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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
Monitoring & Reporting
Monitoring of MDGs provide a means for benchmarking and assessing progress towards human development. MDG monitoring takes place at the global and country levels. At the global level, the UN Secretary-General reports annually to the General Assembly on the implementation of the Millennium Declaration. Every five years, the report will include a comprehensively review of progress towards the MDGs. The reports of the UN Secretary-General are available at http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/index.html.

At the country level, MDG Reports (MDGRs) help engage political leaders and top decision-makers, as well as to mobilise civil society, communities, the general public, parliamentarians and the media in a debate about human development. Triggering action for accelerating MDG progress is the ultimate objective of MDGRs.

Related Documents

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UNDG Guidance Note for MDG Reports
October 2003
This guidance note highlights the main issues that are likely to arise when preparing a country-level MDG report. It replaces the first one from October 2001 and incorporates many of the findings of the assessment of existing MDGRs taken by UNDP's Evaluation Office in 2003.
MDG National Reports: A look through a Gender Lens
This paper focuses on a selection of published MDG reports to assess the extent to which gender concerns and perspectives have been mainstreamed into discussions under various goals.
Report on the Assessment of the MDG Reports
September 2003
The Executive Board of UNDP and UNFPA introduces in this executive summary the key findings in preparation for a presentation of the full report and discussion at the first regular session 2004.
Social Watch
Social Watch is an international NGO watchdog network monitoring poverty eradication and gender equality. Site includes country by country data and reports.
Paris 21: Partnerships in Statistics in the 21st Century
Established in November 1999 in response to the UN Economic and Social Council resolution on the goals of the UN Conference on Development, the PARIS21 Consortium was launched to act as a catalyst for promoting a culture of evidence-based policymaking and monitoring in all countries, and especially in developing countries.
Strengthening MDG Tracking and Monitoring at Country Level: UNDG Briefing Note
by: UNDG
March 2004
This inter-agency document provides practical guidance on how UNCTs can support national counterparts monitor the MDGs through such software tools as DevInfo.
2007 MDG Report Status
May 2007