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Assange 'rape' victims just wanted HIV test: report

Last Updated: 5:18 PM, December 19, 2010

Posted: 12:53 PM, December 19, 2010

Comments: 16

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange could have headed off Swedish rape allegations if he'd simply agreed to an HIV test after unprotected sex with two women, London's Sunday Mail reported today.

The British paper quoted an unnamed Swedish colleague who said he practically begged Assange, 39, to allay the women's fears, but Assange called the request "blackmail" and refused.

"The two women told me, that if he goes to the clinic for an HIV test, then we won’t go to the police,’ said the source, who insisted on anonymity because he is a witness in Swedish investigation.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange: Swedish rape case political payback.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange: Swedish rape case political payback.

"I felt that if Julian had agreed to have the HIV test, they would have dropped it. I told him, 'Just do it, and anyway, it’s good for you, because you’re sleeping around.' A lot of women were extremely attracted to Julian, and after a few minutes, they offered themselves to him. From my perspective, they were like groupies with Mick Jagger, and he takes these opportunities."

Assange, who has sparked outrage among governments around the world by leaking secret U.S. State Department cables and other documents, is battling extradition from England to Sweden for questioning about the rape case.

The Guardian newspaper on Friday released what it said were leaked police reports from the investigation, that allege Assange refused to wear a condom against the women's objections, and was aggressive to the point of violence during sex.

One of the women told police she "tried to put on some articles of clothing as it was going too quickly and uncomfortably but Assange ripped them off again," and that he wouldn't take no for an answer.

Assange and his supporters call the rape investigation political payback.

The Swedish colleague quoted by the Sunday Mail denied the investigation was connected to WikiLeaks, although he added the case was "a golden opportunity" for those wishing to discredit Assange.

Vice President Joe Biden said on "Meet the Press" today that the Justice Department is looking at ways to stop more document releases from WikiLeaks, but he wouldn't elaborate.


NYPOST Comments (15)

  • Report


    12/19/2010 10:26 PM

    Someone will off this guy soon enough. Watch your back.

  • Report


    12/19/2010 10:03 PM

    Dear Sirs,
    The Diem Cable makes Wikileaks look like a third rate burglary!
    Chuck Colson a good guy?
    I have yet to hear of any outrage.
    Clifford Spencer

  • Report


    12/19/2010 6:36 PM

    I do not think he could be HIV unless you can get it from Gerbils and Hamsters, this guy looks like a Grade A pervert!

  • Report


    12/19/2010 3:31 PM

    This guy is an attention-seeking weirdo.
    Everything he ever did was weird.
    Ask his mother and his school-chums.
    He's been weird since the get-go, and he won't live to see a ripe old age

  • Report


    12/19/2010 3:23 PM

    if they didn't want to have sex with him, why did they invite him to sleep in the same bed

  • Report


    12/19/2010 2:46 PM

    Yep, a slimeball. And yep, women are attracted to that.

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