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FCC stories: 130 news summaries

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 FCC Chair 
 Pushes to 
 Regulate ISPs 

Proposal might amount to net neutrality order

FCC Chair Pushes to Regulate ISPs

Proposal might amount to net neutrality order
(Newser) - FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski is making yet another valiant stab at introducing net neutrality or something like it today. In a speech today, Genachowski will propose a new regulatory framework that would forbid Internet broadband providers from blocking lawful content, the New York Times reports. The rules would also allow... More »

 911 May Allow 

FCC chair proposes upgrading antiquated call centers

911 May Allow Emergency Texts

FCC chair proposes upgrading antiquated call centers
(Newser) - You may soon be able to text an emergency message to 911—and send a photo to boot. The FCC is exploring ways to bring 911 into the "digital age," says chair Julius Genachowski, noting that 70% of 911 calls come from mobile phones. No timetable yet, but... More »

Sen. Rockefeller: Fox, MSNBC Should 'Go Away'

Senator wishes FCC could kill cable news

Sen. Rockefeller: Fox, MSNBC Should 'Go Away'

Senator wishes FCC could kill cable news
(Newser) - Sen. Jay Rockefeller apparently isn’t a fan of cable news. In a hearing on television retransmission consent yesterday, Rockefeller went off-topic to rail against the “endless barking” of a news media that “has all but surrendered to the forces of entertainment.” Then he went off-script to... More »

Verizon Pays Record $25M Fine for 'Mystery Fees'

It's the largest settlement in FCC history

Verizon Pays Record $25M Fine for 'Mystery Fees'

It's the largest settlement in FCC history
(Newser) - Verizon Wireless will pay a record $25 million fine to the federal government to settle accusations it overcharged customers. Separately, Verizon is refunding $52.8 million to about 15 million customers over so-called "mystery fees" in which they were charged for data services they didn't use. More »

FCC Hasn't Tested Cell Phones Kept in Pockets

Safety guidelines of 2001 are based on using holsters

FCC Hasn't Tested Cell Phones Kept in Pockets

Safety guidelines of 2001 are based on using holsters
(Newser) - The jury's very much out on the dangers of cell phones, and Time points out an "odd quirk" in FCC testing guidelines that doesn't help matters. When it determined safe emissions of radio-frequency levels in 2001, the agency tested phones kept in holsters. It didn't, however, test phones kept... More »

 FCC Battles 
 Cell Phone 
 'Bill Shock' 

Haiti volunteer hit with $30K in roaming charges

FCC Battles Cell Phone 'Bill Shock'

Haiti volunteer hit with $30K in roaming charges
(Newser) - A FEMA worker supporting the earthquake relief effort in Haiti was hit with a $30,000 bill for roaming charges when she arrived back in the US. Federal regulators say this kind of cell phone "bill shock" is all too common, and they hope to curb it with regulations... More »

Verizon Refunding Up to $90M in Overcharges

Decision made after FCC launches investigation

Verizon Refunding Up to $90M in Overcharges

Decision made after FCC launches investigation
(Newser) - Verizon Wireless is refunding as much as $90 million to cell phone consumers for data overcharges that occurred over the last several years. The decision was made after the FCC launched an investigation following consumer complaints. Most refunds will be between $2 and $6. “When we identify errors, we... More »

 Google, Verizon Deal 
 May Kill Net Neutrality 

Agreement could pave the way for priority internet packages

Google, Verizon Deal May Kill Net Neutrality

Agreement could pave the way for priority internet packages
(Newser) - Google and Verizon are nearing a deal that could spell the end of one-speed-fits-all for Internet service. The firms are said to be on the brink of an agreement under which Verizon could give priority to traffic from content providers who paid for premium treatment. The deal would do away... More »

 Court Voids 
 FCC's Policy 
 on Swearing 

Indecency policy 'unconstitutionally vague,' judges rule

Court Voids FCC's Policy on Swearing

Indecency policy 'unconstitutionally vague,' judges rule
(Newser) - A federal appeals court ruled today that an f-bomb or two uttered on live TV isn't such a heinous crime after all. The court struck down the FCC's indecency policy on obscenities as "unconstitutionally vague," the Wall Street Journal reports. The zero-tolerance policy was so strict it violated... More »

 FCC to Reinstate 
 Net Neutrality 

Agency maneuvers around court ruling

FCC to Reinstate Net Neutrality

Agency maneuvers around court ruling
(Newser) - Net neutrality might not be dead after all. The FCC says it will apply a brand new regulatory structure on Internet providers that will allow it to skirt a recent court ruling that found it didn't have the power to force Comcast to treat all Internet traffic equally. Advocates had... More »

