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Central Fund for Influenza Action (CFIA) is a multi donor trust fund,that enables donors to pool their resources and support for unfunded or under-funded priority actions that are linked to the UN System Consolidated Action Plan for Avian and Human Influenza. The CFIA was established to be complimentary to other government and UN funding mechanisms.

CFIA has been designed to act as a central financing mechanism that:

  • Enhances inter agency coordination
  • Respects key UN agency responsibilities.
  • Promotes coherent, effective and predictable overall UN system response.
  • Simplifies the capacity to support a range of UN agencies engaged in specific responses through one pooled account.
  • Complements other channels for transfer of donor resources to UN System Consolidated Action Plan for Avian and Human Influenza.

For more information on the activities of CFIA, including details on funding allocations and activities of participating organizations, please refer to:


Consolidated Action Plans