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Monday, December 13, 2010 Last Update: 11:19 AM ET

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Washington Memo

In Tax Benefits to the Middle, Political Lift for Obama

A hefty portion of the tax package that the Senate is poised to vote on Monday will benefit middle-income Americans, and could pay political dividends to the president and Democrats.

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Iran’s Foreign Minister Is Abruptly Fired While Abroad

The move was a victory for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who had in the past been prevented by Iran’s Supreme Leader from dismissing the minister.

More Christians Are Fleeing Iraq After New Violence

A new wave of Iraqi Christians has fled to northern Iraq or abroad amid a campaign of violence against them.

Risky Borrowers Find Credit Available Again, at a Price

Lenders are again offering credit to the riskier borrowers they once shunned, but they are choosing their prospects carefully and setting terms.

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The entrance to King Abdullah Economic City, a development near the Red Sea that is envisioned as an island of relative openness.
Salah Malawi for The New York Times
Critic’s Notebook

Saudi Projects Are a Window to Modernity

The entrance to King Abdullah Economic City, one of a set of urban projects that is intended to bring change slowly without antagonizing conservative forces.

One of the Sweden Bombs Exploded Prematurely

The attack could have been devastating, Swedish police said, who also appeared to confirm the bomber’s identity.

Court Chooses Guardians for Orphaned Arguments

About once a year, the Supreme Court appoints a lawyer to defend decisions the parties have abandoned.

Cuomo Plans to Push for a Cap on Property Taxes

Three New York governors have failed to limit local taxes, but the governor-elect has a more favorable political climate.

Berlusconi Pleads for Support Ahead of Confidence Vote

Ahead of a vote that could sink his foundering center-right government, Italy’s prime minister is delivering two speeches to lawmakers urging their support.

Medvedev Warns Against Ethnic Attacks

President Dmitri A. Medvedev of Russia Monday ordered law enforcement to crack down on race-based clashes.

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City Room
Park Slope Plane Crash: In 1960, a Blighted Neighborhood

The neighborhood where a mortally damaged jet came to rest 50 years ago was remarkably different than today’s Park Slope.

They Haven’t Learned

The Obama administration was right to decide that exploratory oil drilling off the coast cannot go forward until the industry fixes its flaws.

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