 Family Guy Accused 
 of Taunting FCC 
 With Stewie Doo-Doo 

Parents Council: Creator out to break rules

Family Guy Accused of Taunting FCC With Stewie Doo-Doo

Parents Council: Creator out to break rules
(Newser) - The Family Guy foes at the Parents Television Council say the show has gone beyond merely ignoring FCC guidelines to actively trying to break them. The watchdog group—irked by a gag in the latest show that involved the family dog's appetite and the contents of baby Stewie's diaper—demands... More »

 Court Smacks Down FCC 
 in Net Neutrality Case 

Agency had no standing to regulate Comcast, 3-judge panel rules

Court Smacks Down FCC in Net Neutrality Case

Agency had no standing to regulate Comcast, 3-judge panel rules
(Newser) - A federal court today said the FCC does not have the power to force Internet service providers to treat all traffic equally. The ruling, in a closely watched case concerning Comcast's ban on BitTorrent, is a blow to the Obama administration’s crusade for net neutrality. But the FCC failed... More »

FCC Plans Huge Upgrade for US Broadband

Plan would extend coverage to 90% of country, boost speeds

FCC Plans Huge Upgrade for US Broadband

Plan would extend coverage to 90% of country, boost speeds
(Newser) - The FCC will unveil a massive plan for upgrading America’s broadband infrastructure tomorrow, hoping to bridge the stubborn divide between the digital haves and have-nots. The plan would aim to bring broadband to 90% of Americans by 2020, and increase speeds for those who already have it, the San ... More »

FCC Launches Internet
Speed Test Tool

Move comes ahead of 10-year plan to push broadband

FCC Launches Internet Speed Test Tool

Move comes ahead of 10-year plan to push broadband
(Newser) - The FCC is about to unveil a 10-year plan to make high-speed Internet a reality in all parts of the US, reports the New York Times . As part of its push, the agency has set up a way for consumers to test the speed of their Internet connection through this... More »

 Family Guy
 Racks Up Most 

Fox programs account for half of all gripes

Family Guy Racks Up Most Indecency Complaints

Fox programs account for half of all gripes
(Newser) - Fox's Family Guy is keeping the Federal Communications Commission busier than any other program on TV, according to records released under the Freedom of Information Act. A single episode of the show in March 2009 with a plot line involving horse semen triggered nearly 200,000 complaints to the section... More »

Broadband's Too Costly,
Say Those Without It

Another big group lacks digital literacy, says survey

Broadband's Too Costly, Say Those Without It

Another big group lacks digital literacy, says survey
(Newser) - As the FCC works to provide speedy Internet service to everybody, a new survey suggests it faces two big hurdles: cost and digital literacy. Among those who don't have broadband Internet—an estimated 93 million Americans—the most common reason (36%) is that it costs too much. Coming in second... More »

FCC Eyes Hiking Phone Bills to Expand Internet Access

Feds want to open networks, but would tax your phone bill to do it

FCC Eyes Hiking Phone Bills to Expand Internet Access

Feds want to open networks, but would tax your phone bill to do it
(Newser) - Al Gore may think he created the Internet, but it's the FCC that's looking to make it available to all Americans—and it's considering taxing your phone bill to pay for it. Federal regulators will outline their case today for stepping up government control of Internet and phone services, the... More »


 Shine a Light 
 on Sneaky TV 
 Product Placement 

Do you know when you're being sold something?

Shine a Light on Sneaky TV Product Placement

Do you know when you're being sold something?
(Newser) - You can tell when you’re watching a commercial, right? Not at all, writes NE Marsden , and that’s a huge problem. A new FTC measure seeks to expose the practice of paid consideration—“stealth advertising” is a better phrase—online by requiring bloggers and marketers to disclose remuneration,... More »


AT&T Asks Employees
to Slam Net Neutrality

And don't say you work here, memo advises

AT&T Asks Employees to Slam Net Neutrality

And don't say you work here, memo advises
(Newser) - With the FCC holding a meeting Thursday to decide whether to give the green light to “net neutrality”—the principle of universal access to bandwidth—AT&T is stepping up its PR war. In a memo from senior exec James Cicconi, employees are asked to post anti-neutrality comments... More »


 Oops! Fox Airs 
Crotch Shot 

Excited So You Think You Can Dance? contestant writhes around, sans panties

Oops! Fox Airs Dance Crotch Shot

Excited So You Think You Can Dance? contestant writhes around, sans panties
(Newser) - Surprisingly, Tuesday night’s So You Think You Can Dance crotch shot (watch the offending clip at left) hasn’t quite galvanized the nation into a state of outrage—but it’s still gaining steam. Nigel Lythgoe tells TMZ that what appears to be the contestant’s vagina is actually... More »

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