDAF
The guidance lays out a step-by-step approach to assist UN country teams in integrating DRR in the preparation, formulation and monitoring and evaluation of country analyses and the UNDAF.
Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction into CCA/UNDAF: Training of Trainers
Link to the page of the United Nations System Staff College providing resources used at Trainer of Trainers on Integrating DRR into CCA/UNDAF.
UNDAF Roll-out Country List with DRR focus -- 2010 Plg Cycle
List of 2010 UNDAF Roll-Out Countries with their Disaster Risk ranking based on Global Assessment Report (2009)
Words Into Action: A Guide for Implementing the Hyogo Framework
The Guide can help states to assess where they stand in the implementation process and, by building on existing experience and structure, to identify possible gaps and useful next steps.
Indicators of Progress: Guidance on Measuring the Reduction of Disaster Risks and the Implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action
The guide provides key principles for identifying and applying relevant indicators to implement the Hyogo Framework’s priority actions and assess overall progress.
Making Disaster Risk Reduction Gender-Sensitive: Policy and Practical Guidelines
The guide provides clear policy and practical guidance for mainstreaming gender perspectives into DRR.
Good Practices

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RC Synthesis Report 2008 - Chapter on Disaster Risk Reduction
The chapter provides an overview on UNCT activities in 2008.
Linking Disaster Risk Reduction and Poverty Reduction: Good Practices and Lessons Learned
This publication highlights initiatives that have successfully linked poverty reduction and DRR.
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in Subnational Development and Land Use/Physical Planning in the Philippines
The guidelines are designed as a tool to enhance regional and provincial planning analyses in the Philippines.
Standard Operating Procedures for Natural Disasters
by: UNCT Bangladesh
The SOP are designed as a user-friendly decision-making tool for UNCTs in times of natural disasters.
Four Sample Cases (UNDAF Review Matrix Planning Cycle 2010-2011)
Presents the preliminary results for four sample countries (Albania, Jamaica, Lao PDR, and Mozambique) of the analysis on countries' reporting on the HFA monitor, evaluating if DRR was substantially addressed in national institutional and legal frameworks, and sectoral planning processes.
Case studies: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction into the UNDAF
One page case studies outlining the integration of DRR into the UNDAF in India, Tajikistan and Barbadoes and the OECS.
Film: Reducing Disaster Risk in a Changing Climate
This film is produced by the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) with Dev TV. Decision makers from London, Colombia and Viet Nam share their experiences in using the principals and practices of disaster risk reduction in their efforts to adapt to a changing climate.
Reference Documents

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Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction
The Report is the first biennial global assessment of disaster risk reduction.
Disaster Risk Reduction in the United Nations
Roles, mandates and areas of work of key United Nations entities.
Further Resources

The International Strategy for Disaster Reduction is the focal point in the UN System to coordinate disaster reduction activities.

UNISDR has launched PreventionWeb as a common platform for institutions to share information about DRR. The website is updated daily and contains DRR news, country information, policy documents, training programmes, online discussions and contact directories.

Disaster Risk Reduction - Development Gateway Foundation
The Foundation offers an online resources portal for development information and knowledge-sharing worldwide