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Horoscope by Rick Levine, Tarot.com

You may strive to take a center-of-the-road position today because you don't want to create any trouble. You prefer having a position that is easily defensible, but everything you say now seems to provoke conflict, even if you're just trying to make your opinions known. Remember that your plan is merely one way to approach a situation, so grace others with respect, even if their conclusions are different from yours.

Horoscope by Rick Levine, Tarot.com

Horoscope by Rick Levine, Tarot.com

Weekly Love Horoscope

Aquarius Love Forecast for the Week of December 20

Week of December 20th, 2010

The Moon moves through the relationship houses of your chart from Thursday through Sunday, which can attract interesting but complicated people into your world. Be prepared to make adjustments to keep others happy. However, you don't have to respond to unreasonable criticism or try to satisfy someone whose values are too different from your own. Establishing common ground can create a special holiday connection for all involved.

Boost your unique sex appeal to heat things up in the chilly months ahead!

Horoscope by Jeff Jawer, Tarot.com

Monthly Horoscope

Sprint to the Finish Line

This holiday season is busier than most, and you're challenged to enjoy it as much as you wish. The visionary Sagittarius New Moon on December 5 is in your 11th House of Friends and Wishes, encouraging you to share your hopes for the future. There's so much you want to accomplish -- yet you may feel time is running out.

Unfortunately, finding closure won't be easy, for Mercury the Messenger can slow down the pace of interactions as it prepares to turn retrograde on December 10. The communicator planet begins its backward jag in your 12th House of Escape, so you must address issues even if they're unpleasant.

Mercury joins dark Pluto on December 5 and then again on December 13 -- this time along with irrepressible Mars -- forcing you to delve into your subconscious to face your past. It's crucial to eliminate what's no longer working to make room for what's ahead.

Now go beyond 2010 -- prepare for the year ahead with a FREE sample of your 1-year Numerology Forecast!

Horoscope by Jeff Jawer, Tarot.com

Supporting Role

The holiday season is usually a time when career-oriented decisions take a back seat to family events. This may well be the story for you even if you're not occupied with travel or out-of-town guests. The key astrological reasons are that two dynamic planets are moving into the sleepiest part of your chart.

Read the rest of your December Career Horoscope »

Horoscope by Jeff Jawer, Tarot.com

Friends and Lovers

Friends and organizations can be keys to your personal life for the first three weeks of December. The all-powerful Sun is in your 11th House of Pals and Teamwork until December 21, energizing you when you're with more than one person. This could increase your chances of meeting someone as part of a group activity. Whether it's a friend of a friend you connect with socially or an individual you encounter in meeting, there is a good chance for an emotional connection. Your cool exterior may hide the passion you feel so if you're interested in a person, let him or her know about it. It's probably better to say too much or move too fast than to act coy or cagey now. Honesty is honored even if bluntness can rub some folks the wrong way.

Read the rest of your December Love Horoscope »

Horoscope by Jeff Jawer, Tarot.com

About the Sign

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

The symbol for Aquarius is the Water-Bearer, a universal man who is pouring forth water from a jug. This universal man represents the community of mankind. The waters of life flow, like ideas coming from the unrestrained mind. Many people mistakenly think that Aquarius is a water sign, but it is an intellectual air sign. As such, Aquarius can be interested in concepts and ideas. Because of its universality, Aquarius can seem somewhat detached from personal emotions. It's not that you Aquarius don't have feelings; it's just that yours are different from most others. You dance to the beat of a different drummer.



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