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  1. RT @senatus: McConnell says tax cut deal is "essentially final" ... McConnell expects "vast majority" of his caucus to support the tax deal.
  2. @wonkroom like the chart and its point, but to be fair, the estate tax plan is bipartisan, and Rs proposed a payroll tax cut in 09
  3. RT @Neil_Irwin: JP Morgan estimates tax deal adds 0.8% to consumption, 0.5% to GDP, lower unemployment by 0.3% by year end 2011
  4. @DanFosterNRO Obama's 'wildly underappreciated rhetorical advantage of not having to call [$500 billion in stimulus] stimulus' | Yes
  5. 5 ways to look at Obama's grand bargain http://bit.ly/hRrOn1 from 1) Pathetic Capitulation to 5) Great Punt
  6. RT @HowardKurtz: Anthony Weiner: Obama punted on third down. | Anthony, it's December! When's 4th down, New Years Eve afternoon?
  7. Woo 7th floor wind tunnel! RT @alexismadrigal: It's cold enough in @TheWatergate that I feel like I'm out in the elements.
  8. Can Democrats blasting the presidents compromise point out the centrist Dems he had on his side? The WH plan didnt have a shot.
  9. tax cut extensn might seem unsavory but much of this -payroll cut, UI, EITC, etc --is progressive stimulus http://bit.ly/f5B6fA
  10. Bush tax cut deal includes 4 of 6 stimulus ideas from CBO report http://bit.ly/e16l2B UI, payroll cut, biz relief, lower income taxes
  11. Whoa RT @marcambinder: The payroll tax cut would replace the "Make WorK" tax credit. Estate taxes would be reinstated w/ an exemption TBD.
  12. @MikeElk agree about the state govts drag 100%, but middle class tax cuts are stimulus, and so is UI, and we get neither w/o deal
  13. i dont know. but 1) it will be safer to let the whole thing die in 2012 and 2) theres a >0 chance to pass comp tax reform
  14. RT @rortybomb: @DKThomp I'm in favor of the partial till 2012. Not sure this isn't de facto permanent full | Me, too. Hope not.
  15. @rortybomb CBO also said that Obama/Baucus strategy of partial extension permanent cld be worst in long run http://bit.ly/dMU41m
  16. RT @TheAtlanticBIZ: Liberals shouldnt despair about the Bush tax cut deal http://bit.ly/ffwGaa
  17. Hope so RT @mattyglesias: Bold hypothesis from @ryanavent -- maybe the November jobs numbers are just wrong: http://ygl.as/fagOHt
  18. (C)Han(n)u(k)kah cards from @someecards all brilliant, but this ones for @emilyquanbeck http://some.ly/i8EE8b
  19. The Case for Optimism in 2011! http://bit.ly/flVG1x (with caveats, natch)