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National MDG Reports
In this section you will find country MDG reports which showcase national progress on each of the MDGs. To view reports please click on the letters of the alphabet above.

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Afghanistan MDG Report
March 2004
Afghanistan Second MDG Report
September 2005
Albania MDG Progress Report
Albania MDG Report
May 2002
Algeria Rapport National sur les Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement
July 2005
Angola MDG Report
Argentina - Objetivos de Desarollo del Milenio 2010
by: daisy.leoncio
Rendicion de Cuentas 2010
Argentina - ODM 2009
Objetivos de Desarollo del Milenio
Argentina - ODM 2010
Objetivos de Desarollo del Milenio - Rendicion de Cuentas 2010
Argentina MDG Report
August 2003
Argentina MDG Report 2005 - Executive Summary
by: UNDP Argentina
1 September 2005
Este documento es un resumen ejecutivo del SEGUNDO INFORME DE PAÍS de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio presentado por el Gobierno argentino en la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas en septiembre de 2005 en versión inglés.Este documento fue producido en el marco del Proyecto PNUD/ARG/04/046 "Instalación de los ODM en la agenda pública en la Argentina".
Argentina-Objetivos de Desarollo del Millenio - Informe País 2007
by: Presidencia de la Nación - Consejo Nacional de Coordinación de Políticas Sociales
30 October 2007
Armenia MDG Report
Armenia Millenium Development Goals: Nationalisation and Progress
10 October 2005
Armenia Second MDG National Progress Report
April 2010
Azerbaijan MDG /SPPRED Progress Report 2005
25 May 2005
Azerbaijan MDG /SPPRED Progress Report 2005. Appendix 1 represents the MDGs Report.
Azerbaijan Progresses Toward the Achievement of the MDGs. Progress Report 2003-2004
In 2003, the government of Azerbaijan decided to align the MDG process with a three-year State Programme on Poverty Reduction and Economic Development (SPPRED) (2003-2005). This report summarizes the progress made by Azerbaijan in implementing the SPPRED in the two year period 2003-2004. It updates the information provided in the first SPPRED implementation report (published in May 2004); and, as with the first report, it reports both on SPPRED implementation and on progress made in the country discussion of national MDGs. In this sense, it represents a combined SPPRED implementation/country MDG report.
Bahrain MDG Report
October 2003
Bangladesh MDG Report
February 2005
Bangladesh MDG Report
December 2007
MDG Mid-Term Progress Report
Belarus - National MDG Report
by: Belarus
September 2010
Belarus MDG Report
September 2005
Belize MDG Report
September 2005
Benin MDG Report
September 2003
Bhutan 2005 2nd MDG Progress Report
December 2005
Bhutan MDG Progress Report
Bhutan MDG Report
Bolivia MDG Report 2001
This report focuses on the progress made and challenges pending for Bolivia. It describes the status of the national follow-up infrastructure and thus contributes an evaluation on what is needed for strengthening national capacities. The report is a means for establishing, measuring, and reaching Bolivia's goals in the fight against poverty as well as the foundation for promoting the fulfillment of the Millennium Declaration Goals.
Bolivia MDG Report 2002
This second MDG Report of Bolivia is an extended version of the first MDG Report of 2001, including updated information of the 2001 National Population and Housing Census and a first approximation of the financing of the MDGs in the country.
Bolivia MDG Report 2003
Contrary to the first two MDG Reports of Bolivia, this report describes de evolution of the 17 indicators agreed upon by the Interinstitutional Committee of the MDGs (an intergovernmental committee created in 2004). The report provides a definition of the goals and a preliminary projection is given of the indicators in a preliminary scenario to identify possible future gaps. Also, links are being made between executed programmes and the indicators, and challenges to reach the goals are described. Finally, a description is given of the budgetary execution of the main programmes related to indicators.
Bolivia MDG Report 2006
This report describes the evolution of the 22 indicators selected by the Interinstitutional Committee of the MDGs (see third report) with data used up to 2005. It uses as a reference the global goals as well as the social indicators of the National Development Plan, called MDG plus, which reflect the political will to overcome social exclusion and substantially reduce economic and social equality, as a new perspective of the country.
