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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
Letters from the UNDG
Letters from or sent on behalf of the four UNDG Executive Committee agency heads (UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA & WFP).

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UNDG Letters 2003-2004 (list)
Inter-Agency Mobility ExCom Letter
6 February 2001
Guidance to Countries preparing their CCA and UNDAF in 2003
29 January 2003
Food Crisis and HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa
4 March 2003
New IASC Policy
12 June 2003
Harmonization: Opportunities for Country Ownership and Capacity Development
28 July 2003
UNDG Support to Priority Roll-Out Country Teams
4 August 2003
ChildInfo/DevInfo for Monitoring MDGs at Country Level
12 August 2003
Operationalizing a Strengthened UN System Response to HIV/AIDS at Country Level
19 November 2003
Inter-Agency Plan of Action on SG Action 2
1 December 2003
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
10 December 2003
UNDG ExCom Regional Directors' Meeting: Final Report
28 January 2003
Guidance to Countries preparing their Common Country Assessment (CCA) and UNDAF in 2003
29 January 2003
Food Crisis and HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa
4 March 2003
New IASC Policy
12 June 2003
Harmonization: Opportunities for Country Ownership and Capacity Development
28 July 2003
UNDG Support to Priority Roll-Out Country Teams
4 August 2003
ChildInfo/DevInfo for Monitoring MDGs at Country Level
12 August 2003
Letter from Saad Houry to all Resident Coordinators.
UNDG Guidance Note on MDG Reports
10 October 2003
Letter from Sally Fegan-Wyles to all Resident Coordinators and UN Country Teams
Operationalizing a Strengthened United Nations Response to HIV/AIDS at Country Level
19 November 2003
Inter-Agency Plan of Action on SG Action 2
1 December 2003
Letter to all Resident Coordinators and UN Country Teams
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
10 December 2003
Greentree Report
30 January 2004
Final Report: UNDG ExCom Regional Director's Meeting 2004
23 February 2004
UNDG Guidance Note on MDG Reports
10 October 2003
UNDG ExCom Regional Directors' Meeting: Final Report
28 January 2004
Greentree Report
30 January 2004
Final Report: UNDG ExCom Regional Director's Meeting 2004
23 February 2004
Revised Guidance Note on Joint Programming
27 February 2004
One Simplified ands Harmonized Country Programming Process
12 March 2004
Strengthening MDG Tracking and Monitoring and Country Level
19 March 2004
UNDG Regional Meetings and Support to UN Country Teams
April 2004
Common Services Programme - Letter of Commitment by Ex-com Agency Heads
17 May 2004
Information Note: Secretary-General's Report on UN-Civil Society Relations
28 June 2004
Flying the UN Flag
4 October 2004
Members were particularly concerned about the negative impression created by the excessive and inappropriate use of flags. With the exception of those situations where security and host goverment protocol requirements make the use of the flag necessary, members decided that no flags are to be flown by their staff including the Resident Coordinator. Visitors of heads of organization should be characterized by a reduction in pomp and circumstance without reducing opportunities for advocacy and policy influence;
(from the Greentree Report -- UNDG Ex Com Principal's Retreat at Greentree in January 2004)
Regional Director's Meeting, January 2005
November 2004
letter to the UNDG Ex Com Agencies regional directors