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Year End

Ines Sainz, Sports Reporter Harassed by New York Jets: Where Is She Now?

Dec 17, 2010 – 6:00 PM
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Ines Sainz was just one of a host of people who momentarily grabbed the spotlight in 2010 and dominated a news cycle or two while getting their 15 minutes of fame. In this series, AOL News is checking in on 25 of these newsmakers and giving them a 16th minute.
Mexican sports reporter Ines Sainz is photographed on Sept. 21, 2010.
Hiper Producciones / MCT
Sports reporter Ines Sainz says she's eager to put the Jets scandal behind her.

Ines Sainz Made News in 2010 When She: Grounded the New York Jets in a sexual harassment controversy.

The Full Story: Ines Sainz, a reporter for Mexico's TV Azteca, was covering the New York Jets football team during a Saturday practice on Sept. 11. Curiously, footballs seemed to keep flying her way on the field, and players kept running to retrieve them close to the blond journalist. After practice, she went to the team's locker room for her scheduled interview with quarterback Mark Sanchez. While she was waiting, she heard jokes and rude references about her coming from the players. As she told CBS News' "The Early Show," "I have similar reactions in a different kind of sports. But, never, the vocabulary never so rude." Sainz says that she tried to ignore the behavior, but another reporter heard and complained. An NFL investigation followed and prompted a media controversy. Sainz's outfit -- tight jeans and a white blouse that did little to hide her ample cleavage -- became the center of the debate. "Can 'hottest sports reporter' have it both ways?" asked Mark Kriegel, national columnist for FoxSports.com. Her official website describes Sainz's perspective on the issue: "Ines prides herself on projecting a healthy and positive image."

What's Happened Since? In a letter she wrote to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell in appreciation for his handling of the Jets incident, Sainz defended her style: "I like to look good, but that in no way makes me any less dedicated to the sports journalism world. I'm proud of being a woman and I'm not shy about hiding it. However, this in no way makes me any less of a professional." With prompts from the NFL, the Jets have entered into dialogue with members of the Association for Women in Sports Media. The group's president, Amy Moritz, says, "It is an opportunity to continue our efforts to ensure equal access and equal treatment is standard operating procedure." Sainz has received an offer by Hugh Hefner for a Playboy spread; the married mother of three declined.

In Her Own Words: After a month off, Sainz returned to work in October but said she would no longer do interviews in locker rooms. Sainz told the New York Daily News, "It's not a good place right now for me. I don't want to be there." One of her tweets of Dec. 6, translated from Spanish, reads: "Good morning everyone! I'm still in Los Angeles but I am back! Thank God! Today a couple of meetings, photo shoot tomorrow and ready!"

Video: Roundup of Ines Sainz harassment TV coverage

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Filed under: Year End
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