Bolivia MDG Report 2008
June 2008
Bosnia and Herzegovina MDG Report (NHDR)
June 2003
Bosnia and Herzegovina MDG Update Report: PRSP, Europe and Beyond
September 2004
This document presents the sophisticated follow-up of the work undertaken in the 2003 BiH Human Development report which adapted the global goals to the national context. The outcome is a bespoke and functional monitoring framework, which will lay the foundation for UNDP's periodic progress reporting. The indicators and targets have been checked and validated, and some significant innovations have been introduced as well. The primary objective is to make the framework practical and policy- orientated, since BiH citizens not only need to know where they aspire to be in 2015, but also how to go about getting there.
Botswana MDG Report
by: Government of Botswana
September 2004
The first Botswana Millennium Development Goals Report 2004
Brazil MDG Report
September 2004
Brazil Second MDG Report
October 2005
Only available in Portuguese at this time
Brurundi MDG Report
September 2004
Bulgaria MDG Report
March 2003
Burkina Faso MDG Report
February 2004
Cambodia MDG Report
Cambodian tailored MDG Report
November 2003
Cameroon MDG Report
June 2002
Cape Verde MDG Report
March 2005
Cape Verde MDG Report
Objectifs du milllenaire pour le developpement
CAR 2007 MDG report
June 2007
Central African Republic report on progress towards MDGs
September 2004
Central African Republic 2004 MDG Report
Central African Republic MDG Report
Chad MDG Report
January 2002
Chile MDG Report
May 2005
Chile's MDGR 2005
by: UNCT Chile
Chile's MDGR 2008
11 August 2008
Informe ODM MDGR Chile
China CCA
China MDG Progress Report 2010
China MDG Report
China Second MDG Report (2005)
by: China United Nations Country Team
May 2006
China's progress towards the MDGs 2008
Comoros MDG Report
September 2004
Congo MDG Report
August 2004
Costa Rica MDG Report
December 2004
Croatia MDG Progress Report (August 2004 - December 2005
1 November 2006
Croatia MDG Report
September 2004
Croatia Progress Towards Achieving of MDGs - August 2004-December 2005
1 November 2006
Cuba MDG Report
April 2005
Cuba Second MDG Report / ODM Segundo Informe
July 2005
Czech Republic MDG Report
Djibouti MDG Report
April 2004
Djibouti Second MDG Report
August 2005
Dominican Republic - Objetivos del Milenio. Informe de Seguimiento 2010
by: jan.nemecek
15 November 2010
Dominican Republic MDG Report
December 2004
DR Congo MDG Report (2004)
12 August 2005
Ecuador MDG Report
September 2005
Egypt MDG Report
August 2002
Egypt Second MDG Country Report
by: Ministry of Planning UNCT Egypt
March 2005
Status of Progress MDGs in Egypt
El Salvador 2nd MDG Report
1 June 2009
El Salvador MDG Report
May 2004
Ethiopia MDG Report
March 2004
Fiji MDG Report
November 2004
France MDG Report
September 2004
Gabon MDG Report
December 2003
Gambia Localized MDG Report
March 2005
Reaching out to the Poor: A review of progress towards achieving the MDGs at the local level in the Gambia
Gambia MDG Report
Georgia MDG Report
Georgia MDGs: Progress Report for 2004-2005
5 June 2006
Ghana MDG Report
December 2003
Guatemala - Metas Del Milenio: Informe De Avance De Guatemala
October 2002
Guatemala MDG Report
October 2002
Guinea MDG Report
January 2003
Guinea-Bissau MDG Report
November 2004
Guyana MDG Report
GUYANA Millennium Development Goals 2007
by: Government of Guyana
June 2007
This report summarises the progress made by Guyana in implementing strategies and interventions towards the achievement of the MDGs. This is the second Guyana MDG progress report. It was prepared by the Government of Guyana through a collaborative effort spearheaded by the Monitoring & Evaluation Unit within the Office of the President and involved technical officers from twelve (12) government ministries and departments.
Haiti MDG Report
November 2004
Honduras MDG Report
December 2003
Hungary MDG Report
Indigenous Peoples and the MDGs
This publication, in response to recomendations of the Fifth Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, includes two studies that highlight from a different perspective the exclusion of indigenous peoples in advancing towards the MDGs. The first study indicates the situation of the indigenous peoples related to the universal goals of human development contained in the MGDs. The second study examines the conditions to achieve the MDGs in the indigenous community Jathun Ayllu Amarete based on information provided by traditional indigenous authorities and public entities based in Amarete.
