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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
Working Group on Programming Issues
The Working Group on Programming Issues develops policies, guidelines and tools - for adoption by the UNDG - to improve the quality and effectiveness of UN Country Team programme collaboration.

By coordinating and jointly planning the implementation of their programmes, country teams can better support national efforts to achieve the Internationally Agreed Development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals. In particular the Working Group focuses on harmonizing and simplifying joint programming instruments, such as the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) and related programming documents and procedures. It also works on enhancing the UN’s performance on aid effectiveness, according to the criteria agreed in the Paris Declaration, and provides guidance to country teams on applying key principles such as results-based management, capacity development, human rights based approach, gender equality and environmental sustainability into the UN’s programme framework at country level.

WGPI 19 November 2008 - meeting documents
by: WGPI
November 2008
Background documents for WGPI meeting of 19 November 2008
Terms of Reference (ToRs)

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Terms of Reference (ToRs) & By-Laws
by: WGPI
12 June 2008
By-laws WGPI
by: WGPI
19 June 2008

WGPI Membership
by: WGPI
26 December 2008


Workplans and Roadmaps
by: WGPI
31 July 2008
Notes from Meetings