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Joe Biden on WikiLeaks Damage and More Sunday Talk

by The Daily Beast Video Info

The Daily Beast Video

Joe Biden talks WikiLeaks damage, John Kerry and Jon Kyl sound off on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and Mitch McConnell vows (again) to fight Obamacare. That and more in our roundup.

Kerry on DADT Repeal: “It’s an Historic Day.”

On This Week, Christiane Amanpour asked Senator John Kerry about Saturday’s historic repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. “Gay people have served the United States with distinction. They've won awards. They've given their lives all through our history. We had a policy that asked them to lie about it. They no longer have to do that,” he said. “I believe it fulfills an enormous promise of equality in our country. It’s an historic day.”

Kyl: DADT Repeal Could Cost Lives

Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl, on the other hand, was decidedly less bullish about the repeal. On Fox News Sunday, he told host Chris Wallace that the repeal “could disrupt unit cohesion, and, as the Commandant said, cost lives.”

Biden on WikiLeaks: “It Has Done Damage.”

“Should the United States do something to stop Mr. Assange?” That’s the question posed by David Gregory on Meet the Press to Vice President Joe Biden. The answer, Biden says, depends on whether Assange actually conspired with Bradley Manning to get the information or whether he simply passed along information which he received. Either way, however, the leaks have made things “more cumbersome” in terms of foreign relations, “and so it has done damage.”

December 19, 2010 | 3:33pm
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McCain declared it a "very sad day" for America due to the successful repeal of DADT.

Yes, and there are some white folks who still lament the passage of the Civil Rights Acts.

Kyl remarked that the repeal will likely jeopardize the lives of American soldiers. This may well be true, but not in the manner that he envisions.

The only lives that might be in jeopardy are those of gay soldiers who come out of the closet and are subsequently attacked by the most extreme homophobic members of their cohort, demonstrat ing that honor, duty, and respect for the law of the land takes a backseat to irrational fear, bigotry, and intolerance.

5:22 pm, Dec 19, 2010


Very well said.

Gay rights is a civil right, not a military issue.

We will never know how many brave men and women that happened to be gay have heroically given their life for their Country.

7:00 pm, Dec 19, 2010


True. It's never a sad day for America when people gain their civil rights.

8:12 pm, Dec 19, 2010


Well said, Eurydice.

11:27 am, Dec 20, 2010


Jon Kyl should be required to preface any statement he makes about DADT with "I have never served in the military, have never been under fire, but I can always be called on to speak on that which I am totally uniformed but have a definite opinion after it is given to me."

6:42 pm, Dec 19, 2010


As should the President, or the previous Dem. President.

8:36 pm, Dec 19, 2010


Very true. The irony is that the greatest attack on US soil came while a Republican President was in office, and he served in the military - although he avoided action. The story gets better, he was told planes were going to hit the World Trade Center and he still blew it Wait, wait, you are not going to believe this, he then attacked the wrong country!! And now, 9 years later, this country is still paying for his mistakes and we will continue to be in debt and recessions for years to come because of his actions. Amazing times.

9:09 pm, Dec 19, 2010


Perhaps you could include the latter George Bush. He did dodge the draft by getting into the National Guard. He has refused to have his records released and the only credible sources state that he did not show up for his duties. Evidently he served on paper only, and certainly saw no action.

10:12 pm, Dec 19, 2010


70 percent in the military approve of the repeal. This will rise in the coming years.

12:37 am, Dec 20, 2010


Mitch McConnell, you are so useless. Why don't you man up and tell the 911 rescue workers why you are avoiding a vote on passing their health bill. Let's hope that you never have to be rescued by a first responder.

8:01 pm, Dec 19, 2010


God he is despicable.

12:34 am, Dec 20, 2010


Graham said another interesting thing in response to a question about whether Obama should move to the right in order to become more popular - he said that right now Obama is already way more popular than Congress, which has a 13% approval rating. Graham also wondered who in the world that 13% could be and what in the world they're approving - and he ended by saying that this is the number both parties should be worried about.

8:11 pm, Dec 19, 2010


Lindsey Graham is one of only a handful of politicians in DC who actually seems to give a rat's ass about anything and doesn't constantly regurgitate the party line. I don't often agree with him but at least he isn't just another empty suit.

2:12 am, Dec 20, 2010


I'm with you on that. I find most of his views detestable, but unlike McConnell he at least wants to help the country.

8:28 am, Dec 20, 2010


Unfortunately, Graham is well known in the last two years for negotiating reasonable bipartisan legislation in the Senate and then refusing to vote for it, altlic.

11:29 am, Dec 20, 2010


Kerry: Lt., U.S. Navy 1966-70; Silver Star, Bronze Star with Combat V, and three awards of the Purple Heart for his service in combat

Kyl: Did not serve.

'Nuff said.

9:25 am, Dec 20, 2010


Soledad O'Brien is black??? Who knew???

11:01 am, Dec 20, 2010


Jesus Christ on a popsicle stick, downbytheriver.. You must not get CNN.. She's on there throwing the race card every chance she gets.. The bigger issue is why CNN gives her the opportunity.. Just this past Sunday she played the 'victimized' version of the RACE CARD again talking about how Jesse Jackson hurt her so bad once when he pinched her pale skin and said 'you don't count'.. BIG SURPRISE- she threw the race card for the ultimate race-baiter and still didn't get any satisfaction out of 'playing black'.

5:05 pm, Dec 20, 2010


I do get CNN, watch it some, but don't count every time "the race card" is thrown, just like I don't count every time "the Obama is a Muslim card" is thrown on Fox. I'm just saying she doesn't appear to me to be necessarily black or white and I guess I assumed (as a white guy) that she was white. Ooops. Does that make me racist or color blind?

8:21 pm, Dec 20, 2010
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