Indonesia MDG Report
February 2004
Iran MDG Report
January 2005
Island of Rodrigues (Sub-National) MDG Report Island of Rodrigues
November 2003
Ivory Coast MDG Report
December 2003
Jamaica MDG Report
January 2005
Jordan MDG Report
June 2004
Kazakhstan: Millennium Development Goals Report
by: dina.khassenova
October 2010
Kenya MDG Report
Kenya Second MDG Report
August 2005
Kosovo MDG Report
by: UNCT Kosovo
March 2004
Kuwait MDG Report
April 2003
Kuwait MDGR 2010
1 September 2010
Kuwait MDGR 2010
Kyrgyzstan MDG Report
Lao PDR MDG Report
January 2004
Latvia MDG Report
April 2005
Lebanon MDG Report
September 2003
Liberia - MDG Report 2008
Liberia MDG Report
September 2004
Lithuania Disaggregated MDGs
April 2004
Lithuania MDG Report (CCA)
December 2002
Madagascar MDG Report
Madagascar MDG Report 2004
by: nirina.haja.andrianjaka
September 2004
Madagascar MDG Report 2007
by: nirina.haja.andrianjaka
March 2008
Malawi MDG Report
Malaysia MDG Report
January 2005
Maldives MDG Progress Report 2010
by: anna.senga
April 2010
Through a multi-sectoral consultative process led by the Department of National Planning and with the support of the UN system in the Maldives, the third country MDG progress report was developed in 2010.
Maldives MDG Report
September 2005
Mali MDG Report
December 2004
Mauritania MDG Report
July 2005
Mauritania MDG Report
by: UN Mauritania
19 February 2003
Mauritania MDG Report
Mauritania MDG Report
4 August 2008
Mauritanie MDG Report 2002
by: UN Mauritania
October 2002
Rapport OMD Mauritanie 2002
Mauritius MDG Report
December 2001
MDG Report - Sri Lanka
Mexico MDG Report
by: Mexico
April 2005
Mexico MDGR 2006
Millennium Development Goals in Georgia
10 December 2004
Millennium Development Goals Report
Millennium Development Goals Report
by: julie.payne
Millennium Development Goals Report
September 2005
Millennium Development Goals: Uganda's Progress Report 2007
by: UN in collaboration with government
October 2007
This report is the second of its kind that analyses Uganda's performance in the eight MDGs to date. This report provides an in-depth analysis of where Uganda is as far as attainment of the global goals and targets and suggested areas of improvement. The report also discusses some of the current programmes addressing each of the goals and challenges being faced.
Moldova MDG Report
June 2005
Moldova MDG Report 2010
1 September 2010
Mongolia MDG Report
October 2004
Morocco MDG Report
by: Morocco United Nations Country Team
December 2003
Morocco MDG Report
Mozambique MDG Report
August 2002
Mozambique Second MDG Report
October 2005
Myanmar MDG Report
Namibia - Second Millennium Development Goals Progress Report 2008
Executive Summary of the 2nd Millennium Development Goals Report showing Namibia making progress in achieving some of the targets set for five of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) but more work needs to be done if the goals are to be achieved by 2015.
Namibia MDG Report
by: Office of the President, National Planning Commission
20 August 2004
Namibia's MDG Report, reporting on progress achieved. The report was launched in 2004
Namibia MDG Report 2004
by: Government of the Republic of Namibia
10 November 2004
First progress report on MDGs from Namibia
National MDG Report 2005
June 2005
Nepal MDG Progress Report 2005
September 2005
Officially Launched on 5 September 2005
Nepal MDG Report
February 2002
Nicaragua MDG Report
December 2003
Nicaragua: Objetivos de Desarrollo de Milenio y Metas Nacionales
"Escenarios de Inversión Social al 2015 para Alcanzar los Objetivos en Salud, Educacion y Saneamiento y Agua" This report aims at estimating the financial costs of reaching the Milenium Development Goals and the National Development Goals in the areas of Health, Water and Education.
