G4 Attack of the Show -- Tune In 1.11.11 at 7PM EST
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G4 Attack of the Show -- Tune In 1.11.11 at 7PM EST
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Mon December 27, 2010
Source     Fark Headline Comments
(Bad Princess)   Impromptu Baltimore Fark Party, Tomorrow (Tuesday) December 28, 8pm at Azul 17 in Columbia MD. Come one, Come all  (azul17.com) (18)
(Washington Post)   Maryland woman octuples the size of her family in one night  (washingtonpost.com) (25)
(Baltimore Sun)   Photoshop this defiant crustacean  (baltimoresun.com) (23)
(Press-Citizen)   If you're going to drink too much to drive, just don't drive. Do not, under any circumstances, call 911 to tell the police you're too drunk to drive  (wqad.com) (16)
(Some Guy)   20 hours of snowfall in 40 seconds. Bring a shovel  (vimeo.com) (98)
(Some Guy)   The real reason Wikileaks is in trouble? They're about to reveal the secret U.S. war against the UFO base in the Southern Ocean  (whatdoesitmean.com) (125)
(Wired)   On this day in 1831, a young Charles Darwin sets sail and does not win an award  (wired.com) (64)
(Yahoo)   Oddly enough, the States that WON the civil war seem largely disinterested in commemorating its 150th anniversary  (news.yahoo.com) (193)
(CSMonitor)   Mexican government guarantees that tortillas of the future will remain flat  (csmonitor.com) (34)
(MSNBC)   Methylenedioxypyrovalerone is a hell of a drug  (msnbc.msn.com) (97)
(FARK)   What was the Thread of the Year on Fark? (voting enabled)  (fark.com) (129)
(NPR)   Are you strict on your snowflakes? Or do you pamper and indulge them? Doesn't matter, you're a crappy parent and they're turning into binge-drinking alcoholics either way  (npr.org) (40)
(Orlando Sentinel)   Florida to require for-profit schools to adhere to minimum educational standards, unlike their public institutions  (orlandosentinel.com) (20)
(Gawker)   One town's police force shows the rest of the U.S. how to get rid of Latinos. Incoming congress seen taking notes  (gawker.com) (156)
(The New York Times)   Jon Stewart's role in pushing for a bill to provide health care for 9/11 responders has drawn comparisons to Edward R. Murrow  (nytimes.com) (194)
(Some Guy)   Planning on joining the military? You gonna get raped  (enewspf.com) (137)
(wfsb.com)   15,000 lose power in Connecticut. More like Disconnecticut, AMIRITE?  (wfsb.com) (53)
(The Newspaper)   D.C. drivers were convicted of DUI based on inaccurate breath tests for a decade, not a year as previously thought  (thenewspaper.com) (107)
(Washington Post)   The Grim Reaper is fast becoming a regular character at Disney  (washingtonpost.com) (99)
(Yahoo)   Many farmer's markets are expanding to year-round operations, apparently figuring the folks willing to pay $10/lb for "organic, locally grown" Arugula also aren't bright enough to figure out the concept of "in season"  (news.yahoo.com) (65)
(Washington Post)   Democrats understand that a key element to keeping Obamacare from getting repealed is naming it after something other than Obama. Like, I don't know, a llama or something  (washingtonpost.com) (92)
(Washington Post)   Dear Santa, here is a list of things i don't want next year  (washingtonpost.com) (99)
(AL.com)   Good: The oil from the Gulf spill may have actually strengthened organisms along the coast. Bad: The organisms are plant-eating fungi  (blog.al.com) (23)
(Some Guy)   Photoshop Santa pumping iron  (af.mil) (16)
(Gothamist)   NYC gets an inch of snow. Underground, in the subways  (gothamist.com) (243)
(Gaston Gazette)   Man wins lottery, uses winnings to feed the homeless and hungry at Salvation Army even though he's been unemployed for months. Damn dusty room  (gastongazette.com) (132)
(Telegraph)   Woman comes back to life in coffin, WANTS BRAINS (w/pic of undead)  (telegraph.co.uk) (85)
(Buffalo News)   Good chess openings: Réti Opening and Sicilian Defense. Bad chess opening: taking a glass chessboard and smashing it over your girlfriend's head  (buffalonews.com) (51)
(Yahoo)   The story of another lawyer who routinely files dozens of lawsuits. But this one you're going to like  (news.yahoo.com) (216)
(Chicago Tribune)   If you're going on a meth bender, it's best not to pass out inside a cab with $450,000 worth of drugs on your person  (chicagotribune.com) (43)
(Daily Mail)   New research suggests women think about food more than sex. Men have just learned to combine the two  (dailymail.co.uk) (154)
(Some Guy)   Photoshop theme: Unconventional uses for heavy machinery  (caterpillar.com) (24)
(Some Guy)   Paralyzed woman's specially modified car--which was stolen just days before Christmas--was found and returned on Christmas Eve  (ksl.com) (122)

Sun December 26, 2010
(Examiner)   A man is playing with his crossbow in his backyard. Of course, 20 cops show up, beat him to a pulp, and seize his trailer  (examiner.com) (406)
(UPI)   Lack of funding cancels Oklahoma state prison rodeo. Disheartened inmates told to keep practicing bareback riding  (upi.com) (39)
(Some Guy)   Photoshop this moon and monument  (iisuspictures.ru) (38)
(Talking Points Memo)   Everyone's favorite thug decides to spend Christmas torturing inmates down at the local jail. Because hey - why not, right?   (tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com) (537)
(Breitbart.com)   That's a nice fondue pot you have there. It would be a shame if something happened to it  (breitbart.com) (44)
