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High Tech Paints 3D Image of Ancient Beast of the Deep Aquatic dinosaur had 8-foot skull
By Nick McMaster,  Newser Staff

Posted Dec 23, 2010 5:47 PM CST
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(Newser) – The 50-foot monster was the terror of the Earth's oceans some 150 million years ago, with its giant head packing a crocodile-esque jaw and razor sharp teeth that savaged anything in its way. Or at least that's the picture that's emerging of the pliosaur, as imaging scientists and paleontologists use a powerful CT scanner to paint a 3D image of the beast, the BBC reports. The fossil being examined, an 8-foot skull, would have dwarfed other pliosaurs. "This creature had an enormously powerful bite, it could have bitten a car in half," says a paleontologist.

"It's incredibly exciting," the paleontologist continues. "Nobody has ever seen this fossil, so I get to see it as it is coming out of the rock—it is almost like magic." The scanner allows detailed information to be gathered from the fossil without risking damage to it. One of the first questions being examined is whether the fossil constitutes a new species, or merely an extremely large example of the pliosaur species—to that end, the brain-case and inner architecture of the skull is being closely scrutinized.

Paleontologist Richard Forrest with the jaw bone of a fossilized pliosaur found on the southern coast of England in Dorchester, England Tuesday Oct. 27, 2009.
Paleontologist Richard Forrest with the jaw bone of a fossilized pliosaur found on the southern coast of England in Dorchester, England Tuesday Oct. 27, 2009.   (AP Photo/Chris Ison/PA Wire)
Paleontologist Richard Forrest measures the jaw bone of a fossilized pliosaur found on the southern coast of England in Dorchester, England Tuesday Oct. 27, 2009.
Paleontologist Richard Forrest measures the jaw bone of a fossilized pliosaur found on the southern coast of England in Dorchester, England Tuesday Oct. 27, 2009.   (AP Photo/Chris Ison/PA Wire)
Paleontologist Richard Forrest measures the jaw bone of a fossilized pliosaur found on the southern coast of England in Dorchester, England Tuesday Oct. 27, 2009.
Paleontologist Richard Forrest measures the jaw bone of a fossilized pliosaur found on the southern coast of England in Dorchester, England Tuesday Oct. 27, 2009.   (AP Photo/Chris Ison/PA Wire)
Polyptychodon interruptus - giant pliosaur from Cenomanian of England.
Polyptychodon interruptus - giant pliosaur from Cenomanian of England.   (Wikimedia Commons)
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Showing 3 of 7 comments
Dec 23, 2010 9:07 PM CST
Man is a mere monkey for what is to come, and is not an end in itself: http://www.latimes.com/news/science/la-sci-evolution11dec11,0,5882337.story Evolution is harsh and brutal and is happening all around us. The civilization that is the harshest, the civilization that doesn't cuddle the weak and stupid shall give rise to this new being. The more difficult the struggle for life is, the more chances that this intelligent being shall arise. Covert Communism (Liberalism) represents the opposite of this philosophy. The comfort of the lowest man becomes the purpose of Liberal society itself, and all challenges and obstacles to life are minimized so as to retard human evolution. Our intelligence evolved from struggle, so which political ideology promotes struggle within society? Conservatism or Liberalism? Clearly, Conservatism. The political ideology of survival of the fittest.
Dec 23, 2010 7:41 PM CST
This so called monster, pliosaur, would have met his match after meeting my ex-mother-in-law.
Dec 23, 2010 7:27 PM CST
I could take it
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