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Joe Biden

Biden: U.S. seeks to halt WikiLeaks

The Vice President claims Assange is more "a high-tech terrorist" than whistleblower

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Joe Biden in the news


Recommended Reads

An Inconvenient Truth Teller
By Holly Bailey and Evan Thomas, Newsweek
An account of Biden's Vice-Presidency as of October 2009. Biden was known in the Senate for being long-winded; however, as Vice-President, he has become more concise and has a penchant for stirring things up by asking pointed questions. True to his reputation, he still makes more than his fair share of gaffes.

Hawk Down
By Michael Crowley, The New Republic
Candidate Joe Biden was an advocate for more troops and a counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan, but as Vice-President, he has doubted that approach.

Biden's Brief
By Ryan Lizza, The New Yorker
Why Obama picked Biden to be Vice-President.

An Everyman on the Campaign Trail, with Perks at Home
By Mike McIntire and Serge F. Kovaleski, The New York Times
Joe Biden was one of the least wealthy Senators, and one of his biggest expenditures was Amtrak tickets for himself, his aides and his consultants.

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