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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
Social Media / New Media Good Practices

Social media can take on many forms -- wikis, podcasts, blogs and microblogs such as Twitter, multimedia sharing sites including YouTube, Flickr and Skype, and social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn. Social media is a powerful and growing tool used to communicate and interact with a global audience, advocate issues, influence discussion and dialogue, and spur action. Strategic use of social media opens the door for country teams to build "social authority" while measurably reaching new stakeholders and build a movement around issues by raising awareness of their development operations, goals, achievements and challenges.

Below is a growing inventory of how UN entities and country teams are using social media to communicate to their key stakeholders. If your country team uses social media tools, please send links or samples to DOCO for web posting in order to benefit our communication colleagues.

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UN Volunteers -- Share the Story
December 2010
Participants "Share the Story" on Facebook to discuss volunteering efforts to meet the Millennium Development Goals. The discussion culminates in an online film festival launched 4 December 2010 to showcase the best video stories received from volunteers, communities, civil society, non-governmental organizations and United Nations partners.
UN Pakistan - Social Media activities
December 2010
Harvesting Olives -- UN Day Celebration in Ramallah
November 2010
UN staff from eleven UN entities, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Robert Serry and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad harvested olives north of Ramallah to celebrate UN Day.
Scoring the Millennium Development Goals in Myanmar
October 2010
Workshop -- How NGOs Use Social Media
by: UN DESA - Civil Society and Outreach Unit
19 March 2010
This workshop addressed how to think strategically about social media for external communications so as to allow organizations to maximize their time and resources. Participants learned how to use social media tools, such as Facebook and Twitter, and create a social media strategy.