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  • Member Since Dec 16th, 2010

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Bride Sues Groom for Leaving Her at the Altar -- To the Tune of $95K {Lemondrop}

Dec 16th 2010 8:55AM Canceling or walking out five days before the wedding day is emotionally distressing; especially after you've put months into planning for this special day. She loved this man and she thought that he loved her. You open yourself up totally when you make the decision to ask someone to marry you, and also when you accept that proposal. He didn't just stand her up for dinner and a movie. He flaked out on their wedding. You put your heart on the line for this person. Reading stories like these have really changed my mine about the institution of marriage. I already have trust issues, this just reaffirms my inability open up to people. Good luck girl. This was just a lesson in life, and hopefully you learned something.

Bride Sues Groom for Leaving Her at the Altar -- To the Tune of $95K {Lemondrop}

Dec 16th 2010 8:38AM I agree with Katie and Married 35 on their respones. It really doesn't matter who asked who because sometimes men get stood up too, but he was there while she was making the arrangements so yes he should be responsible for at least half of the costs incurred. He knew the money she was spending. I mean I think she was kind of nieve for taking on all the cost alone. I would have made his butt take an active part in planning our wedding which he probably did. There is a lot of emotions that go along with planning a wedding. I mean I know she probably said to her self maybe this isn't the right time to get married, or does he really love me. There will be a lot of people who will say that she brought this on herself, but people really shouldn't crucify her for being human. A lot of men will say that her ex-fiance shouldn't have to pay, but they should put themselves in her place.