Nicaragua: Social Investment Escenaries to Achieve the MDG and the National's Development Goals
September 2004
Niger MDG Report
Nigeria MDG Report
December 2004
Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement - Rapport national 2005
by: Haut Commissariat au Plan
September 2005
Occupied Palestinian Territories - MDG Report 2009
by: PNA - Ministry of Planning
January 2009
status update on MDGs in occupied Palestinian territory
Occupied Palestinian Territories - MDG Report 2010
by: PNA - Ministry of Planning
August 2010
Status of MDG progress in occupied palestinian territory
ODM en Argentina - Informe de Progreso 2005-2006
by: Consejo Coordinador de Políticas Sociales, UNDP Argentina
December 2006
Desde que la Argentina suscribió la Declaración del Milenio dichos Objetivos han orientado los esfuerzos y la gestión social del Gobierno. En septiembre del año 2005, nuestro país presentó en la reunión de la Asamblea Extraordinaria de las Naciones Unidas el Informe País 2005 que dio cuenta de la labor realizada por el Gobierno Nacional para el logro de los ODM. El presente informe ilustra acerca de los avances producidos entre la fecha de su aparición y el presente. Es una reseña sintética sobre los progresos alcanzados y lo que resta por alcanzar. Refleja una tarea decolaboración interinstitucional en la facilitación de los datos más actualizados de que disponen los organismos nacionales en sus ámbitos de responsabilidad y en la información sobre las distintas iniciativas, planes y programas. Los análisis y la información incluidos en el presente informe podrán servir de ayuda a las instancias competentes del Gobierno Nacional, a las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, al sector privado empresarial y a los organismos de cooperación internacional para que cumplan las funciones que les corresponden a fin de que se hagan realidad los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio.
ODM en Argentina Informe 2005
by: PNUD
1 September 2005
Este documento es un resumen ejecutivo del SEGUNDO INFORME DE PAÍS de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio presentado por el Gobierno argentino en la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas en septiembre de 2005 en versión inglés.Este documento fue producido en el marco del Proyecto PNUD/ARG/04/046 "Instalación de los ODM en la agenda pública".
Oman MDG Report
November 2005
by: Unité de coordination
June 2005
Pakistan MDG Report
February 2005
Palestine MDG Report
November 2003
Panama MDG Report
May 2003
Panama Second MDG Report
September 2005
Panama Third MDG Report 2009
15 June 2009
Papua New Guinea MDG Report
January 2005
Paraguay MDG 2005
Paraguay MDG Report
October 2003
Peru MDG Report
December 2004
Peru MDGR 2008
by: enrique.roman
17 October 2009
Philippines MDG Report
Philippines MDGs 2nd Progress Report [2005]
by: sadahito.goto
Philippines MDGs Midterm Progress Report [2007]
by: sadahito.goto
Poland MDG Report
June 2002
Portugal MDG Report
November 2004
Progress towards the Realization of the Millennium Development Goals in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2010
by: Ministry of Finance and Treasury and UNCT
August 2010
Qatar MDG Report
August 2005
Rapport National sur les progrès vers l'atteinte des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement
by: Gouvernement du Niger: Equipe de Pays du Système des Nations Unies au Niger
September 2007
Sur la base de l'agenda international de développement, le Niger a défini une stratégie de réalisation des OMD basée sur les quatre étapes préconisées: l'actualisationn du profil de la pauvreté; l'estimation des besoins; l'évaluation financière des OMD; et l'élaboration de la Stratégie de Développement accéléré et de Réduction de la Pauvreté basée sur les OMD. Pour mesurer les progrès réalisés vers l'atteinte des OMD, le Niger produit régulièrement un Rapport national qui constitue un outil de plaidoyer, de mobilisation de ressources et de promotion de partenariats stratégiques autour des OMD.
Rapport OMD Maroc 2007
September 2008
Rapport présentant les récentes évolutions et progrès du Maroc au titre des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement
Rapport sur les progrès 2010 vers l'atteinte des OMD en Mauritanie
April 2010
Rapport national de suivi des OMD
Republic of Korea Millennium Development Goals Progress Report
by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea
11 July 2005
In East Asia, the Republic of Korea is one of the a few countries that achieved remarkable levels of human development within a generation. This MDG Progress Report narrates this story and points out the remaining development challenges to be addressed.
Romania MDG Report
February 2004
Russia - 2005 National Human Development Report on MDGs
November 2005
First national effort jointly sponsored by UNCT where the MDG situation in Russia is analyzed and a set of country-specific MDG+ indicators is proposed. The document was published by UNDP jointly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.
Russian Federation HDR on the MDGs
October 2005
Russia in 2015: Development Goals and Policy Priorities.

This report, the tenth in the series of the national reports launched by UNDP in cooperation with the Government of the Russian Federation in 1995, is dedicated to the adaptation of the MDGs in the Russian context.
