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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries

"The United Nations has a compelling story to tell, but it must be told well, so as to build public support.”
-- former Under-Secretary-General for Public Information, Shashi Tharoor

Communication is the art of expressing values and solutions in ways that motivate audiences to understand and support your mission and messages; however it is also a science that collects the techniques used to convey information in ways that move people to action. For UN country teams, strategic communication is about pursuing concrete outcomes that promote development, support programme objectives, and strengthen country teams in order to improve UN support for national and international development objectives, particularly the Millennium Development Goals.

Greater use of joint communication can improve the overall messaging of the UN system, support policy advocacy, mobilize resources and catalyse change. It does not replace the communications efforts of individual agencies but amplifies their voices, preserving their distinct identities while presenting the UN country team as a coherent entity. By developing a common strategy, UN country team members can enhance inter-agency understanding and knowledge, work together more effectively, harmonize their messages, magnify their overall voice and impact, and produce lasting, meaningful results.

Below is an inventory of communication guidance, tools, strategies, good practices from the field, products and reference materials for UN colleagues and communications professionals alike. Please contact DOCO at doco@undg.org with any updated communication materials, questions or requests for additional information you like to see added to this web section.


Communications Responsibilities for Resident Coordinators
by: UN DPI
June 2006