(Jacksonville.com)   Latest media scare story: credit card skimmers are stealing all of your money. EVERYBODY PANIC  (jacksonville.com) (67)
(BBC)   Sounds like some of our friends across the pond need to re-read The Giving Tree  (bbc.co.uk) (35)
(Daily Mail)   New Jersey woman eating 30,000 calories a day to achieve her goal of becomming fattest woman alive. Bonus for the bachelors: she's single. w/pics  (dailymail.co.uk) (447)
(Minneapolis Star Tribune)   $500 fine for swearing on a bus? Un-farking-believable   (startribune.com) (136)
(Chicago Sun-Times)   Your son has a raging addiction to painkillers. No problem, just blame everything except your perfect addict snowflake and shiatty parenting  (suntimes.com) (225)
(Orlando Sentinel)   With temperatures heading south of 60 degrees, Florida shelters are opening their doors to the flood of weaklings that can't take what's considered t-shirt weather for the rest of the country  (orlandosentinel.com) (114)
(Some Guy)   Armenian police do what we've all dreamed of: crack down on kids for being emo, due to fears the kids will "damage our gene pool"  (france24.com) (56)
(Yahoo)   Jimmy Carter near victory in a 20-year long struggle to eliminate a truly horrific disease from the planet. Best. Ex-president. Ever  (news.yahoo.com) (291)
(NYPost)   Woman stylist has a leopard porkpie hat, a whale-skin handbag, a seal coat, ivory bangles and a fur cape made from hides of the threatened Geoffroy's cat. Even Mr. Burns is impressed  (nypost.com) (99)
(Daily Mail)   Not sure what's more worrying - UK man taking 3 days for 200 mile round trip to the Airport, or the Police being able to track his car on every part of his journey using license plate recognition cameras. Your safety is paramount Citizen  (dailymail.co.uk) (62)
(Some Guy)   Woman gets bit in the eye over her Facebook status (second story)  (theleafchronicle.com) (43)
(USA Today)   More states letting (fat) students opt out of (stop being fat) P.E. Classes  (usatoday.com) (152)
(Yahoo)   Kuwaiti oil minister said the world economy can handle $100/barrel oil, just before crossing his fingers and adding "please oh please oh please"  (news.yahoo.com) (91)
(Salon)   Slideshow: The Year in Crazy. Come for Jenny McCarthy, stay for Glenn Beck and John Mayer  (salon.com) (65)
(Metro)   After being banned from throwing missiles, riding motorcycles and hanging out with his friends, court deals teen a final crucial blow. He can no longer wear purple shoe laces  (metro.co.uk) (22)
(Boston Globe)   Ten years ago today a cubicle dweller from Massachusetts went back in time to kill Adolf Hitler and became one of the first murder defendants to have his web browsing habits used against him  (boston.com) (54)
(My San Antonio)   Man retrieves stolen dog by paying $10,000 reward to a guy who wanted to pay for liver transplant and seemed displeased with the television news cameras  (mysanantonio.com) (57)
(UPI)   Shooting at a fleeing bank robber, while legal, might not be the best idea  (upi.com) (102)
(Yahoo)   Nope, sorry haven't got any tuna on the menu, would you like to try our lovely eel tartare instead? It's fresh from the hovercraft  (news.yahoo.com) (57)
(Some Guy)   Photoshop this block club  (iisuspictures.ru) (21)
(Some Guy)   NASA-ha-ha-HAA-ha  (treehugger.com) (46)
(Some Chestnut)   Dads: Filling the house with Christmas comfort, togetherness, and warmth does not involve stripping naked, taking your baby hostage, and setting the Christmas tree on fire  (news.ninemsn.com.au) (39)
(MSNBC)   Death panels to start next week  (msnbc.msn.com) (138)
(Statesman)   One Texas man has discovered his life's purpose: To make life as miserable as possible for cops trying to set up speed traps  (statesman.com) (263)
(Washington Post)   More body scanners are coming to an airport near you. Benjamin Franklin puts head down on desk, begins to cry  (washingtonpost.com) (177)
(Some Guy)   Withdrawn mourners banking on quick service for ATM shooting victim  (wbir.com) (12)
(CNN)   Blizzard to delay holiday travel, Starcraft 2 expansion pack  (cnn.com) (68)
(Some Guy)   Men. In belted sweaters  (visualnews.com) (109)
(AZCentral)   For Christmas 2011, ten-year-old Stephen Goodman plans to mail handmade Christmas cards to troops overseas. One card to each deployed service member. 180,000 in all  (azcentral.com) (43)
(AZCentral)   Armed man at Mormon temple meets Saints sooner than Latter  (azcentral.com) (58)
(CBC)   Not News: Police issue wave of speeding tickets. FARK: To ambulances  (cbc.ca) (74)
(My Fox DC)   Police welcome snow as crime-busting aid. FREEZE  (myfoxdc.com) (19)
(Google)   "Dear Vicksburg, reinforcements are not on the way. Good luck holding back the Union Army. Signed, 1863"  (google.com) (150)
(Some Guy)   Hog boss charged with hazards; will have to duke it out in court  (cpheraldleader.com) (20)
(Boston Globe)   Photoshop something for these star gazers to stare at  (inapcache.boston.com) (40)
(Detroit News)   Michigan enjoys its first Christmas with alcohol sales. Full report after someone in Detroit sobers up  (detnews.com) (54)
(Canoe)   Drunken snowmobiler taunts police by spinning donuts. He should've known better than to tease cops with donuts  (cnews.canoe.ca) (19)
(KHOU Houston)   There's something in her eye. There's something in my eye  (khou.com) (67)

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