Rwanda MDG Report
December 2003
Sao Tome and Principe MDG Report
April 2004
Sao Tome and Principe MDG Report (2008)
by: nicolas.pierre
October 2008
Sao Tome and Principe MDG Report - October 2008
Saudi Arabia - MDG Report - 2010
Saudi Arabia MDG Report
Senegal MDG Report
August 2001
Serbia & Montenegro MDG Reports
Sierra Leone MDG Report
Slovak Republic MDG Report
Slovenia MDG Report
South Africa MDG Report
by: South Africa United Nations
September 2005
South Africa MDG Report
Sri Lanka MDG Report
May 2005
Sri Lanka MDG Report (2005) and progress (2007)
Status of Achieving the Millennium Development Goals. National Report of the Republic of Belarus
by: Stepan Polonik, Anatoly Bogdanovich, Alexander Bondar and others
1 September 2005
The first Belarus' National MDG Report prepared in 2005 on the instructions of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Economy of Belarus by a team of experts from the Scientific and Research Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy and a number of other government and academic institutions. The report was prepared with financial and organizational support of the UN Office in Belarus. The analysis and recommendations contained in the Report do not necessarily reflect the views either of the United Nations or the Government of Belarus.
Sub-national MDG Reports May 2006
15 May 2006
Sudan Interim MDG Report
December 2004
Suriname - MDG Progress Report 2009
November 2009
Suriname MDG Baseline Report
Swaziland MDG Report
December 2003
Swaziland MDGR 2007
by: United Nations Country Team
15 September 2007
The Swaziland MDG Report 2007 updates the first report published in 2003. The report shows that Swaziland will be challenged in meeting several of its MDG targets. Though a Middle Income Human Development Country, the most prominent challenge is income poverty. A 2001 Central Statistics Office Household Income and Expenditure Survey (SHIES) estimated 69% of the population living in poverty. Recurrent climate Poverty is also fueled by HIV, estimated at 18% of the population, the highest infection rate in the world. The report shows that Swaziland is likely to achieve the MDG targets for Universal Primary Education, for Gender equality and environmental sustainability. A new report expected to be published ahead of the special MDG summit in September is currently being undertaken.
Swaziland MDGR 2007
by: INCT
15 September 2007
The 2007 MDGR updates the first Swaziland MDG report published in 2003. The report shows that Swaziland will be challenged in meeting most of its targets except Universal Primary Education; Gender Equality and Environmental Sustainability. Though a Middle Income Human Development Country, Poverty is pronounced. A 2001 Central Statistics Office Household Income and Expenditure Survey shows that 69% of the population suffered from income poverty. Food shortages exacerbated by periodic drought have in the past four years driven almost half the population to rely on WFP food aid. HIV infections, at 18% of the population, are the highest in the world and weighs heavily on infant and maternal mortality. A new MDGR is currently being developed, and is expected to be published on time for the General Assembly in September 2010.
Syria MDG Report
June 2003
Syria Second MDG Report
September 2005
Tajikistan MDG Report
October 2003
Tanzania MDG Report
February 2001
As an example of how the UN can work with national governments to help
track the follow-up to the Millennium Declaration, the UN Country Team
in Tanzania, in close collaboration with national partners, prepared a report summarizing the progress made towards achieving selected development goals, and outlining what is required to reach those targets by 2015.
Thailand MDG Report
June 2004
the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia MDG Report
June 2005
Timor-Leste MDG Report 2004
by: UNCT and Government of Timor-Leste
February 2004
Timor-Leste MDG Report 2009
March 2009
Togo - Third report on MDG progress in Togo
by: United Nations System in Togo
April 2010
MDG Report III: Le Togo se mobilise autour des OMD
Togo MDG Report
July 2004
Togo's first MDG report
Togo MDG Report
December 2008
Tunisia MDG Report
April 2004
Turkey MDG Report
June 2005
Turkmenistan MDG Report
May 2004
Uganda MDG Report (2003)
Ukraine MDG Report
Ukraine MDG Report
Ukraine MDG Report 2010
by: daisy.leoncio
United Arab Emirates MDG Report
Uruguay MDG Report
October 2003
Venezuela MDG Report
March 2005
Viet Nam Fourth MDG Report
September 2005
Viet Nam MDG Report
Viet Nam MDG Report 3 - (Closing the Millennium Gaps)
November 2003
Closing the Millennium Gaps is about further building upon the impressive progress achieved
in improving human well-being in Viet Nam over the past decade, while at the same time
broadening the development process to include those being left behind, and reversing widening
socio-economic disparities. In short, this report is about achieving the MDGs for all Vietnamese people, girls and boys, women and men, ethnic minorities and Kinh, and urban and rural people.
Yemen MDG Report
Zambia MDG Report
Zimbabwe MDG Report